MSCs and NMSCs Guide! To Studding, How to Breed, How to Recreate!
This is a work in progress as I've been asked to make one a few times now!
Credit: Apples (157903/156194), The Royal Court Clan
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The purpose of The Royal Court is to spread RLs and raise funds to buy RLs, clones, or near clones so we can spread them for those who love them!
Acronyms! MES: Maneater Stud MESC: Maneater Stud Clone NMESC: Near Maneater Stud Clones
Note: They're named Savage Studs on Wiki, but this seems to be the most common term referred to them as.
What Is a Savage Stud? Click Here! This is the August Event page with the information on Savage Studs!
π A Savage Stud is an August Event special, they're studs to release new breed only traits. They're unlocked through killing a specific amount of humans in explore.
How To Breed a Savage Stud?
π You can breed to them with either 600 Carrion Beetle or 200 Dry Bones. You can find them in the Event page at the top of your screen on the navigation bar. It will be formatted similarly to the Special Lioness page, however you will select your lioness that he will breed to and pay there.
π Savage studs will breed in one attempt, they are NPCs so there's no worry about fertility and waiting periods.
π You cannot use breeding items on the studs, as they are NPCs and not player-run. So this means no GOPs, no Buffies, no Powders. On the wiki, they do note it is helpful to use a Double Uterus with a Buffy or GOP to guarantee more cubs, breed to her, then breed to the stud. This action will replace half of her cubs with the Savage Males genetics.
π It is NOT guaranteed that any of the Savage Male traits will pass, so you might have to do a few attempts to get the traits.
What Traits Have Been Released? Click Here! This is the Save Male Directory, it also lists released traits!
In 2014, the unique attribute was the Tsavo mane shape.
In 2015, the unique attribute was the Savage mane shape.
In 2017, the unique attribute was the Pariah mane shape.
In 2018, the unique attributes were the Ruffian base and Ruffian markings.
In 2019, the unique attributes were the Scoundrel base and Scoundrel markings.
In 2020, the unique attributes were the Ukame base and Ukame markings.
In 2021, the unique attributes were the Bandit base and Bandit markings.
In 2022, the unique attributes were the Vagabond base and Vagabond markings.
In 2023, the unique attributes were the Outlaw base, Outlaw markings, Maneater eye color, and Ruffian skin color.
Why Breed to The Studs?
π Same reason we breed to Raffle Lionesses, they're pretty and rare, they also provide traits that you won't be able to get elsewhere! Though Savage Studs are harder to breed to as you cannot clone them, you either have to keep breeding to them, or recreate them yourself.
Maneater Stud Near Clone and Clone Pricing
π I'm currently unsure of this, I will check around! There isn't a super large market for this as I've noticed.
Maneater Stud Clones:
I don't believe any clones exist, lmk!
Near Maneater Stud Clones:
Unsure here, prices seem to vary, lmk prices you'd wish they'd be vs what they actually are! Trait count is not included in ones for sale, so I imagine it's very neglected!
How To Recreate Them?
π So you want to recreate a MES! Congratulations! This is going to be incredibly hard considering the breed only amount.
π I will put this in step by step format, it will not cover everything!
Breed Only Traits: Markings:Click Here! T2, T4, T5 are all BO. T0, T1, T6 are all Applicator. T3 markings are a mix of BO and Applicator. Most can be applied with PIETY, DOUBLE CHECK THE MARK IF UNSURE! Base:Click Here! You only need to check BREED ONLY and COMBO BASES! The rest are applicator! For combo bases, Click Here! to find what you need to breed! Eyes:Click Here! You only need to check EVENT EYES, and BREED ONLY EYES. The rest are applicator! Skin:Click Here! You only need to check SPECIAL NCL, BREED ONLY< and EVENT SKINS. The rest are applicator!
Example: This will be our example Stud! We will use her to go through these steps. Label her as the one you wish to create in this scenario. PLEASE NOTE! Some Studs marks go past S10, the most marked one only going up to S16. These marks if not applicator will most likely only be available if someone who bred that stud has that mark there, OR RMAing.
Step One:
π Choose the MES you wish to recreate, you can do that in the Savage Male Directory as linked above.
Step Two:
π Determine which traits are breed only. If you chose from the directory, put all the traits into wardrobe or into the search engine to see if she exists!
- She has 10/11 breed only marks.
- She also has 5/5 breed only base traits.
- In total she has 15/16 BO Traits.
π THESE are the only traits you need to concern yourself with as of now!
Step Three:
π Check in the search if these traits are available. If they are rare or not active you will most likely not be able to do the lioness unless you want to RMA the marking. you will head to Click Here! Search! In search you will put in one trait at a time, you only need to do this for the breed only traits.
π You will put it in as so;
Step Fourish and Some:
π You will then collect at least one lion with each marking!
π Then you will breed them to studs with differing marks.
π Once you have cubs with multiple marks, start to king the cubs.
π Work to king repeatedly until you get a lion with ALL BREED ONLY MARKINGS!
π At this stage you can work to add the base, skin, mane (mane color) and eyes.
π You will breed an INBRED CLONE BEFORE A CLEAN CLONE! This is okay! You will king your inbred clone, and rep to a G1 stud. (G1 Studs aka Groupies can be received in May. You can also buy them throughout the year!)
π With your now clean G1 repped clone stud, you have two options. You can breed to NCLs to breed a G2 clone. Or you can breed NCLs to breed a bunch of G2 high traits, then rep your king, and breed the G2's to get a G3 clone. The latter WILL BE EASIER!
π You keep breeding until you get a clone... Then congratulations! You revived an RLC! Now you can breed more clones, profit, sell, etc!
Helpful Info:
π Breed with Ochre powders once you get higher traits. I count mine as "3/10" (10 being the amount of Breed Only Traits). Ochre powders will help pass more traits! This will make your project go faster!
π Ochre gnawrocks are useful for rosette MECs! This ensures the mark will pass, I suggest using gnawrocks towards the end of your project. ADD ROSETTE CLOSE TO THE LAST STEP!
π Buffies and Gops will help in the final step, you'll have more chances to breed clones!
π Ochre saltlicks will ensure the pass of your mane shape and mane color, this can be useful for a mane like Royal, Royal is a combo mane and is rough!
π Mane colors are 50/50 pass chance. So each breeding will have 50% chance to pass from the two parents mane colors. EX: Fulvous x Ruffian. 50% Fulvous, 50% Ruffian.