Posted by RLC Barked Heats + sales!

πŸ’›πŸ€ Rue
πŸ’œπŸ–€ πŸ–• Aspen
:kiss: (#415172)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2024-12-27 10:18:12

Selling RLC and Hybrid Barked Heats for Feb! Selling HS? Check Out This Forum!

I’ve decided to make my own thread since i had a ton of lions in my buying HS forum
all of the lions prices and descriptions are right above their photo! all photos are clickable and take you to their page
β€’ 5 = 1
β€’ ALL lions require 20 Yohimbe Barks, an IBF, and aging stones for all of the cubs
β€’ if you have inquires about half barked heats, dm me! im more than happy to negotiate
β€’ this ones a little obvious, but no lion will leave my pride under any circumstances
β€’ currently, im not sure if i will raise or lower prices for some of my lions heats. however, rather i decrease or increase it, whatever price you reserved your heat at is the price it will stay for you
β€’ all split heats are half off! picks go you, me, you, me if you plan to use big breeding items (ex. gmo cow, lion meat, buffy) then split heats are free
β€’ split heats will not be through reverse breeding

This is my G4 Styx RLC. clicking this photo will send you straight to her! her heats are 80HS or 16GB!
she is currently frozen and will most likely be frozen until t3 opens

This is my G10 Slate RLC. clicking this photo will send you straight to her! her heats are 60HS or 12GB!
she is currently frozen and will most likely be frozen until t3 opens

SHE WILL ALSO BE FOR SALE!! i plan to sell her at age 13y11m or 14y, for 15 or 90HS!

This is my G6 Hexaplex RLC. clicking this photo will send you straight to her! her heats are 90HS or 18GB!
she is currently unfrozen but might become frozen until t3 opens

she will be for sale for 300 or 1,680HS

This is my G9 Smog RLC. clicking this photo will send you straight to her! her heats are 80HS or 16GB!
she is currently unfrozen and will most likely stay unfrozen until t3 opens

she will be for sale for 150 or 900HS

This is my G7 remade 5-1-15 RLC. clicking this photo will send you straight to her! her heats are 30HS or 6GB!
she is currently unfrozen but will most likely be frozen until t3 opens

This is my rare line G7 12-1-23 Orchid RLC. clicking this photo will send you straight to her! her heats are 80HS or 16GB!
she is currently unfrozen and will most likely stay unfrozen until t3 opens

she is not for sale, but unbred clones will be for sale for 375 or 2,100HS (patrolled male will be 250 or 1,200HS)


15GB for Limi - Mapledawn 251243

html layout by honey (#30473). do not remove credit.
graveyard header by King-Lulu-Deer on deviantart.

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Edited on 04/02/25 @ 12:01:27 by πŸ’›πŸ€ Rue πŸ’œπŸ–€ [#0 aspen HATER] (#415172)

πŸ’›πŸ€ Rue
πŸ’œπŸ–€ πŸ–• Aspen
:kiss: (#415172)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2024-12-27 10:45:13

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πŸ’›πŸ€ Rue
πŸ’œπŸ–€ πŸ–• Aspen
:kiss: (#415172)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2024-12-27 19:26:34

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Edited on 12/01/25 @ 16:20:40 by πŸ’›πŸ€ Rue πŸ’œπŸ–€ [Wuh Luh Wuh] (#415172)

Hazbin Fan (#463695)

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Posted on
2025-01-21 10:24:26
Any rules for the heats? The jag ones

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