Posted by Search function in dens

πŸ”₯ sevrin|G3 Ferus
Ambrosia 🦊 (#144645)

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Posted on
2024-09-26 19:30:53
I have a lot of lions as I've been working on a few breeding projects, and sometimes I forget what girls I have for what purpose because their notes are only in their own page; being able to search/query for lions that have only certain traits that I'm trying to fin in my den (like in the crossroads search function).

I'm not sure if it would make the page too slow but I feel that having a similar search tool to that in the crossroads lion search page that could be toggled as on or off/show or hide in dens would be exceedingly useful for people like me with so many lions in each den looking for one girl in particular that I didn't name properly! Not sure if there would be a better way to implement this or what handful of features should be used to keep den pages fast but pls comment any ideas you all think would be nice to have or helpful in regards to this!

This suggestion has 3 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 26/09/24 @ 19:31:13 by sevrin (#144645)

sQld (#439121)

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Posted on
2024-09-30 12:44:57
You can use the Crossroads search for that! Just enter your ID in the Owner ID field and it will search in your den

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πŸ”₯ sevrin|G3 Ferus
Ambrosia 🦊 (#144645)

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Posted on
2024-09-30 12:53:52
I do that, however my only problem is that if I'm trying to do stuff quick it makes it to be so many extra steps because I personally have a hard time remembering what I was trying to do by the time I even get to the search in crossroads at times which is why I was like "dang why don't we have that in dens?"

It also makes it worse for me because I try to sort girls by dens and if I go to crossroads search I have no idea what den I'm in at times (ie, I have a den for common bases and rare ones and I often accidentally click on girls in the wrong den thinking it was what I was looking for). I feel it would be so convenient for people with as many lions as I do , 100+, to have if it doesn't end up adding too much to page load times. Merely a hopeful ask than anything πŸ˜“

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sQld (#439121)

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Posted on
2024-09-30 13:10:24
Oh I see! Wasn't sure if you knew. Yes of course a shortcut wouldn't hurt and being able to search in a specific cave would also be useful I'll support!

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