Adol: An adolescent lion that is between the ages of 1 year to 1 year, 11 months.
Bacon/Bacon Cub: A cub with the Harlequin Ichtyosis lethal mutation.
Bob/Bobbed/Bobbie/Bobby: A lion with the Bobbed Tail mutation.
Bean/Dwarfie/Dwarfy/Smol: A lion with the Dwarfism mutation.
Blep: A lion with the Overgrown Tongue mutation.
Brood/Broodmom: A lioness with the Broodmother role.
Butt Patch/Butt Patches: A lion with the Patches (Croupe) variation mutation.
Cele: A shorthand term for Celestial, which can refer to the Celestial base, Celestial mane colour, or Celestial marking colour.
Chased/Chased Lady/Chased NCL: A Newly Claimed Lioness that has been chased by another player.
Clean: An unofficial playstyle with many different definitions, the most common one being that players will avoid inbreeding their lions with each other.
Clean Rep: A clean replacer, a lion whose intended purpose is to remove inbreeding within the heritage of a player's current king. When clean repping (or clean replacing), players will keep the appearance of their current male, but use their clean rep as their new king. This way, they can keep their king's appearance that they may have worked hard for while also removing inbreeding within their king's heritage.
Cleftie/Clefty: A cub with the Cleft Palate lethal mutation.
Colourbomb: A lion that has many different bright colours due to their base and marking combinations.
Corrupt: A lion with the Patches (Corrupted) variation mutation. See the Patches and Piebalds page for more information.
Cubbin: A cub that is between the ages of 0 months to 11 months.
Dirty/Inbred: An unofficial playstyle with many different definitions, the most common one being that players will intentionally inbreed their lions with each other.
Fert: A shorthand term for fertility.
First Gen: A lion that is the first of its generation and has no heritage.
First Gen Hybrid: A hybrid mutated lion that is the first hybrid within its lineage. First generation hybrids are signified by the (First Generation) in their mutation field.
Fod/Fodder/Karma Fodder: Low-value and boring lions (generally NCLs), normally sold for cheap, who generally are intended to be used to quickly gain karma by killing them (-5 karma per lion killed) or nature reserving them (+5 karma per lion reserved).
Foldie/Foldy: A lion with the Folded Ears mutation.
Frozen: A lion that has been immortalised and is frozen in time.
Gen: A lion that has a certain number of ancestors within their heritage. A lion with only a mother and a father would be "Second Generation", "2nd Gen", "Gen 2", "G2", or "2G".
Gon: A Tigon, which is a hybrid between a tiger father and a lion mother.
Gorilla Cub/Gorilla Fodder: A cub, normally sold for cheap, who generally fits the requirements for Gorilla Enclave quests.
Groupie: An adolescent male or adult female lioness that has been claimed from V'Kai during the May event.
Hard Mode: An unofficial playstyle created by the community where the objective is to avoid breeding outside of your own pride.
Harle: A lion with the Piebald (Harlequin) variation mutation.
Heir: A lion whose intended purpose is to become a player's new king.
Heritage Rep: A heritage replacer, a lion whose intended purpose is to shorten the heritage of a player's current king. When heritage repping (or heritage replacing), players will keep the appearance of their current male, but use their heritage rep as their new king. This way, they can keep their king's appearance that they may have worked hard for while also shortening or completely erasing their king's heritage.
Infert: A lioness whose fertility is Infertile (0%).
Jag/Jon: A Jaglion, which is a hybrid between a jaguar father and a lion mother.
Kiman: A shorthand term for Kimanjano, which can refer to the Kimanjano base or Kimanjano marking colour.
Lethal: A lion with a lethal mutation.
Lipo/Lumpy: A cub with the Lipomatosis lethal mutation.
Mermaid/Siren: A cub with the Sirenomelia lethal mutation.
Mott: A shorthand term for Mottled, which can refer to the Piebald (Mottled) variation mutation or the Mottled Rosette, Mottled Stripes, or Mottled Vents markings.
MottRose/Mott Rose: A shorthand term for the Mottled Rosette marking.
Mut/Mute/Mutie: A lion that has any mutation.
Mut Rep/Mutie Rep: A mutation replacer, a lion whose intended purpose is to change the mutation of a player's current king. When mut repping (or mutation replacing), players will keep the appearance of their current male, but use their mut rep as their new king. This way, they can keep their king's appearance that they may have worked hard for while also increasing his value by making him have a new mutation.
