Posted by Add Chased Sub Males to King Reroll

Lou (#20074)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2025-02-06 00:13:43
Sometimes, one just doesn't have room for all their favorite male lions. Similar to Chased Lionesses, I suggest we add Chased Sub Males or Chased Adolescent Males to a recycling pool from which their designs can be reused as re-rolled kings or maybe rogue lions, similar to male groupies in May.

Stats, heritage, and mutations would be wiped, just like it is for Chased Lionesses, and you wouldn't be able to roll your own old sub males.

And if you don't want your former lions added to a Chased Males pool, you could chase them before they age up, or use them as karma fodder.

Please feel free to make suggestions! If you don't support, lmk why?

This suggestion has 18 supports and 24 NO supports.

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Edited on 26/02/25 @ 17:30:05 by Lou (#20074)

🌵Rango (Main) G2
10BO Ebony (#334921)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2025-02-07 10:27:49
The rolled king mechanic could definitely use an upgrade, but I don't support this suggestion.

Adding this could put some players at an unfair advantage. Some chased males might be potatoes with one or two markings, but others might be fully marked, have rosettes, or special bases. While this would be beneficial for those who happen to roll a decent chased king, it could disadvantage others who either choose not to reroll or are unaware of the value of traits.

Players should start out on a level playing field. Though this game isn't necessarily competitive, no one should start out with such a huge advantage.

Also, some might abuse the mechanic by chasing a male that they want as an heir and then creating a side account or asking a friend to create an account to secure the chased king.

There was a reroll suggestion that I cannot find for the life of me, I hope it wasn't deleted. The idea was to allow players to customize their starter king similarly to how it works on Wolvden. That would be a great addition for future Lioden players, especially because customizing your king at the beginning can be a challenge.

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Lou (#20074)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2025-02-07 10:41:46
Hi, thanks for voicing your opinion!

I don't play Wolvden, so I'm not sure what the mechanics are there. Is there something on Lioden that's comparable, like making a custom king?

As for abuse of the system — people already tell other players to look out for their chased lionesses. And it's not even a sure thing that any specific player would encounter the chased lioness. It would be similar for re-rolling and getting a chased male in the lineup. There's no guarantee that you'll get a specific chased male out of the 18 choices given, and it wouldn't even be certain that there would be a chased male to choose. It would just be a chance of one of the 18 choices being a chased male.

And if you're worried about new players starting off at an advantage, then I propose that chased males could be reserved only for players who are re-rolling their kings instead of rolling for the first time.

I've heard that the market for cubs is pretty stagnant nowadays, so I don't think it'd be too much of an advantage, especially since mutations and stats would be wiped. It'd just be cosmetic.

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