Posted by SOLD

🩷🖤💙🩵 (#267769)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-14 02:55:08
I am selling 12 of my Jaglion Boosts!

Selling Each Boost for 17
I will also take offers, if you just PM me your offer, as i don't want to clutter this post, thank you.

Things i require:
- IBF (Instant birth feather) (My space do be kinda limited sorry ^^;)
- In heat Lioness/s
- Nesting Material
(IF you cannot provide an IBF, THATS OKAY! I can hold onto the lioness until she's given birth, and send her and her cubs right back to you! <3)

I will hand over the Lioness and Cub/s when the lioness has given birth, i do not claim any ownership over any Lioness(s)/Cub(s).

Please be sure to put your ID in her bio or name, as i am quite forgetful.

I do not offer refunds, as the Jaglion Boost does not guarantee a Jaglion.
This is a First come First serve.

About my king:
He's a CLEAN G5 Ferus. If you receive a Ferus cub within your litter instead of a Jaglion, i apologize if its not what you want!

Please fill the small Forum Below!:
ID (player):
# Of Boosts:
Total GB amount:
Lioness amount:

1: Player: #461718
2: Player: #461718
3: Player: #152181
4: Player: #152181
5: Player: #152181
6: Player: #152181
7: Player: #152181
8: Player: #152181
9: Player: #152181
10: Player: #152181
11: Player: #152181
12: Player: #152181

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Edited on 15/07/24 @ 13:28:20 by 🦖Slinky🦖❤️🩷🖤💙🩵 (#267769)

r★✨️ (#461718)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-14 17:52:26
Hi! Could I reserve one boost for 7 days from now?(lioness isn't in heat yet!) I can provide an ibf!

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r★✨️ (#461718)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-14 18:11:26
I forgot the form:(

ID : 461718
# : 2
Total GB : 36, including both 17s and ibf!
Lioness : 2
(One will be in 3 days the other in 7!)

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🩷🖤💙🩵 (#267769)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-14 18:41:18
@461718 Sure thing! I put ya up for reservations <3

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