Without energy you cannot do a variety of things such as breed, explore, PVP and more!!
The basic way to obtain energy is to make sure your king is full!! (0% Hunger) which means every 15 minutes you will gain 10% energy! It takes two and a half hours to fully refill an empty energy bar all the way back up to 100%!
However there is ways you can refill your energy quicker! Such as:
Daily Boost!
Every Rollover you will get a free energy boost! It is recommended that you max out all your energy to 0% before using you boost!
Random Explore Encounters!
Very commonly as youre exploring you will come across both encounters and random texts granting you between 1-25% energy boosts. These can be both event and year-round encounters.
Gorilla Enclave Quests!
In the enclave, once you hand over a lion you have one of three options as a reward,
energy, experience or impression, it differs depending on the difficulty you choose
The Lioness Quests!
As youre exploring you can come across an encounter which grants you a quest of claiming 50 lioness's, once you complete the quest a common reward is an energy boost, however they greatly vary
Levelling up King!
Once you reach fuil
EXP you have the option to level up, once you do itll refill your energy all the way to 100! It is again, recommended that you max out all your energy to 0% before levelling up!
Personalities such as Candid and Hyperactive both have energy increasing effects, Candid granting you + 3% extra energy with each successful lioness claim in explore. And hyperactive gains a button for +30% extra energy when your energy drops below 70% (however it is limited to one use per rollover)
As well as explore encounters and quests were lucky enough to have a variety of items that also can contribute to energy boosts!
the images are clickable! Will be taken to the shop you can purchase them from! or their item list in the catalogue!
Bone Marrow
purchasable at Monkey Business for 80
increases your energy by 20%! Can only be used once per rollover!
Energy Boost
purchasable at the Oasis for 2
replenishes your energy to 100%! Can be purchased and used as many times as you please!
Roasted Lamb
If you eat this item for the next 8 hours your kings energy will refill by double each time (20% every 15 minutes, instead of 10%) however it only works if your king is at 59% hunger or lower! THIS IS AN EVENT ITEM!
Red Bull
Exact same purpose as Roasted Lamb! ALSO AN EVENT ITEM!
Meat Pie
Gifted on every users sign up anniversary, replenishes energy to 100% and has 5 uses!!
Fermented Marula Fruit
Has a 50/50 chance of giving you a max +10% energy boost or max -10% energy reduce! Usually recommended if you have 0 energy left!!