Posted by Chased Bettles

PTP Queen Hanji [G2
Mosaic] (#176683)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 11:28:50
Having/playing with beetles isn't exactly a large part of the game and most users don't really use them but I do and I wanna collect them all! So I thought I could make a suggestion for them :)

Similar to how you can chase lions and there's a chased pool, why not have the same thing but for the bettles? The option to 'chase' them could still be the "Release into the Wild" button.

There could be a % chance to grab a chased beetle which can activate only when you successfully grab a beetle from explore.

I'm not sure it should use your lions impression level though, maybe it can use the skill stat to improve your chances? It would give a pretty passive function to the skill stat but I think your lion should be skilled to catch a chased beetle aha

Beetles don't really sell that well unless someone is looking for something specific so I normally just give them to the kittengarden but it always feels like a waste.

Any Updates :

Maybe instead of finding them in explore, have a Giving Tree feature where players can donate their bugs and beetles and people can Grab a bug every so often/within a set limit. It would be similar to how you can claim cubs and adols where you have to put down a herb to entice a random bug over.

This suggestion has 8 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 30/08/24 @ 04:17:27 by PTP Queen Hanji [G2] (#176683)

Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 12:17:12
Maybe a new area in Giving Tree rather than in Explore? Because I imagine explore encounter wouldnt allow non-explore species and I personally find it the biggest waste to delete token beetles that ended up common colors and of no use.
You could use any herb to lure a beetle over, and, say, be able to grab 1 beetle every X hours

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Edited on 24/08/24 @ 12:18:27 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

PTP Queen Hanji [G2
Mosaic] (#176683)

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Posted on
2024-08-25 12:36:51
Hmmm I think that makes more sense, having a giving tree section were people could "donate" beetles as such and you have to use a herb to lure it :)

Although I don't quite understand what you're saying about "to delete token beetles that ended up common colors and of no use." I just don't know what you mean by this haha

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2024-08-25 12:44:07
I mean when I open beetle tokens, I get a lot of common colors that I do not want - currently I just release them, so they're deleted. That I feel is a big waste, but I cant spend time to sell them. If there was a Giving Tree section I could donate them there and people would get them.

I doubt admins would allow chased non-explore beetles like token beetles be found in explore.

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Edited on 25/08/24 @ 12:45:05 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

PTP Queen Hanji [G2
Mosaic] (#176683)

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Posted on
2024-08-25 12:56:58
Ah right c: Thanks for explaining for me

I suppose you are right there since there is unique explore bettles, so i think the giving tree idea is good c:

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