Posted by Lion Hyperlinks for Studding/Items/etc

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-06-15 09:15:40
As someone who plays this game and breeds lions (lol) I think it'd be handy to include lion hyperlinks in the banners that appear when sending stud requests or using items, as well as some other things I am probably forgetting.

The following banner images are:
Attempting to send a stud request with a hungry lioness.
Successfully sending a stud request.
Using an opal saltlick.

> This lioness cannot be more than 50% hungry to breed!

> You have successfully sent a stud request to this user for this lioness. You'll be refunded if they reject your request.
> You have successfully sent a stud request to this user. You'll be refunded if they reject your request. View stud requests
> You have successfully sent a stud request to this user for this lioness. You'll be refunded if they reject your request. View stud requests

> Your lion enjoys gnawing on a new toy. It tastes a bit funny, but the salt is now gone, and their tongue is all rainbow. Blaaaah!


My other suggestions:
Masterpost here

This suggestion has 69 supports and 1 NO support.

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Octavia (#2201)

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Posted on
2024-07-21 05:09:01
Often when I'm on Lioden, I will have multiple windows open to help stay organized and not get all my tabs mixed up. So, having hyperlinks like this would be so helpful!

In your studding request example, I think the third option that includes two hyperlinks is the best option. More information/options would be especially helpful for new players and would also be a time saver for more experienced players. Great idea

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