Posted by Offering items for GB!

Aisueey (#205311)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-05 08:26:44
Hello there, people

I seem to have gotten in a little trouble during my mut rep, and I am in need of 15GB ASAP.

I have some stuff that I am avaible to sell, and they're mostly in my trades but I can also list them here:

Grullo app (usually for 24GB) can sell for 15GB (I will also give unlimited full stud refunds if you buy this)

CD: Lavish mane(onyx) for 10GB

Backgrounds: Analamera(2GB), Abandoned Cementery(100sb), Flowering pond(3GB), Dark forest(1GB), Demonic Depths(24GB), Rain shelter(3GB), Snow-covered hut(1GB)

Arctic Crevasse for 7GB

Even after I'll get the 15GB needed I might keep this post for other eventual stuff that I can sell so you can subscribe and get updated on the new restock

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FloralPride (#356463)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2024-07-05 08:37:00
I’m willing to trade for sure. Dm me and we can chat about it

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