Posted by The Ferret Burrow [Interactive]

Simi (#269711)

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Posted on
2024-06-15 10:05:38

Welcome to the Ferret Burrow!

Will you be the one to join the business next?

slowly revamping things, but I'm active again :) gonne be small changes here and there


Big thank you and credits for the idea to the Snail Shack!

Also check out the Snake Place, The Horse Hut, Little Rascals Rattery, The Frog Pond, Ginger's Birb Nest, the Worm-Hole and the Wasp Nest!

You see a small snake-cat looking hybrid and decide to investigate. It's head tilts, trying to decide if you're dangerous. When you almost reach it, it quickly darts into a hole. Intrigued, and a little hurt, you try to follow it. There's a sign next to the hole that reads The Ferret Burrow
Ah, so that's what the little thing was

It's surprisingly spacious after you crawl through the tunnel. A lion looks up and greets you with the ferret from before sitting on his head
"Welcome to our burrow! Would you like to become part of the family business?"

Amethyst Night(#434947) was offering some YCHs for the ferrets! Not sure if the offer still stands, if you're interested just pm her quickly ^^
100sb for normal ferrets, 150 for muties that require line edits
Here's the shops mascot in her style! :]
Her toyhouse aswell: clicky here


If you already have a ferret, and take them with you, you'll get an additional 5% chance of finding a special/mutated ferret! (So for example, instead of 10%, your chances will now be 15%)



You see multiple items behind the lion on a shelf. The ferret almost knocks a bottle over.
"I can go out myself and find you a ferret that fits your dreams, though only for a price. I won't just wander around for free!"

Pirate's Cove

Inside the burrow, as you're walking through the tunnels, you see one you haven't entered yet. It's got little torch lights on the walls, illuminating the narrow space.
You shield your eyes from the sun when you make it into a very open cave like place. There's a ship in the water, currently being tied down. You jump as a voice suddenly speaks next to you..

Ad: Welcome to the Ferret Burrow! Would you like to join the Family Business?

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Edited on 04/08/24 @ 09:11:25 by Simi (#269711)

⭐ ely [#1 hamilton
liker] (#470836)

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Posted on
2024-06-19 14:20:00
goom u don't need to you already have 100%

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DeformedGoomba (#259999)

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Posted on
2024-06-19 14:24:22
black magic is my ride or die ferret

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⭐ ely [#1 hamilton
liker] (#470836)

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Posted on
2024-06-19 14:25:21
real I love marble

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Aspen (#291733)

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Posted on
2024-06-19 15:01:51
Hi! Do you take items as payment? If so can I pm you with a list of apps I have?

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Fox [ankh G2 tri
ros] (#433375)

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Posted on
2024-06-19 18:37:33
I'd like to name my siren cub, Salmon! :) (after the fish, not the color.)

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Simi (#269711)

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Posted on
2024-06-19 21:32:10
Hey Aspen, yes I do! I go off of branch prices, but I'm pretty flexible :] send me the list and I'm sure there'll be something that catches my eyes! ^^
Updating the names!
Also every ferret from yesterday will be out in a minute or two, just gotta format them :D

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Simi (#269711)

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Posted on
2024-06-19 21:57:05
@ely You and Goomba head out to this abandoned looking place, thinking you'll have a cool new hangout spot. Instead the strong, burning smell of chemicals fills your nose. You wouldn't want that to spread, what if it'll make you and your prides sick? Inside, you find locked cages filled with little animals, rabbits to ferrets.

The lab being deemed dangerous from the start, you leave Marble outside and tell them to be careful and not to wander off. After the whole breakout fiasco, you search around for Marble. They come running with someone in tow!

@Goomba After entering the shady looking space, you tell ely you're gonna split up and go down a different corridor. You didn't want to say it was because Black Magic had run off there, as they were not even supposed to come in here. You whisper-yell for them to come back, but then you find them with a ferret, grooming their fur.

Let me know if, and what, you'll be naming them! :DD

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Simi (#269711)

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Posted on
2024-06-19 22:40:22
Hey guys! Just a heads up, I'm on a school trip today and will only be back around 8am, lioden time(I'm 9h ahead )
If there are any question, I'll periodically be checking in here so that's no problem, I just won't be able to make more ferrets
Have a great day/night you all!!

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✦ Amethyst Night

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Posted on
2024-06-20 03:25:47
Hi guys! I asked in advance and Simi says it’s okay for offer this here!

I drew up a cute ferret base for mine and I’m offering to do base fills with it. 100 sb for normal ferrets, 150 for mutations like overgrown teeth and fur (ones that require line edits).

Here’s my example (I’m learning coding right now for forums, so for now here’s a link to my Toyhouse)
My Toyhouse

Pm me if interested so they don’t get lost here 💜

Enjoy your trip!

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Edited on 20/06/24 @ 06:00:38 by ✦ Amethyst Night ✦ (#451030)

Fox [ankh G2 tri
ros] (#433375)

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Posted on
2024-06-20 05:51:41
I'd like to snatch another ferret from the lab, and try exploring the mountainsides please!! >:D

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DeformedGoomba (#259999)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2024-06-20 06:09:13
mine shall be named broom

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Simi (#269711)

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Posted on
2024-06-20 06:16:05
Fox I'll do the rolls when I'm home!! On the train atm :]
Gonna do the owner sheet though!!

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⭐ ely [#1 hamilton
liker] (#470836)

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Posted on
2024-06-20 06:47:15
could i name the angora one mink and the dwarf opalite?

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Simi (#269711)

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Posted on
2024-06-20 06:47:57
Mhm! Updating it

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⭐ ely [#1 hamilton
liker] (#470836)

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Posted on
2024-06-20 06:48:18

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