Posted by New Combo Base: Clover

Thoth🖤 1057/2000
HS 🖤Tri Ros (#230702)

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Posted on
2024-11-03 11:35:24

Here is another new combo base I propose for this game I'm severely addicted to :D

Cream Dark Countershaded Special
Tied to Black Skin and Pine Eyes

May I present




Ebony Soft Rosette:

Patches (Uneven):

Ebony Soft Rosette AND Patches (Uneven) :

"It looks too similar to other bases to be a new combo base"

THIS IS LIODEN!! We have TONS and I MEAN TONS of bases that are almost identical, granted, those are normal NCL bases and if this is a combo it needs to be special! Although, there isn't just one specific base it looks like, that is why it is a combo base!

"What are the factors?"

Factor side A: Murk, Olive
Factor side B: Mistletoe, Green, Senegal

"Why were these chosen as factors?"

A combo base needs to look like it's factors right? Of course they do! These are the best bases I could find in wiki that are somewhat easy to get (because who doesn't love easy combos?!) with some being breed only, custom, and applicators! As we all (might) know, most best combos come from applicators! Therefore, some of the factors are applicator bases while some are just plain easy ones.

I hope this summed up all the questions, but if it didn't, feel free to post yours! Don't we need more green bases?

This suggestion has 23 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 03/11/24 @ 11:35:43 by Thoth 🖤 New bases 💀 Aether (#230702)

sariellalime 🔥 (#69452)

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Posted on
2024-11-10 12:09:55

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