Posted by Cherry/Cherry Blossom Decorations

Crystalizedsky (#179557)

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Posted on
2024-09-24 14:10:31
Hello everyone!
Now, I am not the greatest artist so I haven't drawn up examples, but real world pictures work!
As I was decorating my cherry-inspired lioness, I noticed an immense lack of cherry and overall fruit decor.
My friend suggested some sort of "cherry forest" background for her, but there simply isn't one. I found nothing when I look up "sakura" in decoration, and there are only a few cherry decors in the game. The cherry blossom branch that you can hold, and the Madeira Winter Cherry. The only wearable decor is the Mountain Cherry Decor, which is a flower garland neck item.
In regards to backgrounds-
A singular cherry blossom tree and a full forest as a background would be neat!

Now, for potential wearables.
I am thinking of a cherry blossom earpiece or a general cherry earpiece.
Perhaps a cherry blossom flower earpiece. Then maybe a cherry earring?
I would love a cherry blossom tailwrap. Also having something like the Leaf Tail Piece or the Garland Tailwrap [Festive] except with cherries!
Any other ideas are welcome :)

Also, some strawberry or other fruit decor would be neat. However, that can be for another post.

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Edited on 24/09/24 @ 21:27:59 by Nyx (#488654)

Syrtis⚽Ignis (#13533)

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Posted on
2024-09-24 14:13:22
Love this idea!

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Svelte (#226021)

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Posted on
2024-09-24 15:14:41
Yessss! I would’ve loved something like this for my last queen!

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