-LOCKED - Community Update #255! | |
Posted on 2025-02-21 23:24:55
Community UpdateAside from monthly event news posts and the 2nd Friday of each month being focused on art/coding updates, all other Fridays are centered around the community! Official Lioden RaffleLINK - This is our official community update raffle. Everyone gets a chance to win a rare prize, plus something extra for any runner ups. These raffles have a very minimal ticket price, and there is a limit of 1 ticket per account to make it fair! ![]() This raffle will automatically end on 2025-02-28 00:00:00. Code of Conduct UpdatesThe Code of Conduct has been updated with edits to the Community Interaction section. These include edits to existing bullet points, as well as a few new bullet points. Everything that is italicised below is either changed or new as of today's update, and clarifications have been posted below each adjusted bullet point. 1.2 Do not spam. Examples of spamming are as follows: a) Posting the same topic on multiple boards b) Posting the same topic multiple times on the same board c) Posting the same reply multiple times in the same topic d) "Private" or 1-to-1 conversations (please utilise the Private Messaging system for this) e) Bumping topics (please utilise the Bump Thread button for this) f) Excessively posting in chat, such as posting song lyrics or conducting roleplay g) Linking to a forum topic or lion page in Main Chat more than once per hour h) Excessive capital letters in consecutive posts i) Excessively advertising in chat, e.g. posting ads for the same asset or service more than once per 10 minutes — Previously, bullet 1.2 stated "Do not spam the boards or chat." — Previously, bullet 1.2 f only stated "Excessively posting in chat." 1.7 Do not post content with the intent to troll. Trolling includes: a) Posting a comment, sometimes controversial, with the intention to draw out negative reactions and emotional responses b) Posting a comment for shock value c) Derailing topics from their original purpose d) Personal attacks against any individual or Lioden e) Baiting members into breaking the rules so that you can report them f) Giving members advice on how to circumvent the rules, or encouraging rule-breaking behaviour — Previously, bullet 1.7 stated "Do not post topics, replies or post in chat with the intent to troll." — Bullet 1.7 f regarding circumventing the rules and encouraging rule breaks is brand new. 1.8) Do not post content with regards to medical advice, either for yourself or on behalf of someone else. This includes: a) Requesting or providing medical advice b) Requesting or providing mental health advice or counselling c) Requesting or providing medical advice for pets — Previously, bullet 1.8 stated "Do not post topics with regards to medical advice, either for yourself or on behalf of someone else." 1.22) Do not use game features for anything other than what they are intended for. This includes, but is not limited to: a) Misusing the trading center as an advertisement board, a storage system, a voting system, to advertise or seek non-tangible assets and services that cannot be offered within trades (commissions, contests, raffles, studs), or to post placeholder assets e.g. putting an item up for sale in place of a lion. b) Posting sales-related posts anywhere other than Sales Chat. This includes posts that are soliciting sales, posts that hint at potential sales and exchanges, and posts that allude to ongoing sales. c) Posting roleplay-related posts anywhere other than Role Play Chat. d) Posting links to suggestion threads anywhere other than Main Chat. e) Posting giveaways anywhere other than Giveaways Chat. f) Posting art sales-related posts anywhere other than Art Sales Chat. g) Posting clan-related posts anywhere other than Clans Chat. This includes posts for clan-based contests, giveaways, raffles, and sales. — Previously, bullet 1.22 a stated "Using the trading center as an advertisement board or voting system." — Previously, bullet 1.22 b stated "Posting sales posts in the chat anywhere other than on the Sales channel. This includes posts that may hint at potential sales." — Previously, bullet 1.22 c stated "Posting roleplay related posts in the chat anywhere other than the Roleplay channel." — Previously, bullet 1.22 d stated "Posting links to suggestion threads anywhere but the "Main" channel of the chat." — Bullets 1.22 e, 1.22 f, and 1.22 g are brand new. We have always issued punishments for violating these rules, but have quoted Code of Conduct bullet 1.22 as a whole for these violations. Now, when a giveaway is posted outside of Giveaways Chat or a clan is advertised outside of Clans Chat within the chat room, our staff team will specifically cite Code of Conduct 1.22 e or 1.22 g when issuing punishments. 1.29 Do not host gambling games, or games of chance, outside of the game's offered features. a) This includes (but is not limited to) Wheel of Fortune, Lucky Dip, Sweepstakes, Dice Rolling, and other games that do not have a prescribed winner. b) This is extended to any other type of event in which a player is required to submit game money or assets for a chance to win something. c) Until Lioden's raffle system is overhauled at an undetermined time in the future, we will allow forum-based raffles. — This bullet is brand new. Regarding Code of Conduct Bullet 1.29This new bullet point addresses player-run gambling games and games of chance. We have seen an increase in the number of reports of possible scams when it comes to these types of games, and due to their nature, it is not possible for our staff (or for players) to determine their legitimacy. As we cannot verify that all rolls/draws/etc. are being performed without manipulation, we have opted to prohibit these types of games from taking place on site.As noted in the new bullet point 1.29 c, forum-based raffles will still be allowed to continue until the official raffle system can be updated. Players will have one week from today (up to February 28th, 2025) to close down their gambling games and games of chance, and deliver any outstanding prizes. New games are not to be created as of this post, and will be taken down without notice. After one week, our staff team will begin taking action on any new or existing games of this category. Refunds will not be given for past games, as at the time these games were not against our rules. Please note that this does not extend to giveaways and art commissions with random outcomes, as long as all