Posted by Rare Items from hunting/patrolling?

G1 NOMAD ENNEDI (#245285)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-07-02 11:09:54
This will be much better organized once I have the chance- im on mobile rn

It seems quite a few people share the sentiment that patrolling is not a very useful feature, unless you have a heir that you want to stat boost. So I had an idea to make it more useful!! (Or at least more fun?)

What if your lion had a VERY VERY low chance of finding a rare item when patrolling?
I was thinking stuff like Leopard tails, lion meats, Buffalo scrotums, instant cub deliveries, and other things!
This could also introduce a new thing of flavor text for patrolling, potentially. For example;

"[Insert lion name] has returned with a large hunk of meat, which on closer inspection ends up being another lions front leg! When asked about the origins of the meat, [insert lion name] explains that there was a stubborn lone male who refused to leave the territory. Needles to say, they won't be coming around anymore." +1 lion meat

Or, for Leopard tail;

"[Insert lion name] approaches you with a smug look and a long, spotted tail hanging from his jaws. He explains that he caught a Leopard flirting with some of your prides lionesses, and took matters into his own hands." +1 Leopard tail

This could also apply to hunting, with lionesses bringing back items. Maybe for them it'd be more prey based rewards, like Buffalo scrotums, great tits, even hyena meat!

This would likely be an entirely rng based feature, with chances being equal to or less than 1% in order to not completely trash the market.

This is just a silly idea I had, flavor text suggestions and general adjustments would be greatly appreciated!!

If you don't support, please explain why, I very much appreciate criticism!!

This suggestion has 211 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Edited on 02/07/24 @ 11:11:56 by 🩸—Brutus| G2 LEO FISSURE (#245285)

giljuk (#367920)

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Posted on
2025-01-03 12:09:00
I honestly don't have an opinion about this but I'm pretty sure IBFs can already be obtained in explode

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Posted on
2025-01-03 12:10:05
I love this idea! It would get me to use my submales more that's for sure

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(he/him) (#453859)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2025-01-03 12:27:59
building on what [carolina! :D 26/50
bundles (#437597)] said, I think rare items should be only available with spef personalities!
evils personalities would get LM, lioscrots, hyena meat, things like that.
kind and good personalities would get IBF's, Hornbill Majordomo, leopard orchid, etc
neutral personalities would get karma and exp items, red bulls, red cock, leopard tail, etc.
this would include event exclusive items, only during events when they are also available in event shops (such as crunchies) :) and like you (Brutus) said, the chances would be extremely low, less than 1% depending on the item (such as scrots, lion/hyena meat, etc).

a flavour text idea:
"is that... is that a bird in [lion name]'s mouth? It's still alive! when [lion name] lets it go, it flies over to a cub."

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