Posted by Jaglion Prep?

eel [clean khnum
10xBO] (#296562)

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Posted on
2024-06-04 13:57:03
With the advent of jaglions very near on the horizon, I want to know how we're preparing for it!

When tigons released there was that boost for we think that's gonna happen again? I'm thinking I might heritage rep my king to a groupie and start bulking my pride with ncls so I can try for a first gen g2 hybrid :0

I've also stocked on lion meat and have a few GMO cows saved from past years...

I want to hear what y'all's plans are! Is there anything I'm missing? How is everyone preparing? Do we think jags will drop immediately or do we think there will be encounters first like with tigons? I want to hear everything :)

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End. | G1 4x BO + 3x
ROS Ebony (#224278)

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Posted on
2024-06-20 08:08:40
I’ve got like 150ish gb stored away, 7 cows, 19 lion meats, and 20 red bulls that I initially bought for February. The only thing I’m lacking in is buffies (I’ve only got 7), but I’m really hoping that there’s a boost so I can at least not go fully broke if I end up not getting a G1 :,)

I’ve also been mass breeding for a primal pass rate project, so hopefully I’ll still be able to continue that as normal lol

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NorthBound (G2
Ennedi Moss) (#104248)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2024-06-21 19:58:24
I feel like i'm overprepping for this omg. I got to participate in the tigon event but didn't have the experience I have now in order to properly prepare.

I'm doing a 10 lioness experiment banking on the boost method that was introduced when the tigon event started. I'm going to be replacing my current king (keeping looks) but in turn doing the triple threat of heritage, mut, and stat replacing. She'll be clean heritageless ticked with some BO markings in case the girlies decide to pass anything else interesting in terms of mutations besides a jag or two.

Each lady in my plan will have the following applied to the breeding: CRB (crb ncl preferred so if I need to buy them I will), Opal Saltlick, Rock Salt, Buffy, GMO Cow, Black Stallion, Hyena Meat, IBF, and boost.
The full plan is to lower fertility completely on a crb ncl, use the salts, cow for mutation chance, Buffy for multiples, stallion for ensured pregnancy, with boost for jag chance before using IBF to complete the cycle. (try saying all of that five times fast )

I've got spare meat pies saved from my birthday to hopefully make finding boosts a tad quicker.
Ladies will be bred as I can find boosts which may mean a bit of time between the 10 litters.

A lot of hard work but hopefully I'll see some great things out of it. I've always said that everything I put into this game I see given back in one way or another <3
Lots of love and well wishes to all on your own jaglion preparations as well!!!

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