Posted by [OPEN] POKEMON PIXEL - A Pokemon ARPG Game

AdderBlade (#431090)

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Posted on
2024-05-30 18:46:24

For full disclosure, the concept and initial designs of Pokémon belong to Nintendo and Game Freak. All recolours and designs are created by me, Adderblade. All lineart is also made by me with inspiration from the original designs.

Sprites will look something like this:

This is a Scorbunny owned by The Crazy Giraffe Lady. All sprites are 200x200pixels.

ALL designs are unique, unless they are turned down. Please note that 1000 = 1 .
To play, please fill out the following form:

ID: (optional)
I consent to Pokémon Pixel's concepts: Yes

After signing up, you will then get the option to pick a starter. You MUST pick a starter to proceed, but you can reroll and take your time to pay for a Starter. The first reroll will cost 500 , the second will cost 1000, the third will cost 1500, and so forth. To claim a starter it will be 1 . All starters will begin at level 5. Please continue reading if you are interested.

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Edited on 31/05/24 @ 22:21:50 by AdderBlade (#431090)

AdderBlade (#431090)

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Posted on
2024-05-30 18:46:49

Pokemon Pixel Functions
Pokemon Pixel, after the initial buy of your starter, uses the currency named Shards. This essentially makes the game optionally free to play after the initial purchase with optional pay to gain options. You can get Shards from exploring, finishing quests, battles, studding, or selling Pokémon directly.

1 Shard = 100 , and 10 Shards = 1 . Keep that in mind! Send me a gift of the SB with the message "For Shards in Pokemon Pixel" and it will immediately be added to your balance once I see and receive it. For every 100 shards purchased, you will gain 10 extra shards. (110 total.) That's 1 of value right there! Again, all purchases CAN be made without paying for shards, after the initial starter, with a few exceptions.

There is a shop to buy pokeballs and healing items. Pokeballs are a direct 100/150/200 % chance - the health of a Pokemon, and a Pokemon needs health to function healthily. Pokemon Centers are a thing, but are very expensive and cost 70 Shards with each use, but fully heal and revive all party members. View the Shop and Pokemon Center below.

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AdderBlade (#431090)

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Posted on
2024-05-30 18:47:15

General Store
Poke Ball : 100-Hp of the pokemon % chance of catching - 5 Shards (For example if a rival pokemon has 8 HP left, there would be a 92% chance of catching it.)
Great Ball : 150-Hp of the Pokemon % chance of catching - 8 Shards
Ultra Ball : 200-HP of the Pokemon % chance of catching - 12 Shards
Master Ball : Guaranteed Catch - 20 Shards

Potion - Heals 20 HP - 2 Shards
Super Potion - Heals 60 HP - 5 Shards
Hyper Potion - Heals 120 HP - 8 Shards
Max Potion - Heals 100% HP - 12 Shards
Cure - Heals One Status Condition - 5 Shards
Revive - Heals 1/2 HP and revives Pokémon - 10 Shards
Max Revive - Heals Full HP and revives Pokémon - 15 Shards

Health Up - HP goes up by 1 point - 3 Shards
Attack Up - Attack goes up by 1 point - 3 Shards
Defense Up - Defense goes up by 1 point - 3 Shards
Special Attack Up - Special Attack goes up by 1 point - 3 Shards
Special Defense Up - Special Defense goes up by 1 point - 3 Shards
Speed Up - Speed goes up by 1 point - 3 Shards
Buy five 'ups' of any combination - 10 Shards

Pokemon Center: Heals and Revives six pokemon - 70 Shards

To buy an item, fill out the following form:
Item Buying:
Payment: Shards or SB (1 shard = 100 SB)

To use the Pokemon Center, fill out the following form:
Healing which Pokemon?:
Payment Method: Shards or SB

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Edited on 02/06/24 @ 15:21:54 by AdderBlade (#431090)

AdderBlade (#431090)

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Posted on
2024-05-30 18:47:31

Exploring and Battling
To explore, fill out the following form:
Pokemon: (up to six, minimum one)

Exploring will result in me messaging you directly. You will be given one of three results- a battle, an item, or nothing. There is a 50% chance of nothing happening, a 40% chance of a battle, and a 10% chance of an item. If nothing happens, you move on. If a battle is chosen, a random opponent will be selected. If an item is given, a random item will be given to you. Battles get harder the longer you explore, items get better as well- but if you're in a battle you CANNOT FLEE.


