Posted by Crunching the Jaglion day 2 numbers...

Jellyfish G4 (#177429)

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Posted on
2024-07-01 10:34:26
In other words, I like to inflict math on myself.

But, few givens before we get on:
- Assuming by the " The adventure will take a few rollovers to finish." that the devs intended it to take a few days to complete, especially since they recommend having females in heat at the start of it.
- Going to be pulling data from this thread, from those that don't have the 1000/1000 steps since it doesn't show how many they've taken over that.
- Assuming that each "step" takes 2 energy, evening out -3, -1 & the occasional +15/+4 encounters.
- Assuming no fights.
- Assuming all energy is used during an "active" period.
- No energy boosts other than enclave & free boost.
- 12 hour "active" period for those who can check in during that time and not let energy fully refill, since people need to sleep and have other commitments.
- I don't check chat or forums often and mainly only see what's on the main news post. So if someone was answering questions in the chat or in comments of the news post, I don't see it.

Annnnd now let's get into the numbers!

Assuming a 12hr "active" period where energy isn't allowed to fully refill, let's see how much energy that is...
12 hours/active day * 4 ticks/hour * 15 energy/tick = 720 energy/active day.
Adding in the boosts mentioned above, that's 160, so a grand total of... 880 energy/active day.

With the 2 energy/step mentioned above, that comes out to... 880 energy/active day / 2 energy/step = 440 step/active day.

Moving on to the numbers in the thread:
9,526 total steps & 119 total encounters.
Using this, we can figure out average encounter/step: 119 encounter/9,526 step = 0.0125 encounters/step. [rounded to three sigfigs]

Now let's tie these two together and get average encounters/active day!
440 step/active day * 0.0125 encounters/step = 5.5 encounters/active day.

All in all, with 50 encounters, that means that the day 2 quest would be done in ~9 days. Week & 2 days.

In conclusion: Unless you use a ton of energy boosting items, it is not possible to complete in "a few rollovers" as said in the annc post, as a normal player.('normal' is doing a lot of heavy lifting! Not accounting for people who have jobs where they can't check in every ~hour to drain energy.) And you don't want lions to be in heat when you start, since they'll just go out of heat by the time you complete it.

I know that this is once in a blue moon boost ect ect, but if it was going to take a week+, they should've said that on the announcement post. Not "A few rollovers."

If anyone has any more data let me know so I can figure out a better average! Only looking at steps less than 1000.

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amelia! (#471642)

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Posted on
2024-07-01 18:23:01
I feel like with the encounters being so hard to get it makes it hard for new player or players who can't afford ridiculous amounts of energy boosts to get the jaglion boosts. They will eventually get it but it feels less fair, especially since jags sell for so much early on! this means the people who can afford the assets to get them are just the rich getting richer. this might be completely out of line though im not really sure, it just feels a little unfair from my point of view! but obviously the people who spend a lot on the game deserve to be compensated!

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