Natural: A lion that uses mainly brown, black, cream, gold, and white-coloured markings. Natural designs tend to mimic what lions look like in real life.
Nim: Nimravus, a marking shape that is specific to Random Marking Applicators.
OG Claws/OG Fur/OG Teeth: A lion with the Overgrown Claws, Overgrown Fur, or Overgrown Teeth adult mutation.
Pan: Panther, a marking shape that tends to be applicator- or breed-only.
Pastel: A lion with soft bright "pastel" colours due to their base and marking combinations. They tend to be less visually loud than colourbombs, but you can have a pastel colourbomb lion.
Patch: A lion with any one of the Patches variations mutation.
Patchonyx: A combination of the words "Patches" and "Onyx", meant to indicate an Onyx-based lion with any one of the Patches variations mutation.
Pie: A lion with any one of the Piebald variations mutation.
Piebino: A combination of the words "Piebald" and "Albino", meant to indicate an Albino-based lion with any one of the Piebald variations mutation.
Poly: A lion with the Polycaudal mutation.
Pon: A Leopon, which is a hybrid between a leopard father and a lion mother.
Potato/Potato Cub/Potato Lion: A mediocre-looking lion with plain looks and few markings.
Powdered Donut: A lion that has many Vitiligo markings.
Queen: A king that has a Lab Test Frog decor equipped, making him appear as female.
It can also refer to a "lead" lioness that a player has chosen for their pride.
Raffle Lady: The weekly special lioness that is raffled off to Dreamboat kings.
Rep: Replacer, a lion that has a mutation, high stats, or a good appearance that is worth kinging.
Reverse Breeding/Reverse Studding: A lioness who has her heat sold off by her owner to another player. The heat purchaser can then breed that lioness to the stud of their choosing and will either inherit one or all of the lioness's offspring from that breeding. Reverse breedings/studdings are most common with hybrid mutated lionesses such as Leopons and Tigons.
Roaming Lion/Roaming Lioness/Traveling Lion/Traveling Lioness: An unofficial feature where a lion or lioness is transferred out by their original owner to other players for free. The player that receives the traveling lion can change the lion's appearance, write in their biography, equip decors to them, etc. before sending them to the next person in line or sending them back to their original owner. Usually an owner will assign their lion to be a traveling lion as soon as they can be transferred (starting at 5 months of age) and will ask for them back near the end of their life (13 to 14 years of age).
Roy: A shorthand term for the Royal mane shape.
Side: A shorthand term for Sidereal, which can refer to the Sidereal base, Sidereal mane colour, or Sidereal marking colour.
Sky: A shorthand term for Skyward, which can refer to the Skyward base, Skyward mane colour, or Skyward marking colour.
Spider/Spider Cub: A cub with the Extra Limbs lethal mutation.
Stat Rep: A stat replacer, a lion whose intended purpose is to boost the stats of a player's current king. When stat repping (or stat replacing), players will keep the appearance of their current male, but use their stat rep as their new king. This way, they can keep their king's appearance that they may have worked hard for while also increasing his value by making him have higher stats.
Stud Race/Stud Racing: A term for a now-obsolete unofficial feature where one player could send out stud requests to multiple kings for one single lioness. The stud that managed to impregnate the lioness would receive the stud fee successfully, while participants usually did not get any compensation. It is now not possible to send a stud request to more than one king for one lioness.
Sub: A subordinate male, a male lion that is 2 years of age or older.
Symm/SymmPie/Symm Pie: A lion with the Piebald (Symmetrical) variation mutation.
Traditional/Traditional Studding: A type of breeding that relies on good will between players. Traditional studdings are usually offered at a free or discounted rate compared to normal studdings, or they are offered when a king has run out of studding slots for the week. One player will transfer their lioness they wish to breed, as well as any breeding items, food, nesting material, toys, and studding fees, to the stud's owner. The stud's owner will then breed with the lioness and keep her within their pride for the three days of her pregnancy, or they will use an IBF on her and send her back that same day.
Tree Adolescent/Tree Cub: An adolescent or cub that was picked up from the Giving Tree.
Vit: Vitiligo, a marking shape that tends to be applicator- or breed-only.
Vitbomb: A lion that has many Vitiligo markings.
Wither: A lion with the Piebald (Withered) variation mutation.