Posted by ..Renella..'s Jag Heat 2025

Di | G2 Nether! (#350449)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-20 08:07:29

FEB 2025!

Hello and welcome! 

I'm offering barked heats on ..Renella.. , my very own Hybrid that I had breed myself using the jag boost, 1/8 out of 20. I had gotten her July 9th, of 2024!

She is G2 (First Gen) Horus Based  Jaglion and very very clean!

Base is changable but you must provide the original Horus base +plus your own!

Interested? Lets talk!


Full Litter? 
- Fee: 120 HS (2 Buffys) *OR* 24GB (Price is still ongoing)
- All cubs are yours!

Split Litter? 
- Fee: 90 HS (1 Buffy+ 1Gop) *OR* 12GB (price is still ongoing)
- First cub is your choice, second cub is my choice,
third is yours, fourth is mine.

Required Items for all HEATS!
- 20x Yohimbe Bark
- Instant Cub Delivery
- 1x+ Aging Stone for each cub you wish to keep
- Stud fee if not using my stud (see below for details)

Strongly recommended items:
- Buffalo Scrotum or Grain of Paradise

Optional items:
- Crunchy Worm (costs additional 10 )
- Ochre Gnawrock (costs additional 3 )
- GMO Cow or Lion Meat (be sure to read the Important Note below please!)
- Ochre Saltlick (no additional cost)
- Opal Saltlick (no additional cost)

- Traditional studding only
- No CRBs
- No barkless heats
- No heats after Aphrodisia has ended (while "no" should mean "no", barked heats only could still be done but you will pay extra!) 
- IF doing item payment, it must be sent first! Not last or during! But all items must be sent before I begin your breeding!

My King (atm) , ..Soka.. may be used at no additional cost! 

He's a G2 Nether! with 7m! 

If, choosing not to use him, you must provide stud fee for use of any other studs. Additionally, other buyers wishing to use my stud will be served first unless your chosen stud is online and actively responding to us.
This is intended to minimize wait times for everyone as much as possible :)

You may pre-pay and send the required items early if you like! I'll keep track of everything. If you change your mind and wish to cancel your heat request, I'll return all items and payment in full, no questions asked.


1 #134347 Chrischristmas|G2 Nacre Ferus

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Edited on 04/01/25 @ 20:40:38 by Di | G2 Nether! (#350449)

Di | G2 Nether! (#350449)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-20 08:07:42
Hello! I am just taking reservations on my Jaglion I had gotten! This is for Feb 2025, the date starting is not set! nor is the price!

You can still reserve a slot still!

The slots are for the order imma see you once everything is set and she is ready to begin barking!

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Edited on 20/07/24 @ 10:59:43 by Di | G1 Khnum (#350449)

Di | G2 Nether! (#350449)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-20 08:07:48

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