outcomes are similar in nature. For example, you can sell a mystery adoptable with randomly selected designs and features. You cannot, however, run a game where a player can win an adoptable, a virtual item, or nothing at all. Clarification Edit: We wanted to add some additional clarity regarding bullet point 1.29, as some players have had questions regarding the criteria for games that are allowed versus disallowed, as well as wanting to know if specific games are allowed. Games such as Blackjack, in which a player can lose due to "RNG" and not gain any prize, fall under 1.29a as there is no guaranteed winner. Games that award prizes based on rarity tiers are considered to not have outcomes similar in nature. We are unable to verify that RNG rolls for these types of rarity tiers are being performed legitimately (e.g., 50% common tier isn't actually being rolled at a rate of 95%). All prizes should have a comparable value at each individual tier, rather than including chances of lesser prizes. If a game requires outside RNG in order to determine if anyone wins or the rarity of the prize, it is disallowed. We will not be setting up or providing an in-game RNG system to host these types of games. In regard to the December "poop/gift for prize" games: as long as a winner is being drawn and prizes are sent out, they will be allowed. This is similar in nature to games where a single winner is drawn from a pool of entrants. In this case, a player can enter the game without any cost by pooping rather than gifting an item. Minor Wardrobe UpdateWe have temporarily disabled the filter in the Lion Wardrobe that determines whether a custom decor is available or not. This filter is what was causing some CDs not to display properly in the decor selector. While this means that you should now be able to access every single CD in the game, it also means that a custom decor that is not available for a particular age/sex/pose/etc. will be selectable even if there is no art for it, so please keep that in mind when browsing CDs via the wardrobe. Art Bug Fix* Fixed the Golden Gate Highlands background not appearing due to a typo Coding Bug Fixes* The Item Catalogue and Item Pages are now in sync as far as displaying the "Total In Game" count. * Clear Rum now properly hides mutations in the Wardrobe. This temporarily prevented Translucent Jellyfish from working. * Viewing a Dynasty page will now show the correct pagination for all pages. * Purchasing a title from the Slap Shop incorrectly stated the title was purchased from the Flirt Shop. * You will now be prompted for confirmation when purchasing a Lucky Dip, a Title, or PVP battling from the Flirt/Slap Shops. * When posting a new topic, you will now be prompted when clicking "Reset", to avoid accidentally clearing your topic post. Posting a reply to a topic already had this in place. * Board links on the Boards Feed page were all incorrectly showing up as 0. This is no longer the case! * The Blind mutation now appears under the mane when viewed in the wardrobe. * King names with apostrophes in them no longer appear with backslashes when viewing their territory page. * Inbox pagination would include any Saved Messages, sometimes resulting in "empty" pages depending on how many messages you had saved. Saved Messages now also include an "Unread" counter. * Using a Piebald or Patches applicator on yourself would result in a slightly strange success message: "Your lion checks out the new pattern on its fur, utterly confused, but very pleased! on myself" Thas has now been corrected! * Two issues on the Crafting page have been fixed:
Raffle LionessCongrats to the winner of last week's raffle lioness! A new Opalescent lady with Whisper Inverted Zebra (NEW!), Whisper Margay (NEW!), Whisper Roan (NEW!), and the tenth Lopé National Park background is up for impressing in the Special Lioness area linked here! Marking Note: Dim Latte and Latte Burmese are now possible to apply via RMA/RMR/Total Shuffle! ![]() Poll Results - Thank you all for voting on last week's poll! We've noted down that many of you would like September to have event NCL-exclusive bases—stay tuned for the event later this year! ![]() NEW POLL - Are you interested in every existing Piebald shape having a small chance of "mutating" and breeding its inverted shape? This would make these Piebalds breed-only mutations. It would have a small chance of passing itself, but not the original shape. We might do this with Patches as well, depending on if the designs will let us. Let us know your thoughts in this week's poll! Next Development Update: March 14th! Xylax is traveling and had to draw this Friday's goofy doodle comic on a train! ![]() ![]() Edited on 22/02/25 @ 12:28:00 by Katze (#3) |
Thatonegirl2 (#489993)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:11 |
newwssss ssss edit yayyy im first ![]() Edited on 21/02/25 @ 23:25:46 by Thatonegirl2 (#489993) |
Ivy|6/115GB (#484203)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:14 |
bambi | g1 pie 15 bo scoundrel (#373447) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:15 |
Miles89(DM me the word Pie) (#478095) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:15 |
Newsssssss lol 4th! Not bad ^^ ![]() Edited on 21/02/25 @ 23:25:43 by Miles89(DM me the word Pie) (#478095) |
Lynx(Side) G3 Meteorite Ferus (#452305) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:15 |
D'Tani (#26741)
Protector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:16 |
b!llard | roxter 🜲 (#297403) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:16 |
Scar|3x ros Ubaste daedal 3.0k (#248273) Toxic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:16 |
✨Ghost[G4 Jellyfish colorbomb] (#353919) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:16 |
Flo☘️(G1 Bushveld) (#172378) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:16 |
First page not bad and community post yay!! ![]() Edited on 21/02/25 @ 23:25:48 by Flo☘️(G1 Bushveld) (#172378) |
Fennec side ☆march freezer☆ (#370197) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:18 |
NEWWWSA ![]() Edited on 21/02/25 @ 23:25:34 by Fennec side ☆ cinna rlc☆ (#370197) |
Meiko <3 (#418519)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:18 |
Freyja (#472623)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:19 |
Gaia🌈🇵🇸 Cimm Ocelot (#347414) Naughty View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:19 |
Quillynx [G1 Tri-Ros Ennedi] (#384956) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2025-02-21 23:25:20 |