Battling is a simplified version of the games mechanics. When a pokemon begins its life (at level one) it will have 4d6 in every stat- health, attack, sp. attack, defense, sp. defense, and speed. Health will gain an extra +20 in that stat. Then, with each level it gains, it will randomly gain a new stat. Unlike in the games, pokemon do not max out in level.

Battles work with attacks going like this: (attack or special attack + moves power) subtract 2(opponents defense or special defense). The total will subtract from the targets HP.

A Pokemon that faints, if not owned by another trainer, can be caught despite it being fainted. They don't just vanish, after all.

Experience needed is 100 x level to level up. For example, a level 50 pokemon will need 5,000 experience to level up. When a pokemon faints in a battle, the Pokemon that caused it to faint will receive the Pokemon's level x 50. (A level 50 pokemon that faints will give 2500 experience).

All battles happen in our messages. All experience and health is documented as well while a fight happens, and after a battle, is updated on the post below.

Fainted pokemon cannot explore, be sold, be stud out, or be traded. Once they are revived, they can do these things again.

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Edited on 01/06/24 @ 15:35:35 by AdderBlade (#431090)

AdderBlade (#431090)

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Posted on
2024-05-30 18:48:06

Keeping Track

47268 - The Crazy Giraffe Lover

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Edited on 03/06/24 @ 15:09:09 by AdderBlade (#431090)

AdderBlade (#431090)

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Posted on
2024-05-30 18:48:20

Reserved: Breeding

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AdderBlade (#431090)

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Posted on
2024-05-30 18:48:29
posting is open!

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Seiden 👑 (#31516)

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Posted on
2024-05-31 07:22:42
I'd like to roll for starters !

Username: Seiden
ID: (optional) 31516
I consent to Pokémon Pixel's concepts: Yes

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AdderBlade (#431090)

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Posted on
2024-05-31 11:49:24
You rolled three random starters: Popplio, Squirtle, and Torchic!

Would you like to reroll for 500 or claim a starter for 1 ? If you don't have the on hand right now, you can reserve a design now and pay later to gain rights to it (until you pay you cannot play Pokemon Pixel). If you don't claim the design, there is a chance it'll be reused for another players starter roll!

Once you select, it'll be transferred to a 200x200 canvas!

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Edited on 31/05/24 @ 22:21:13 by AdderBlade (#431090)

TheCrazyGiraffeLady (#47268)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-05-31 12:55:41
Seems like fun x
Rolling for starter please ^^

Username: TCGL
ID: 47268
I consent to Pokémon Pixel's concepts: Yes

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Vero (#249644)

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Posted on
2024-05-31 15:53:58
I'd love to roll for starters!

Username: Vero
ID: 249644
I consent to Pokémon Pixel's concepts: Yes

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ide) (#239325)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2024-05-31 17:40:47
.... Okay, I'll bite 👀

Username: NinjaFeline
ID: #230484 or #239325 (Please use the second one if it's for anything with DMs! I have no space in my main one 😭
I consent to Pokémon Pixel's concepts: Yes!

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AdderBlade (#431090)

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Posted on
2024-05-31 20:13:52
ill get to rolling/drawing these starters soon! our alter, adder, is the one doing pixel art! im light and unfortunately have NO clue what I'm doing with pixels. thank you for your patience! :D

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Coyote | G1 RLC (#244827)

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Posted on
2024-05-31 20:19:58
Hi! I'd like to roll for starters ^^
Username: Coyote
ID: 244827
I consent to Pokémon Pixel's concepts: Yes

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AdderBlade (#431090)

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Posted on
2024-05-31 21:08:52
@Giraffe Lady
You rolled three random starters: Treecko, Scorbunny, and Rowlet!

Would you like to reroll for 500 or claim a starter for 1 ? If you don't have the on hand right now, you can reserve a design now and pay later to gain rights to it (until you pay you cannot play Pokemon Pixel). If you don't claim the design, there is a chance it'll be reused for another players starter roll!

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AdderBlade (#431090)

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Posted on
2024-05-31 21:23:10
considering making these non-pixelated- they'd probably look better. what does everyone else think? ^^
If you claim a pixelized version you can have the option to transfer it over of course, free of charge.

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