Community Update #256!
Posted on 2025-02-28 19:48:34

Community Update

Aside from monthly event news posts and the 2nd Friday of each month being focused on art/coding updates, all other Fridays are centered around the community!

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Official Lioden Raffle

LINK - This is our official community update raffle. Everyone gets a chance to win a rare prize, plus something extra for any runner ups. These raffles have a very minimal ticket price, and there is a limit of 1 ticket per account to make it fair! Good luck!
This raffle will automatically end on 2025-03-07 00:00:00.

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Custom Decor Creator Update

We wanted to let the community know that we're still working on making the Spirited pose available in the Custom Decor Creator, along with some other behind-the-scenes Custom Decor updates. Here's a sneak peak at the updated interface!

While we do not have a firm date, we are anticipating its arrival sometime in March. Please hold onto any questions you may have regarding this feature, as we will likely be addressing many of them upon its release!

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Spirited Decor Update

15 decors have been updated for Spirited!

* Black Sphinx Wings [Bottom]
* Black Sphinx Wings [Top]
* Head Wings [Black]
* Head Wings [White]
* Interstellar Sphinx Wings [Bottom]
* Interstellar Sphinx Wings [Top]
* Simple Leg Jewelry [Golden]
* Simple Leg Jewelry [Silver]
* Sphinx Wings [Bottom]
* Sphinx Wings [Top]
* White Sphinx Wings [Bottom]
* White Sphinx Wings [Top]
* Winged Bracers
* Winged Cobra Tailwrap [Golden]
* Winged Cobra Tailwrap [Silver]

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Art Bug Fixes

* Adjusted floating scales on the Magma Scales [Tail] decor on Adult Female Neutral to appear as intended
* Adjusted the Sad Makeup decor to sit on Adult Female Snarky as intended
* Corrected a beetle missing half of its body in the Crawling Silver Beetles decor for Adult Male Default and Adult Male Spirited
* Corrected sharp erasing on the Survivor decor for Adult Female Evil
* Fixed a stray pixel on the Dancer Chains decors and all of its subsequent recolours (Amethyst, Garnet, Gold, Hematite, Moonstone, Rhodonite, Silver) for Adult Female Default
* Fixed an erasing error on the Jewelry: Charming Chains [Moss Agate] decor for Adult Male Diabolic
* Fixed Vitiligo 4 pattern mistake on Teen Jaglions
* Removed aberrant pixel on the Western Horse Halter [Light] decor for Cub Newborn
* Jaglion Files Updated:
- Vitiligo 5, Vitiligo 6, Vitiligo 7, Vitiligo 8, Vitiligo 9
- Reverse Vitiligo Mash
- Brimstone base
- Total Jaglion Files Updated: 198

Coding Bug Fixes

* Some lions were born with "Gray" eyes (rather than "Grey"). Those lions have had their eyes corrected and will now see... er... appear properly.
* Epicene eyes will also now properly throw "Grey" eyes.
* Sending a trade rejection message with a < symbol will no longer cut the message off.
* The "Improve!" button for impression was broken in some browsers for some players. For those players, you can once again increase your impression level!
* When viewing the "My Decors" page, all relevant female poses will display now, instead of just "Jolly".
* The Biography section of lion pages no longer suffers from the same issue as Reverse Breeding Rules did previously where long, unbroken text would stretch the page.

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Raffle Lioness

Congrats to the winner of last week's raffle lioness!
A new Sunkissed lady with Dark Brown Ocelot (NEW!), Latte Roan (NEW!), and the tenth Mauritania background is up for impressing in the Special Lioness area linked here!

Marking Note: Whisper Inverted Zebra, Whisper Margay, and Whisper Roan are now possible to apply via RMA/RMR/Total Shuffle!

Poll Results - Thank you all for voting on last week's poll! The votes were overwhelmingly positive for inverted/reversed Piebald shapes—we'll see what we can do!

NEW POLL - Due to feedback about highlights covering too much of the eye colour, we need to rehaul Leopon female eyes to look more refined and modern. This might change how the eyes look for every colour. Let us know your thoughts on this in this week's poll!

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Next Development Update: March 14th!

We do not have a new goofy comic this week due to preparing for March's event news. Instead, let's look back on a relevant comic released in the past!

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Edited on 28/02/25 @ 21:04:45 by Katze (#3)

starwing | Citron
Gilded Bomb (#472271)

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Posted on
2025-02-28 21:56:41

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Maro 🇵🇱 (G2
Scoundrel Ferus) (#167078)

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Posted on
2025-02-28 21:58:38

Hrt Icon 2 players like this post! Like?

Edited on 28/02/25 @ 21:59:11 by Maro 🇵🇱 (G2 Scoundrel Ferus) (#167078)

Maeva (Inactive) (#385086)

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Posted on
2025-02-28 22:04:23

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Tzeentch (#55741)

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Posted on
2025-02-28 22:07:37
Cool when do we learn what to do with the new gems, I'm dying to know!?

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Unbreakable (#125649)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2025-02-28 22:14:39
Yes the newssss

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Nex (#266948)

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Posted on
2025-02-28 22:34:30
News yay

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SpacedOut(gen 1 ice) (#137762)

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Posted on
2025-02-28 22:36:54

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Aubrey {DM the word
GIFT} (#406806)

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Posted on
2025-02-28 22:41:20

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Moonj✂️ (#478690)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2025-02-28 22:51:38

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[G2-Pecora-Harle] (#264940)

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Posted on
2025-03-02 10:55:55

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TopazCobra (#461471)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2025-03-05 08:00:53
Wow this is all a bunch of really cool information! (I'm just trying to get the achievement for commenting on the news lol)

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