Posted by Nesting Items
Vixen (#478350)

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Posted on
2024-06-01 16:35:54
Still very new to this game and noticed a variety of nesting items. I wasn't sure if they go bad like carcasses or if they do different things. Any help is appreciated

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Mariposa (#476642)

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Posted on
2024-06-01 16:41:46
No nesting items last forever until you’re ready to use them.

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Equagga|G2 Vagabond
Splash (#105402)

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Posted on
2024-06-01 16:44:33
They don't go bad, you can stockpile them to your heart's content! All of them work the same for nesting your lionesses, they just have different numbers of uses. So, you need 6 buchu to nest one lioness but only 2 honey bush.

Where they really differ is what can be crafted from them. Most of the items that can be used for nesting can also be used to craft- if you click on the 'decor crafting' banner in Monkey Business you can look at everything that can be made, check the recipes of what you like, and decide if you would rather keep the items needed to make it for that purpose instead of using them for nesting.

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Shadow (Main) (#73284)

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Posted on
2024-06-01 16:49:54
the only item that expires is food items. Everything else stays forever.

So there are a couple things:

Nesting Matieral - Last forever and can only be used for Nests.

Feathers - Can be used to craft, used for nests and used for amusement items.

A few other items that can be used for nests are the following:

Hyrax Fur -
Aardwolf Tail -
Red Squirrel Tail -
Serval Tail -
Abandoned Nest -
White Lion Pelt -

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