Posted by Lioness Re-Breeding

Dothraki (#208)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2012-10-25 07:06:56
Alright so I've bred to a lioness and then had to wait for 4 days for her to give birth. I didn't like any of her cubs so I chased them off now I'm not sure how long I have to wait so I can breed her again, hopefully for better resulting cubs.

I think it should be done realistically.

So if all a lioness' cubs are either chased off or they die for whatever reason the lioness will come back into heat and I'd really like to see the game incorporate this. So people don't have to wait for forever to re-breed to a lioness that didn't yield what you were looking for.

So chasing all of them off should be like hitting the try again button and in a few days the lioness should be ready to breed again.

The real life time is within the range of about a week but for game purposes I think a few days is good.

This suggestion has 54 supports and 1 NO support.

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Caleb (#3107)

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Posted on
2013-04-11 23:32:46
As annoyed as I was when I spent 1000SB breeding all of my females to outside lions and got almost NO decent cubs from the resulting 17 that were born...

I dont support this.

And the only reason I dont support this is because people are breeding really quickly here now, the speed at which you could breed while in alpha was insane, I think the heat cycle cooldown slows down the pace of the game so people actually play it, rather than spend all day trying to churn out as many babies as possible. While you could make the arguement that instant rebreeding is more realistic I think its better for the game if this reality is avoided.

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Edited on 12/04/13 by Jenne - Buying Cub Sex Changer (#3107)

💰Green1Chaos (#32339)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2014-07-03 08:39:24
Fireclaw, you also forgot this: Some lionesses tend to abandon cubs that are related to them, but are not their mother to safe guard her own. Other times, it's because a cub is either injured by a male or from a predator.

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2014-07-03 12:07:39
Sheesh Green this thread is over a year old since the last post X3

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-07-03 17:52:54
Cat, I dont think that the age of a thread in the Game Development means much. Since the suggestions are always valid, unlike threads in other forum sections, where it can be called thread necroing.

Anyway, I already suggested this and was locked, saying they are thinking about it.
Here, if you want to look.

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