Posted by πŸͺΆThe Vulture Pit [20BO unique outlaw]πŸͺΆ

vertigoat 🦬 |
outlaw project (#114297)

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Posted on
2024-08-25 14:27:55

───── THE VULTURE PIT ─────

During February 2024, I managed to breed lioden's first double rosette outlaw and kinged him a couple months later. But I still had an itch... I still needed more maneater.

After tossing around the idea of replacing that unreasonably expensive pixel cat, I landed on this design and I was swooned over by the prospects of a high-maneater trait, unique BO outlaw. Originally, he was 15BO but I found some higher slot maneater traits and welp... here we are. I'll be doing this for the next 5 years if anyone needs me

This forum is mostly just for myself to keep track of the time/money this project took and log my breeders somewhere, but you're free to lurk if you'd like :3


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BASE: Outlaw
SKIN: Clouded
EYES: Chamotte
MANE: Royal + Madagascar

SLOT 1: outlaw mottled fissures
SLOT 2: nomad feline
SLOT 3: vagabond mottled fissures
SLOT 4: ruffian soft unders
SLOT 5: vagabond nuzzle
SLOT 6: vagabond mirage
SLOT 7: outlaw rogue
SLOT 8: seal freckles 1
SLOT 9: feline 8 lilac
SLOT 10: bone underfelt
SLOT 11: lilac crumbing > lilac rogue
SLOT 12: outlaw feline
SLOT 13: stratosphere undertone
SLOT 14: ruffian feline
SLOT 15: ruffian panther
SLOT 16: bone eyebrows (not BO)

please don't take heavy inspiration from my project!

───── β‹†β‹…β˜†β‹…β‹† ─────


*baby image not accurate i got tired of updating it, but you can click it to visit current version :D
BASE: Outlaw
SKIN: Clouded
EYES: Chamotte
MANE: Royal Madagascar

SLOT 1: empty
SLOT 2: nomad feline
SLOT 3: vagabond mottled fissures
SLOT 4: ruffian soft unders
SLOT 5: empty
SLOT 6: vagabond mirage
SLOT 7: empty
SLOT 8: empty
SLOT 9: feline 8 lilac
SLOT 10: empty
SLOT 11: lilac rogue
SLOT 12: empty
SLOT 13: empty
SLOT 14: empty
SLOT 15: empty

project cave can be found here if you want to lurk further :3

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Edited on 07/02/25 @ 17:51:14 by vertigoat 🦬 | outlaw project (#114297)

vertigoat 🦬 |
outlaw project (#114297)

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Posted on
2024-08-25 14:28:00



PHASE 1: combine eye, skin, mane, and base traits onto a cub. freeze cub for a bit until step 2 is complete.
--- during step 1, I am also working on attaining all slots and requesting slots that do not exist to prepare for step 2.
PHASE 2: retire current king (rip alby), combine all markings onto new king with several retirements.
--- prioritize slots that do not have studs & royal madagascar mane, eyes/skin do not matter.
--- breed a ton of markings breeders, get some horribly inbred cubs with 12+ project slots
--- I will be keeping a full 15 marking clone cub to reking between future steps because I know I will inevitably need to breed more high marking breeders
PHASE 3: king the original eye, skin, mane, and base trait cub and breed to the markings breeders. pray. eat buffy and powder. repeat.
--- depending on how many breeders I have remaining between 5/5 Outlaw steps, I may king another full marking clone to pump out more breeders before kinging the next Outlaw step. I'll essentially always have a frozen markings clone ready for this purpose until this project is complete.
PHASE 4: possibly RMAing other slots to get full BO if i get bored and want to suffer. an inverted bone or white rosette could be cool? the dream would be full maneater, lilac, seal, & (some) celestial BO.

phase 1 [base traits]

3/15/24 - 11/25/24
COMPLETED! 5/5 outlaw cub

Approximated number of attempts: 202 litters
Approximated cost: 370
including acquiring slots, NCLs, rocks, base changers, studding, and an occasional IBF, buffy, and/or ochre saltlick
keep in mind, I am not tracking prices very closely for this phase.

───── β‹†β‹…β˜†β‹…β‹† ─────

This phase largely consists of breeding special based NCLs (applicator or NCL exclusives) with chamotte + clouded. The end goal is to get chamotte + clouded + royal outlaw to throw at the madagascar RL line with mada royal mane.

I had about ~85 eye/skin/mane breeders with special or rare bases before finishing this step! I also had gotten rid of (or had them reach non-breeding age) ~30-40 adults, so I ended up using about 125 adult breeders for this step. Plus looooots of 4/4 cubs that never ended up being kept long enough to be counted.

───── β‹†β‹…β˜†β‹…β‹† ─────

Breeder Log:
This list only contains Outlaws with one or more other base trait!
If I included my applicator based breeders here, it would be way too long :')

PHASE 2 [Markings]

7/01/24 - 02/03/2025

Approximated number of attempts: 190 litters (plus another ~200 litters for mass breeding)
Approximated cost: 360 (plus another ~100 for mass breeding marks with powders)
including retirements, acquiring slots, revealing slots, studding, and an occasional IBF, aging items, marking removers & sex changing

───── β‹†β‹…β˜†β‹…β‹† ─────

God I hate starting this stage. None of these traits are combined so I'm very slowly collecting them (some are rare or do not exist so I requested them) and breeding them to the few studs these slots have.

───── β‹†β‹…β˜†β‹…β‹† ─────

Step Updates:

PHASE 3 [Combining]

2/3/25 - present

Approximated number of attempts: ~35 litters
Approximated cost: ~900
including retirements, base apps, revealing slots, eye/skin rocks, buffies, powders, and an occasional ochre saltlick, IBF, aging items, marking removers & sex changing

pssst thank you coolio for the project coding :3

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Edited on 13/02/25 @ 16:53:51 by vertigoat 🦭 | 15BO vagabond (#120333)

vertigoat 🦬 |
outlaw project (#114297)

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Posted on
2024-08-25 14:28:03

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vertigoat 🦬 |
outlaw project (#114297)

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Posted on
2024-08-25 14:28:07
reserved - feel free to comment now! :)

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Edited on 25/08/24 @ 16:39:36 by vertigoat 🦭 | 15BO vagabond (#120333)

Tsaari (#37874)

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Posted on
2024-08-25 17:20:43
Outlaw is definitely my favorite base in the game, and your future king looks amazing
Gonna subscribe to this topic just in case you are gonna post here once the project is done

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