g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2024-08-23 18:30:38
I think we can all agree that Custom decors are a pretty important part of this game.

And from someone who has 35+ CD's currently in the game, it is a function that I hold very close to my heart.

To have Custom Decors be accepted into the game, they must fit the game's artstyle properly, if it does not, the submission will be rejected along with an explaination on how to get it accepted.

Now, this is all unederstandable...

But the rules of Custom Decors used to be much less strict, meaning that some older CD's do not fit the artstyle... AND THATS FINE!

What isn't though, is CD's being accepted now while not fitting the style of the game...

I will not be giving exemples... Because that would downright be shaming an artist, which I refuse to do. I know people work hard to make Custom decors...

But when I've had my own custom decors rejected for having lines that are Too thin and then seeing someone with THINNER lines, for the SAME POSES, getting their custom decors approved? I think you can understand why I am getting annoyed.

The Custom decor requirements seem to change depending on which mod/admin/art team member is reviewing the ticket.

This should not be happening at all.

Some people having the rules be lighter than other players is not only unfair but also quite wrong.

I am therefore making this thread in an attempt to urge the members of the art and admin team to PLEASE review the rules and requirements of Custom Decors, agree on how strict the rules have to be and what exceptions can be made.

Because working my ass off to meet the requirements I am being told and then turning around and seeing someone who has the exact same thing that I was rejected for having their decor accepted is incredibly infuriating.

Thank you.

This suggestion has 38 supports and 2 NO supports.

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ven-Snowflake (#465303)

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Posted on
2024-08-23 18:34:20

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𝐭𝐞 [G1 DR EV] (#461048)

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Posted on
2024-08-23 19:04:43
There should be a tag on CDs that are outdated/ wouldn’t pass today. I use CDs as ref for my practice CDs and I’d hate to use outdated ones

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Ricky/Infinightive (#177615)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 07:13:47
I agree. I have seen plenty of decors that are perfect and fit the game, but go to an art team member that is more strict than another one. I understand they've relaxed the rules recently, but there needs to be increased communication between the team members reviewing them and what does or doesn't count as 'passing' when it comes to Custom decor.

I would have hoped they'd share examples between each other of acceptable and unacceptable CDs, but it's been made obvious that they likely haven't done that much; and there is no peer review - it is based entirely off of one person's judgement - sure, you get through them quicker; but it creates inconsistency. And it is a LOT of inconsistency.

there are plenty of line-arts with extremely thick or extremely thin lineart, but when it comes to the lineart being either slightly thinner/thicker or maybe a couple of pixel shades lighter; some of the reviewers dislike it. I've seen Cds with BROWN lineart that does not fit Lioden theme at all, and then see one with the lineart colour the exact same being rejected for lineart colour?? We can't rely on just one member reviewing an art piece and that's been made clear; it might take longer to review them, but I honestly think they should start peer-reviewing. Sometimes it can take months for someone to even claim your ticket, let alone review it anyway; so I see no issue personally despite maybe a longer waiting time to have it checked through at least two reviewers before being added to the game.

or, again, a revise of what is or isn't acceptable with image references and heavy explanation of what is or isn't acceptable to decline or approve into the game.

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g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 07:17:42

I've also came to notice that artists seem to be assigned to certain players. (I am pretty sure the person reviewing my CD's is almost always the same person.)

Is VERY STRICT with me. Not that I mind, I want my CD's to fit in as much as possible.

But seriously, Seeing someone get their CD accepted for the ONE THING I HAD TO WAIT WEEKS TO FINALLY GET DONE.... It sucks, and it sucks a LOT.

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Ricky/Infinightive (#177615)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 07:19:25
I've also seen a lot of CDs recently with bleeding colours, but they happen to somehow not get noticed? I saw a repose of one of my favourite CDs with bleeding colours everywhere, but also watched the review of one of my acquaintances CDs get rejected for the tiniest overlap of colour you had to ZOOM IN to see??

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g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 07:21:54
ME TOO!!! I've seen that a lot!!!

They NEED to make all the CD's have the same strict rules!

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𝐭𝐞 [G1 DR EV] (#461048)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 07:23:56
It especially sucks that a decor can be denied for an art bug like not being transparent (that’s fine), and then resubmitted, takes weeks to be looked at, and gets rejected. Just have the rejection message be with the art error message instead of making someone wait a week just to resubmit.

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ven-Snowflake (#465303)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 07:24:28
I think that they should add the date that cds were accepted so we can know if the rules were different when they were accepted.

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Ricky/Infinightive (#177615)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 07:24:48
I agree! 100%.
I honestly think they need to create examples of what is and ISNT okay to be accepting for their reviewers to look back on when reviewing. This should be available for public use with explanation of WHY it's not acceptable or why it IS acceptable.
By this I mean the artists themselves either use current official game decor and show LABELLED annotations of what is acceptable, and either recreate lazy/show early development stages of official decors and label what needs adding/altering.
I'd love for it to be public use mostly because them custom decor creators can look back on it. It should be pretty in-depth as well IMO.

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Ricky/Infinightive (#177615)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 07:26:10
@Xiao I agree! I also think they shouldn't really close the ticket, or provide image examples of what is wrong. Sometimes the explanations are super vague and it's hard to understand what they mean.
Possible copy-paste replies for certain aspects could be called for when it comes to common mistakes.

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𝐭𝐞 [G1 DR EV] (#461048)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 07:26:52
Something like a thread could really help with this. Like the Lioden art style thread or the countless CSS tutorial threads. Examples of what currently is and isn’t allowed and how a disallowed style could be fixed.

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𝐭𝐞 [G1 DR EV] (#461048)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 07:29:40
Agreed on the open ticket thing, I recently had a CD rejected for β€œhaving a female pose attached” which was… confusing. Absolutely zero idea what that means and never will lmfao

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g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2024-10-12 10:24:51
More instances of this have happened to/been noticed by me recently.

I adore making Custom decor, its one of the things that make me stay on this game, but it's making me lose interest in making them when they are so obviously handled like this.

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