Posted by Complete Hybrid Breeding Guide

Lucifer 🩸 g1
Orchid RLC (#175256)

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Posted on
2024-07-21 04:20:13

Complete Hybrid Breeding Guide

This guide aims to help you understand what hybrids are, the different types, and how to breed them. Let's get started!

What are hybrids?

Hybrids are result of your lionesses breeding with males of another species. Currently there are three types of hybrid mutations: Tigons, Leopons, and Jaglions.

What is a first generation hybrid?

It's critical to understand what a first gen hybrid is as they function differently from their non-first gen counterparts when it comes to breeding.

First generation hybrids are hybrids whose mothers are either NOT a hybrid or NOT the same hybrid as them. In most cases, they are born to ordinary lionesses.

- First generation Jaglions and Leopons will always have an "Unknown" father, while first generation Tigons always descend from an NPC tiger named Ashkarn.
- First gens will also always be denoted within the mutation field on their page, e.g. "Jaglion (First Generation)", "Leopon (First Generation)", and "Tigon (First Generation)".

There are two main ways to breed a hybrid; I will explain the pros and cons of both ways, and you will decide which to take.

1. First Gen Breeding

Did you know that every single breeding you do has a chance of producing a first generation hybrid? That's because first gens are considered a Random Mutation. Random mutations can spontaneously appear without either parent being mutated, e.g. bobbed tail, folded ears, some AMPs, and even lethals. Now of course, the chances of you getting a first gen hybrid from a random breeding are incredibly low, but there are ways to increase those odds.

For this method, you will need to use breeding items that increase the chances of Random Mutations: this includes Cotton Root Barks, Lion Meat, and GMO Cows.

- CRBs are the cheapest and most commonly used item for this method. They cost 1 GB in the Oasis (or you could get lucky and find a CRB'd NCL in explore) and give a small chance of producing mutated offspring. They also stack with the other two items as long as you use the CRB first.
- Lion Meat is the second option for this method. They can be purchased from January's event shops, bought from the Gorilla Enclave, or even given as a reward for the "Claim 50 Lionesses" quest. They give a moderate chance of producing mutated offspring.
- Lastly is the GMO Cow. GMO Cows give the greatest chance of producing mutated offspring, but they are expensive and can only be purchased from the September event shop.

If for whatever reason you can not or do not want to use items, then your next best bet would be to breed lionesses with as low fertility levels as possible. The lower a lioness's fertility, the higher her odds are of producing mutations. Keep in mind though that these odds are extremely low.

Most players attempting this method do CRB Projects. CRB projects refer to mass breeding a large amount of lionesses, usually NCLs, under the effect of Cotton Root Barks at the same. These mass breedings can range anywhere from 5 to 500 lionesses.

- First gen hybrids have an increased chance of passing their mutation. First gen female hybrids have a 10% chance per cub to produce a hybrid, whereas subsequent generations (second and onwards) have a 5% chance per cub.
- First gens are incredibly valuable because of this. If you manage to breed one, you could sell its heats or even the hybrid itself for a hefty sum of GB.
- CRB projects can be fun- you never know what you're going to get.

- This method is not cheap. Lion Meats and GMO Cows are too costly for mass breeding and CRBs are only worth it using in large quantities.
- The mutation chances from CRBs is very low. Some players have used hundreds of them before every getting anything worthwhile.
- Piebalds and Patches roll before CRBs in the Mutation Roll Order, meaning whatever mutation you could have gotten from the CRB could be lost to a pie/patches pass.

Overall I would NOT recommend this method to new players or players wanting to get a hybrid fast. However, if you're looking for a challenge, breeding a first gen is one of the biggest achievements a Lioden player can accomplish!

2. Breeding From Other Hybrids

All female (non-first gen) hybrids have a 5% chance of passing their mutation. There is NO item that straight up increases this chance; there is, however, the humble Buffalo Scrotum.

Buffalo Scrotums guarantee a minimum of 3 cubs in a litter. Because the hybrid passing chance applies to each cub in a litter, more cubs means more chances of the pass to work. They can be purchased from the February and August event shops.

Buffalo Scrotums are the ONLY "necessary" item when breeding a hybrid. No Lion Meats, no Pennyroyals, no Lion Scrotums, none of these other things will improve the chance of a hybrid passing her mutation. Grain of Paradise is another item that increases the number of cubs in a litter, although it only guarantees 2 instead of 3.

Now some of you might be thinking "how am I supposed to breed a hybrid when I don't have one?" and the answer is you don't need to- other players are always selling hybrid heats year round.

2.5 Mini Hybrid Heat Buying Guide

Most players sell their hybrid heats in the Reverse Breeding forums, although some people raffle them off in Raffles. Their prices vary depending on the female's base, markings, heritage, etc..

You will often have the option to choose between a Full Heat or a Split Heat. Split heats mean you and the heat seller split the litter; you pick the cub you want the most first, then they pick a cub, then you, back and forth until all cubs are claimed. If you only care about getting a hybrid, I recommend doing a split heat because they are cheaper and the chances of multiple hybrids appearing in one litter are very low.

Another option you might have to choose between is Barked or Unbarked/Natural Heats. Barked heats require you to provide 20x Yohimbe Barks; Yohimbe Barks reduce a lioness' breeding cooldown by one day, so with 20 a lioness can be bred multiple times in the same day. Barked heats are very popular in February because the Feb event shop sells them. Because they don't age or take away hybrid's natural heats, many people sell barked split heats for free. Personally, I only recommend buying barked heats outside of February if the hybrid is a first gen and/or the heat is free. Otherwise you're better off selling those Yohimbe Barks.

