Posted by Golden Rose Institute [Fantasy Academy RP]

o● (#256148)

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Posted on
2025-01-15 15:53:59

Golden Rose Institute


Freshman - Age: 14 - 15
Sophomore - Age: 15 - 16
Junior - Age: 16 -17
Senior - Age: 17 -18


Founded in 1802 by Dr. Edwin Ashford, Golden Rose Institute began as a refuge for society’s outcasts. Over time, it became a place where students could explore their talents and identities free from judgment. Today, the school welcomes students of all backgrounds, continuing its legacy. While it seems to be a kind and inviting place on the outside, it may have more thorns than are seen.


A new school year is starting. This year, a lot of kids have moved from all over the world, and the teachers are overwhelmed. As the new year begins, tensions rise as the influx of students from around the world brings both excitement and unease. Amid the chaos, strange events and hidden secrets surrounding the institute begin to surface, pushing some students to uncover the truth about its dark past.


1. Show respect.
2. Do not spam (Here or OOC).
3. Each reply must be at least three words.
4. Don't become overpowering.
5. Hate the OC, not the person.
6. Don't make the rp all about you/your OC.
7. Nothing NSFW.
8. Do not steal OCs or RP roles.
9. You may have up to TWO characters total. (I will have NPCs that anyone can interact with as long as (1) you follow their personalities, (2) they are only in one place at a time, and (3) you must have already met the character at least once).
10. You must be (at least) semi-literate.
11. If you have read all of the rules, please DM me "Golden Rose" to be admitted into the roleplay and receive your schedule. (If you already have a character but want a second, DM me for a second schedule.)
12. You may be kicked out for not following the rules.

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Edited on 21/01/25 @ 16:43:27 by ●o☆❁Sara❁☆o● (#256148)

o● (#256148)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:22:31
"Most people where here yesterday and there are guides to help them," Ivy says, leaning against the wall next to Roy.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:23:02
Quinn sighed.” Guess I better find the amphitheater.”she stated as put her bowel away. She wasn’t really talking to anyone now and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to talk to Roy and Ivy or Gia and Jackson, she would feel like she’s third wheeling.

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Shetani (Feb is
death) (#461447)

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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:23:16
Charlotte Elstorm

Charlie watched as they slowly left the cafeteria. Wincing a bit, she put on one of her AirPods and started searching for music. Any music that could calm her down for now.

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O̷̷u̷̷t̷ (#477743)

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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:23:29
-Gia Doll-

Gia sends a studious glare to Jackson, deciding if he meant what he said. She lets it slide, assuming he wouldn't do such a thing. ' 'Alright then, lets go. Must find good seats before someone else does.' ' She grins, wrapping her fingers around their hand just to drag them around the school like a lost duckling. She spotted a couple of people entering the amphitheater, making her way over there just to spot Roy and Ivy. A small groan leaves her, she clearly did not like those two.

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̯̱̠̠̣̯O̷̓ (#246976)

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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:25:13
Roy shrugs his shoulders, watching familiar faces open. A loud groan leaves his mouth, pointing to Jackson and Gia. "Look, the gay is hanging out with the sport girl. I wonder if he makes her do his makeup." He blurts out on purpose, for Gia and Jackson to hear.

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SydTheKidd|G2 Khnum
Pie (#94320)

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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:28:24
Jackson walks with Gia to the amphitheater and groans as he notices Roy and Ivy. He liked Ivy but Roy just didn’t really seem very friendly to him, “Oh shut up Roy. Or should I say Toy? Since I hear all you are doing is toying with the girls emotions around here.” He snickered and then walked over to some seats with Gia before sitting down,”Also theirs no shame in taking care of yourself and looking put together. You wouldn’t seem to know that.”

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o● (#256148)

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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:29:30
"You're mean," Ivy says in a playful tone. "Can I....uh...." she points to Roy's hand.

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̯̱̠̠̣̯O̷̓ (#246976)

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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:30:09
"OH please, i'm not toying with anyone. You on the other hand, could never toy with someones mind. You're what...oh what's it called..." He mumbles, placing a hang to his chin. "A Twink? Ah yes, twink." He Snickers, forming a sly grin. "Didn't you get pulled back to a junior too? What a shame...real shame. And Gia, hows that flirting going? Still trying to pull the gay boy?"

Roy looks down at Ivy, nodding his head. He didn't mind if she held his hand.

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Edited on 20/01/25 @ 13:30:30 by D̶̤̅̓̅͌͘͘̚͝I̴̯̱̠̠̣̯̊̅̂̄̓͛͐̇O̷̓ (#246976)

SydTheKidd|G2 Khnum
Pie (#94320)

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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:32:12
Jackson chuckled, “Real insecure of you to attack me when you know nothing about me.” He rolled his eyes, “Clearly I must be gay seeing I’m talking to a girl and all. What are you jealous? Need some attention?” He shook his head in annoyance.

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O̷̷u̷̷t̷ (#477743)

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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:32:57
-Gia Doll-

Gia swung her head around, standing up from her seat just to call out Roy. ' 'Oh shut it piss boy, I heard you use to wet your bed when you had leprechaun nightmares or something. DON'T ASK how I found that out. May I also add your love triangle is full of shit. Technically you should be considered a pedophile for letting a fifteen year old flirt with you.' 'She scoffs, ' 'And Jay isn't gay. Out of all the people here you should be gay, can't even decide if you like a girl.' '

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o● (#256148)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:32:58
Ivy took his hand, gently squeezing it.

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o● (#256148)

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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:34:31
Dr. Blackwood looks out at all of the students. She is in a black pencil skirt with a red button-up blouse. Her heels are black, and she has on red tights. She stands with a confident stance. "Good morning students! I am very excited to announce dorms for the day. Everyone will be receiving an envelope as you exit. This will have your dorm in it. Please remember that freshman and sophomores are on the first floor while juniors and seniors are on the second floor. Please respect your new roommates and remember that you are not allowed to request dorm changes without a valid reasoning. Yesterday went very well and I am hoping that the rest of the day will go the same." She sighs and looks over at Dr. Whitaker, a gruff man.

"Hello students," Dr. Whitaker says in his gruff voice. "This morning periods one and two are canceled. Please begin to move into your dorms during that time. No one should be found sleeping in their cars tonight. Please respect curfew. We will be getting stricter over the next few weeks. Thank you." He nods at Dr. Blackwood.

"Good, now please procced out of the amphitheater and get settled into your dorms! Have a wonderful day, we will see you at lunch!" Dr. Blackwood smiles.

After a few minutes, Dr. Blackwood and Dr. Whitaker leave the stage.

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̯̱̠̠̣̯O̷̓ (#246976)

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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:34:42
Roy raised his eyebrow at Jackson, finding it amusing. "Nah, if I flirted with you, you'd be tripping over your feet just to get backstabbed." He squeezed Ivy's hand back, shocked that Gia said something about it all. "Jeeze, okay." He rolls his eyes, slightly backing off from the fight when Gia said something.

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o● (#256148)

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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:35:47
Ivy holds onto his hand tightly. "Let's go," she says.

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O̷̷u̷̷t̷ (#477743)

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Posted on
2025-01-20 13:37:18
-Gia Doll-

' 'Yeah that's right...back off...I could kick your ass...' 'She mumbles under her breath, sitting herself back down in her chair. ' 'You alright there Jay? Roy probably just needs someone to push around, a way to let out stress and anger.' 'She shrugs, putting her attention onto Jackson.

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