Posted by Potential Heir: Replace or Not?

Ellie (side) (#72879)

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Posted on
2024-07-21 16:49:12
I always get analysis paralysis when I get a cub that is a step forward in my breeding project in some ways and a step back in others- help?

This cub here was just born with the needed base and BO markings in slots 2, 3, and 5, as well as eyes, skin, and mane color (but not type). My current king has the base and BO markings in 2, 4, 5, and 9, as well as mane type and color (not eyes or skin). Almost all of my lions have slot 4 and most of them (~80%) also have slot 9. About half of them have slot 3 and the mane type.

I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to replace my king to increase the amounts of cubs born with slot 3 (a rarer slot in my collection) and hope that the existing overwhelming proportions of slots 4 and 9 would pass on. Or would it be better worth sexchanging the cub and using it as a breeder? Think I'm leaning towards not replacing but would love insights!

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2.0|G2 11x UKAME (#194904)

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Posted on
2024-07-21 18:09:19
I did two projects, full ukame and full algae and sometimes its better to step back in a project!

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