Posted by Lioness Re-Breeding

Dothraki (#208)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2012-10-25 07:06:56
Alright so I've bred to a lioness and then had to wait for 4 days for her to give birth. I didn't like any of her cubs so I chased them off now I'm not sure how long I have to wait so I can breed her again, hopefully for better resulting cubs.

I think it should be done realistically.

So if all a lioness' cubs are either chased off or they die for whatever reason the lioness will come back into heat and I'd really like to see the game incorporate this. So people don't have to wait for forever to re-breed to a lioness that didn't yield what you were looking for.

So chasing all of them off should be like hitting the try again button and in a few days the lioness should be ready to breed again.

The real life time is within the range of about a week but for game purposes I think a few days is good.

This suggestion has 54 supports and 1 NO support.

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Cinna (#197)

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Posted on
2012-10-25 08:16:11

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Fireclaw (#17662)

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Posted on
2012-10-25 09:57:17
That's not really realistic, because the only way a lioness would lose cubs is if they were killed, and even then it can take weeks for the lioness to back into heat, it's not an instant thing.

if you could just breed and breed then it would bog down the servers, that's why waiting periods are in place.

that's the reason the "chase off" button is there, breeding takes planning, I read somewhere, but cannot remember how breeding for stats works, but I am pretty sure the cubs will always be lower than both parents, and you have to work your way up to getting better cubs, probably through inbreeding and such.

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Xyli ~Star Glaze'N~ (#568)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2012-10-25 10:01:37
Nicely said Fireclaw. Very true.

Also I like to comment by saying a female lion can die like any other animal if the baby comes out wrong? such as a birthing defect, the lionness can die so could the cub or the cub could survive. that make this game more interesting I think.

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Dothraki (#208)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2012-10-25 17:52:08
Well yes I know that Fireclaw but in a sense in the game when you chase off a cub you are killing it. The mother would not be able to tell the difference whether it is still living or not and most likely left to the wild its gong to die anyway. She only knows that there is no longer anything nursing on her and that brings her back into heat after a few weeks.

However a few weeks is the realistic time frame. Of course we should not actually have to wait that long in the game.

The pregnancies in this game are only 4 days long and it should be about the same length of time for the lioness to go back into being able to breed if you have chased off all her cubs before they have matured.

I don't think it would cause a massive outbreak of cubs. It will just give the person a better chance of getting a cub they want. I meant color wise not stats. I do plan the breeding but when the cub comes out with no markings and both parents have markings it is not worth keeping and I would like to breed to the female again in order to try for a better resulting cub. Once you keep one from that lioness they then wouldn't go back into heat until the cub has fully matured. But if you chase off before maturity it should put the female back into heat.

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Liona (#227)

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Posted on
2012-11-01 06:39:54
I support this. Anyways a few weeks is nothing like the 2 years we have to wait now until she comes into heat again.. A few weeks sounds more like 1-2 months. Even randomizing this (so it's something between 1-6 months) could be an option. But 2 years is ways too much for a lioness without cubs, normally she'd be in heat much sooner.

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Awry (#764)

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Posted on
2012-11-02 08:17:32

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Avi (#549)

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Posted on
2012-11-02 17:56:08
You mean you can't breed lionesses again till the current cub is two years old? That... is not even close to realistic. Like, at all. I definitely support a shorter cooldown period before re-breeding regardless of whether or not the cub is still around.

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Tyyni2 (#172)

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Posted on
2012-11-03 06:47:55
The reason in real life cubs are killed or 'chased off' is so that the female can be bred again by the male who killed the cubs.

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Paint (#979)

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Posted on
2012-11-03 16:45:18
I support what both Avi and Tyyni said. And to tie in with what Tyyni said, I watch a show on Animal Planet called Big Cat Diaries and when a new male lays claim to a pride (chasing off or killing original male) they usually kill the cubs of the previous male in order to have their own. So, this scenario is indeed realistic.

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Chalkie014 (#1089)

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Posted on
2012-11-05 10:10:40

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Dothraki (#208)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2012-11-07 07:00:43
Yep that is what I was getting at Peacock thank you.

Lol since chasing off is killing the cub. It should put the female back into being able to breed sooner.

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Nym (#483)

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Posted on
2012-11-07 09:58:12

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Fireclaw (#17662)

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Posted on
2012-11-07 13:08:43
"You mean you can't breed lionesses again till the current cub is two years old? That... is not even close to realistic. Like, at all. I definitely support a shorter cooldown period before re-breeding regardless of whether or not the cub is still around."

yes, it is, even though the whole pride helps to raise the cubs, the mother will not go into heat again until 18-24 months after giving birth

in as a fact, I believe you can re-breed the mother when the cubs are a year and 10 months old

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Avi (#549)

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Posted on
2012-11-07 20:30:34
My apologies for not doing the research before posting (no, really-- I think I was basing my opinion on goats or something, which was weird of me). Still, it does look like females go into heat pretty soon after losing a cub, as their breeding cycles are not rigid. I still support being able to rebreed lionesses *much* sooner if you run off their cubs.

So, re-breeding is currently possible 13 days after the birth of a cub (17 days after original breeding)?

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Ventriloquist (#234)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2012-11-07 20:34:15
Support! I was actually coming to suggest this~

Lionesses (and most every other cat) go into heat when a litter is lost/killed. Most cats without offspring also go into heat with the same regularity as the human menstrual cycle.

From this site.
"If a litter is lost, females will return to estrus ( the reproductive cycle begins again) within as little as a week and can reproduce again but mothers whose cubs survive only begin to breed again after their cubs reach 18 months of age."

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