Posted by Equip to Impress Achivements!
Secondary Mookie (#226565)

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Posted on
2025-01-02 21:57:37
Simple sugestion, but hear me out.

Darn near every other game has some form of achievements, and I personally think ETI should have some, too! I have a few ideas for them, and I was talking about it in chat, and then directed here, so here it is.

"Runway Model" Enter 25 equip to impress contests.

"Equipped to Judge" vote on 100 designs in equip to impress

"Fashion Icon" Place in the top 3 in Equip to Impress.

"Fashion Legend" Place first in Equip to impress.

Also, I think the Fashion Legend achivement should come with it's own title, of the same name, which would appear as:

Fashion Legend (King name) / (King name), the Fashion Legend.

Depending on if the title is set to appear before your kings name or after it.

This suggestion has 41 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 02/01/25 @ 22:04:34 by Secondary Mookie (#226565)

Lemon (any pronouns) (#178820)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2025-01-02 22:02:24
I very heavily support this! Getting a title with the achievement for placing first would be a very fun addition and I'd certainly use it.

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