- Much more reliable than attempting to breed a first gen from a CRB project.
- Heats are very cheap, or even free, during February. Many players freeze their first gens and breed them only for this month.
- The hybrid owner will be very grateful lol.

- Dirty hybrid heats usually sell for cheaper so you will have to decide if clean breeding is really worth it.
- You may not have the breeding items on hand, and out of season Buffalo Scrotums and Yohimbe Barks cost a decent bit more than in season.
- Although the chances are better than CRBs, there is a still a chances you can buy multiple heats and have them all fail

Now that I've explained the two main ways of obtaining a hybrid, let me tell you about the secret third way: just buy one.

Like you could just buy one. Right now. Go to the Trading Center. Clean pons are like less than 100 GB. The economy is in shambles. Money isn't real. Just go.

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Edited on 05/02/25 @ 18:46:32 by Lucifer 🩸 g1 Orchid RLC (#175256)

Lucifer 🩸 g1
Orchid RLC (#175256)

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Posted on
2024-07-21 04:20:49

How To Use Your Jaglion Boost

This section will give some briefs pointers on how to use your Jaglion Boost so that you don't waste resources unnecessarily. I HIGHLY recommend you to read the entire Invasion of Spots official news post; it covers everything you need to know about the boosts.

1. The first and most important thing to keep in mind is that mutation items do NOT stack with boosts.
- This means that CRBs, Lion Meat, and GMO Cows used in combination with the boost will not increase the boost's chances of producing a Jaglion. Instead, the item and the boost will roll separately, and if they happen to trigger on the same cub then the boost will be prioritized.
- Technically this doesn't mean you can't use these items, since you aren't at risk of losing the Jaglion, but you are at risk of losing whatever other mutation could've been produced by the item (which includes lethals and other first gens!).

2. Second most important thing to remember is that the boost only rolls on the first cub of the litter.
- This means that items that increase the size of the litter do not affect the odds of the boost working. Doesn't matter if the litter is 1 cub or 4 cubs, it's all the same.
- Please do not waste Buffalo Scrotums/Grains of Paradise on this.

3. Third most important thing to understand is that first generation Jaglions work differently than other first generation hybrids in that the father's genetics do matter.
- Unlike first gen Tigons and Leopons, first gen Jaglions do not have an exclusive base that is forced on them at birth. Their bases are determined like any other lion, which means they could have raffle, event, or even combo based first gen Jags.
- Markings, however, do NOT matter. Don't bother wasting your time looking for pretty chaseds.

With all this in mind, what kind of lionesses should you use your boosts on?

I recommend regular NCLs and Chaseds. Reason being is you want to keep your first gen Jaglion as low gen as possible. It increases their value and makes it easier to avoid inbreeding down the road (if that is something you care about). The markings of the lioness do not matter as the only marking that will appear on the Jag is its hybrid exclusive marking Phantom Rosette.

Hope this little guide helped and good luck with the breeding!

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Edited on 21/07/24 @ 15:08:48 by Lucifer 🩸 g1 Orchid RLC (#175256)

G2 Harlequin Panther (#60562)

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Posted on
2024-07-24 10:41:38
Thank you for this!

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SaruCharmed (#83857)

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Posted on
2024-10-05 21:54:21
If I use a gmo cow on a hybrid breeding, just so I don't have to use an extra buffy, would the hybrid get priority over any gmo mutations?

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Cloudburst RLC] (#336383)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2024-10-05 21:55:38
I’d love to know this as I tried to breed my G1 Jag with gmo cows 3 times and she didn’t pass any hybrid, only gmo mutations

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Lucifer 🩸 g1
Orchid RLC (#175256)

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Posted on
2024-10-06 13:45:54

Hybrids roll first in the mutation roll order. So if you breed a hybrid using a GMO Cow, you can rest easy knowing their mutation takes priority.

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Rosette muncher (#389020)

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Posted on
2025-01-31 11:52:57
Do you know any reverse breeding forums? I'm trying to find gons!! And also advertise my ones :3

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Lucifer 🩸 g1
Orchid RLC (#175256)

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Posted on
2025-02-02 15:15:24
Reverse breeding has its own board here where anyone can post their ladies' heats for sale. Most of them will put what they have in the title, including gons. Right now during the month of February you'll also find players offering reverse breedings in Event Sales (although rarely do these actually use the in-game RB mechanic).

I personally don't have any specific forum recommendations as I don't reverse breed often.

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arXanthic] (#341742)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2025-02-05 18:17:11
Would it be a waste to use a hyena meat on a hybrid? I don’t do hybrid breeding but I got one for some jag boosts and now idk what to do to get a pass

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Bliss (#45404)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2025-02-05 18:24:28
Sorry but I thought the GMO Cow was obtained in September, and the Lion Meat could be obtained in the January shop, and a few other ways.

- Sorry I just got back into Lioden, so I don't know whats changed.

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Edited on 05/02/25 @ 18:27:48 by Bliss (#45404)

Lucifer 🩸 g1
Orchid RLC (#175256)

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Posted on
2025-02-05 18:45:29
GMO Cow is in September, I've been too lazy to edit that. The Carrion Shop and The Boneyard have Lion Meat, which is technically two separate places even if they're both from Jan? Eh, trivialities.

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Bliss (#45404)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2025-02-05 18:46:57
Okay- I just wanted to make sure I wasn't tripping! Thank-you for saving me the moment of wait did things change on me again?

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arXanthic] (#341742)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2025-02-05 19:30:53
I’m just gonna use the meat and pray it helps, wish me luck and thanks for the forum post! Very helpful!

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