-LOCKED - Community Update #254!
Posted on 2025-02-07 20:20:01

Community Update

Aside from monthly event news posts and the 2nd Friday of each month being focused on art/coding updates, all other Fridays are centered around the community!

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Official Lioden Raffle

LINK - This is our official community update raffle. Everyone gets a chance to win a rare prize, plus something extra for any runner ups. These raffles have a very minimal ticket price, and there is a limit of 1 ticket per account to make it fair! Good luck!
This raffle will automatically end on 2025-02-14 00:00:00.

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Iris and Opalescent Feedback

We had originally planned to poll the community regarding the Iris and Opalescent event NCL bases being Piety-applicable in November. After taking into account the extensive feedback in both the chat room and the forums, we have decided to keep these bases exclusive to February's event, just like the existing mechanic for February's event NCL eye colours. Bases that can be applied using Piety will be November event exclusive only.

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Spirited Decor Update

13 decors have been updated for Spirited!
* Iridescent Feather Body Chain
* Iridescent Feather Nose Chain
* Iridescent Valkyrie Headgear
* Lion Claw & Fang Tuft Crown
* Lion's Tail Tuft Earring [Albino]
* Lion's Tail Tuft Earring [Dark]
* Lion's Tail Tuft Earring [Gold]
* Lion's Tooth Body Ornament
* Lion's Tooth Head Ornament
* Porcupine Armour
* Quill Crown
* Snake Skin Headwrap [Dark]
* Snake Skin Tailwrap [Dark]

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Art Bug Fixes

* Fixed the Brown Ringed mane marking being misaligned on Primal (Ennedi Vossoko)
* Fixed the Hieroglyph Bracelets decor not showing up on Spirited after an update
* Fixed the Long Walks on the Beach background not appearing due to a typo

Coding Bug Fixes

* The "You can flirt again!" notification was only showing up once instead of every 15 minutes. This has been corrected.
* ... Additionally, this notification will no longer show up if you are hiding event activity.
* ... And neither will the "This lion has x thoughts" or "Your lioness has been flirted with x times" banners.
* A certain pair of lionesses in explore thought it would be amusing to give out Halters ("Western Horse Halter [Light]") instead of the "Gem: Kunzite" they were meant to give out. They have been spoken to and the correct item was exchanged for the incorrect item.
* Having long, unbroken text (such as a wardrobe URL) in your Reverse Breeding Rules would cause a lion's page to stretch, resulting in a zoomed out view on mobile (and a very wide horizontal scrollbar on desktop). This should no longer be the case.
* A typo on the Personality Snake page has been corrected. The Self-Absorbed lion should no longer be missing an eye (i).
* Some pesky extra characters were found in one of the cub training messages. They have since been tossed into the rubbish bin.
* When choosing a locked skin in Reptile Roundup with the "Remember my choices on this device" option selected, switching to an account without that skin unlocked and hitting Play would result in a broken skin being displayed.

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Raffle Lioness

Congrats to the winner of last week's raffle lioness!
A new Black Rose lady with Latte Shine (NEW!), Latte Soft Unders (NEW!), Seal Ocelot (NEW!), and the ninth Ruacana Falls background is up for impressing in the Special Lioness area linked here!

Marking Note: Latte Margay and Latte Rims are now possible to apply via RMA/RMR/Total Shuffle!

Poll Results - Thank you all for voting on last week's poll! Lavender seems to be the most popular option, leading us into this week's question...

NEW POLL - Out of the following options, which lavender tone would you like to see added to the game? Let us know in this week's poll!

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Next Development Update: February 14th!

Friday goofy doodle comic:

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Lillith (#340043)

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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:23:52
well thats a horrifying doodle

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Everfree (#378024)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:23:57

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NamelessBoop (#492840)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:24:10

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Euzi {G5 10k Velvet
DR 14xBO} (#260028)

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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:24:26
When will pies and patches be on spirited pose? Can the artists forgo decor to finish the mutations please?

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Kustya (#365782)

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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:24:29

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πŸŽ‹ · Bandit (#476267)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:24:54
oh no stitch them back up!!! πŸ˜”
cheering more decor for spirited pose!!!!

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harvey (#350256)

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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:25:48
THANK YOU for keeping Iris and Opalescent event NCL exclusive.

More feedback: ideally all of those purples could be added, or maybe the top 3 picks? top 2? but I'm biased towards purple.

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Edited on 07/02/25 @ 20:29:33 by harvey (#350256)

DawnStar (#166818)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:27:06
Oh I as hoping for a darker purple type lavender or a lavender more or less like the skin... did not realize we were going more naturalish for sureπŸ˜‚

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Raindrop (#497726)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:28:34
friday comic
(i swear im the only one who reads them lol)

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vertigoat 🦦 |
19BO outlaw (#114297)

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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:29:01
i am SO happy to hear opalescent and iris will be february exclusive and not applicable via piety, it introduces a new BO base mechanic that i'm very happy to have as an addition <3

syringa seems to be the clear winner for the poll so far, but i hope admins will consider adding wenge as well since it placed second and we currently do not have a dark, subtle purple color (lilac is our darkest, which is most definitely a mid tone and we still would have a gap in the darker purple selection) very excited with this community update nonetheless!

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Veni (#121432)

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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:31:50
That was a good call for the new bases. We've gotta maintain some rarity with the event lions!

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King ™ :D (#372654)

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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:32:55
OOOOOOOO i love all of them, but i think Wenge or Syringa! We really need a darker pirple marking though, so hoping for a tie between the two

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Astryn β˜† (#413258)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:33:03

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tru 🐌 | ruffian (#462746)

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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:33:57
can we have two of these options for markings PLEASEPLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

but really. two of them would be great, the purple we have (lilac, and only half-counting jellyfish here) isn't quite dark/rich enough for the designs i want to use purple in. would love to have more options even if it means extra purple RLs for a few weeks, assuming they'll be breed-only

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Edited on 07/02/25 @ 20:40:42 by tru 🐌 | triple ruffian (#462746)

Fuego (#41825)

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Posted on
2025-02-07 20:35:19
The new swatches are incredible. Like, all of them. Can we maybe introduce multiple hues? A darker shade of purple (I see you, Wenge) is really needed, and the currently winning color, while amazing of course, is more medium toned!

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