Posted by Marking Recolors: Combo Bases [+200]

Ramune [15 BO
Jellynnedi] (#46341)

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Posted on
2024-07-22 18:03:38

Let me first preface with I apologize for all the links/length of this. Designs/mockups below!
There are a lot of combos to go through and a world of possibilities! For those who love designing lions, especially those who like to have kings with all 10 (or more!) slots filled out, it's tough sometimes to let that beautiful base shine through. Not just this, but there's some combo bases that would look stunning as marks on top of other bases! Sometimes you just want a *touch* of a combo, and not the whole thing. This is a solution for all of the above! :D

i. I am not sure how these would work - RMAs? Special chance of combo base passing down a random matching marking? RL markings? Regular marking apps? Event marking apps? Regardless, I firmly believe these would help make some combo base designs more dynamic! I really like the idea of them being BO regardless, but at this rate anything would be fabulous! Show combos the love! We've got some Cloudburst apps, Gilded, Rose Gold... but some BO marks would be extra nice. (P.S.: I suggest again, please let at least some be BO! )

ii. The markings' shapes can be... anything! I just suggested a few for each color just to try to show how nice they look as standalone markings! I propose that every combo base have at least some matching markings. We've got gilded, certainly, and now Rose Gold! But some being BO, as well as there being some for everything, would be stellar.

iii. For combo base color marks we already have as apps, I would love to see some additional shapes added in as BO! A variety of both would be amazing for all combo colors. This way, both BO breeders and those who like apps/non-BO can both be happy. :3

iv. If you have any suggestions for full designs, let me know! I can add in the combo marking you suggest in both color and shape, to a design you've already got laid out! :3 Whether it's wardrobe link or just typed out what slot for what, if there's any suggestions, I may be able to add them into this post for the full design examples.

*Full design examples will remain below!
(They may not be in actual layering of the markings as I have had a lot of files open and this took me a good bit to try to get together. BUT they are the markings listed used, just potentially out of order.)

Full designs;

- Nun base, under white 4, cimmerian rogue, cimmerian pelage, cimmerian margay, *Nun quail flecks!

- Olive base, seal rogue, seal pelage, seal mantle, seal margay, bone rims, *Olive Siamese, *Olive Puma

- Leonid base, *Constellation Wisp, *Constellation Smudge, *Constellation Trim

- Asiatic base, dim seal, seal pelage, seal margay, bone rims, *Asiatic Indri

- Maziwa base, *Mudstone Mirage, *Mudstone Dust

More samples in progress!

Combo Markings;
*Again, these are just SOME of the massive potential these bases have as markings! It's just to show some of what I've spawned up.


Burmese + Feline Unders

Mirage + Mottled Fissures

Dorsum + Points

Reverse Vitiligo Mash + Undershine

Cheetah Soft + Ghost Feralis

Agouti + Ridge

Feline Unders + Mottled Fissures

Points + Underbelly

Dust + Lace

Crackle + Glaze

Indri + Points

Sable + Shaded

Dorsum + Margay

Quail Flecks

Carving + Quail Flecks

Agouti + Crackle

Blaze + Burmese

Indri + Inverted Zebra

Crackle + Mirage

Mottled Vents + Puma

Rogue + Undershine

Quail Flecks + Undertone

Dorsum + Points

Debris + Lace

Dim + Indri

Crackle + Glaze

Indri + Margay

Dim + Mirage

-- Suggestion; Combo Base Rosettes
-- Link to special BO base marking suggestion (work in progress)

This suggestion has 215 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/10/24 @ 06:58:43 by Ramune [15 BO Jelly] (#46341)

🥀 (#440620)

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Posted on
2024-07-22 18:25:35
The Mudstone, Asiatic, and Qahir are sending me into orbit. A NEED. I'm not a big Nun fan, BUT Nun Quail Flecks is so pretty! Needless to say, supported!

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Ramune [15 BO
Jellynnedi] (#46341)

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Posted on
2024-07-22 18:28:36
Thank you so much! I'm actually not at all much of an Olive fan, but the sample somehow changed my mind. I think helping the base show through better can really help with some designs keep true to their original base, AND I really like how some colors look on entirely different bases. Hoping to have quite a few more samples up eventually. I'm really glad you like!

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🥀 (#440620)

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Posted on
2024-07-22 18:31:27
Agreed! Sometimes the base is a tad bit overbearing for its own good whether its too saturated or just looks odd by itself or with the markings we already have. Marking varieties would be nice substitutions. I hope many of your ideas are implemented!

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squalm (#372289)

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Posted on
2024-07-27 08:44:59
I feel like squall, cloudburst and smog would make beautiful unders marks personally ! Especially squall, since it has the most amount of variation on the lower half of it's stomach lol

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🐉 Avalin (#428669)

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Posted on
2024-07-27 10:14:53
I need those nun quail flecks in my life

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Ronnie (#158086)

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Posted on
2024-07-28 05:31:27
man I really hope these are BO when they come out, let me have sparkly nun BOs

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grassman 🌱 |
project (#243884)

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Posted on
2024-08-06 17:18:15
would kill for asiatic and olive marks and mudstone too
nun eats too

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mewflakes (#88492)

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Posted on
2024-08-09 14:07:26

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KingKovu86 (#217267)

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Posted on
2024-08-13 07:20:26
The leonid base with the constallation marks is wow im speachless ❤️

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[x2Ros Patches] (#389642)

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Posted on
2024-08-13 12:16:04
I would DIE for Nun markings omg

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🌿 Costa | G2 Smog
RLC 🌿 (#333324)

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Posted on
2024-09-08 05:18:42
LOVE these!!

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Ramune [15 BO
Jellynnedi] (#46341)

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Posted on
2024-10-22 06:51:35
Need to get up Nefer and Aether and Zloto marks, but I plan to do that soon!
Ended up going ahead and getting Aether and Nether up. XD

Will hopefully get these up with some colored samples later today.

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Edited on 22/10/24 @ 06:57:09 by Ramune [15 BO Jelly] (#46341)

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