Posted by Levels, Cub Theft, Death, and Lioness Training
Krethes (#30)

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Posted on
2012-09-08 19:21:10
1. Inheritable traits/stats:
Like in some sim games, it is beneficial to wait to breed until the parent(s) are of a higher level. Since leveling is a part of this game, perhaps the cubs of the parents with higher levels could gain a little stat boost? It might also help dumb people like me stop breeding constantly. I have an addiction, it's quite sad.

2. Lioness Training
Maybe have an option to send lionesses on side missions to help them gain exp in a way other than hunting because with the current system, I will only have five lionesses who actually get any exp because I don't want to risk losing valuable hunting minutes on level 1 lionesses when my higher-leveled ones are doing better. These missions could cost a fair amount of normal beetles, which would give the members another reason to use them since after territory size 10, they're fairly useless at this point.

3. Still births and Infertility?
Nature is harsh and, well, not every critter is going to reproduce because of various reasons. Each lioness could have a set percentage chance of infertility based on a number of factors (hunger could be one since hungry hungry hippos-- er...organisms don't usually have the ability to sustain another life when their own is on the line). On the same line, cubs could be stillborn and a pregnancy could just result in nothing.

4. Theft
Maybe some hyena could go a-prowling for some lion cubs. People may lose some cubs, but maybe Gold Beetles could offer a permanent/semi-permanent protection for the more valued cubs and a lion's skill stat or maybe smarts/strength/speed stats could give them a chance to get the cubs back before anything terrible happens (at an energy cost, of course!), which would add another element to the game. A notification would be given, of course, whenever a cub is nabbed and the nabbing would be entirely random beyond the protected cub.

Please feel free to give me your feedback-- more than just "I don't like it," because I'd like to have constructive criticism and some ideas bounced off. Most of this was on the fly thought of, so the ideas are not entirely fully thought out. :)

This suggestion has 26 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/09/12 by Krethes (#30)
Edited on 08/09/12 by Krethes (#30)

Alecto (#3013)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-02-11 02:18:51
Definitely support the idea of stat boosts for cubs, lioness training outside of hunting, and still births/infertility. I feel that these would make the game more realistic and more fun. I'm okay with cub theft by an NPC predator, but I don't like the idea of other users being able to steal lionesses/cubs.

On the subject of lioness training: maybe something like the "Sharpen Your Claws?" Limited uses (one or two a day) and a chance to gain some exp and/or a stat boost?

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Mishka (#23045)

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Posted on
2014-02-09 15:22:42
Yes to all expect the Cub Theft.

I don't think anyone would like to breed valuable cubs only too loose them because they can't get the protection. Let people relax knowing their cubs are perfectly safe. Yes hyenas grabbing cubs happens in real life but this is a game-games are meant to be relaxing and escape the real world. Or if a new player breeds their first cubs,a hyena takes it. They'll get upset and leave losing players and money for LioDen.

If you guys want completely realistic we would have to get rid of trading-lionesses in a real pride are all related mothers,aunts,sisters,grandmothers etc. A male won't take in another cub-he would kill it. A pride won't happily give away their offspring to a rival pride.

We would also have to remove studding-the male lion of the pride does all the breeding with all the females.

With those,this game will never be really realistic. Sorry had to point those out.

Yes to all,but the Cub Theft,please never add that.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-02-09 17:42:24
1. Your cubs already are bred with higher stats if their parents have higher stats. The staff is trying to reduce statgain, not raise it.

2. I would like to see this with Adolescents only. After all, they do need to learn how to hunt, but adults simply go to hunt. If you cannot send the adult lioness to hunt and gain exp+stats.... Well... yeah. Tough luck.

3. Fertility might be brought in, although it will do little to the cub market. BUT I would hate to see the pregnancy of my lioness become nothing or get a stillbirth for no reason if I am taking care of my lionesses fine. I should be able to control it by care and make sure it gets somewhere. I tend to only breed once in a lioness' lifetime, and basically if this happened randomly, this would be a low blow for me. Plus, stillbirth is already implemented. It happens if you dont feed your pregnant lioness. So taking care of your lioness is essential to have a successful pregnancy.

4. So you say, I would have absolutely random cubdeaths in my small pride of lions, and I would need to pay expensive GB to save them? Meh.

All in all: No support at all.

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