Posted by The Wishing Rock

DragonSage (#4453)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2013-04-27 22:22:26
I came up with this idea in the thread about SB items, however I thought it might be worth posting it in its own thread. It would essentially be a new option in the explore and would hopefully help remove some of the SB out of circulation to help keep the economy stable.

The Wishing Rock

Once or twice a day sacrifice some SB to the Wishing Rock and perhaps your wishes will come true. The fee should probably be around 50-100 SB perhaps even more. You could wish for several things, which will be listed below.

I'd say the odds should be reasonable, perhaps either 1 in 3 for something good, 1 in 6 for something bad and the rest of the time nothing or so half the time you get a good result, 40% of the time you get a neutral result and 10% of the time you get a negative result. [Alternatively the only 'bad' result would be no effect; although personally the gamble for a negative result would make it more interesting in my opinion] It could be used by any lion, the effects would be applied to the lion who used it

Power A good result would be up to +3 in a random stat or skill for your lion, a poor result would be a loss of a random stat or skill.
Energy A good result would be up to 30% energy regained, a poor result would be a loss of energy (or resetting the energy regaining timer if you are at zero)
Health A successful wish would grant an extension of up to 3 months of life to your lion (or making him/her younger, if it would be too difficult to have a varying age of death). A negative result would be taking some months off his/her life span (or making him/her older if its too difficult to have a varying age of death)
Food A Successful wish would grant several random carcasses and/or refill the hunger bar. A negative result would make your lion hungry or reduce the amount of days left on some carcasses in your hoard
Amusement [lioness/cub only] A successful wish would raise mood or grant some toys. A negative result would make you loose mood.
Wealth A successful wish gets you 200 SB. Suggested by Sainler (#11215). This one might be hard to have a negative result because if the game deducted SB it could result in a negative SB balance so perhaps a 'negative' result would be no SB and a positive result would be any SB up to 200 SB so that some of the time your net change would be a loss (but not the full 100 SB)

Another suggestion by Summer's Eve (#8345) is to combine health and power with a good result being increasing the level, freezing ageing for a certain amount of time or adding a random stat gain (possibly for a limited amount of time) with a negative result being a loss of a level; temporary removal of stat/skill for a certain amount of time or being unable to gain stat/skill for a certain amount of time.

Taking in account a couple of the comments about having a rare prize that might encourage people to throw SB at the rock, there could be a rare prize only available from the wishing rock. You could win it regardless of which wish you chose, but the odds of getting it would be quite low

This suggestion has 74 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 28/05/13 by DragonSage [Raion] (#4453)

DragonSage (#4453)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2013-05-01 00:07:21
Muttduck what negative consequences would you subsitute instead?

I do think the negative consequences make it more intersting because you actually risk something more than SB which many people have too much anyway.

It would be very difficult for people to reliably use the health option to kill off a male considering that 50% the time you'd win nothing 33.3% of the time you'd gain life and only 16.7% of the time you'd lose life and these percentages could be played with so that you have a greater chance of getting the positive item. You could also make it so the loss of life or stats is only 1 to minimize the loss and so the potential gain is far more

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Edited on 02/05/13 by DragonSage (#4453)

antiqui-tea (#6992)

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Posted on
2013-05-03 04:33:16

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Musical (#7822)

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Posted on
2013-05-03 04:37:11
I don't support. There are already so many ways to get things in Lioden, another isn't needed.

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Edited on 07/05/13 by Musical {Asmita} (#7822)

Brittany The Dog
(Raion) (#10524)

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Posted on
2013-05-03 04:40:25

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Insipid Princess (#10162)

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Posted on
2013-05-05 07:29:46
omg yes to this

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Nako-Ma (#6800)

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Posted on
2013-05-06 10:35:39

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ashtail (#4740)

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Posted on
2013-05-08 08:36:38
Nobody wants to loose thing and what if it starts to kill lioness faster and everyone losing and people will be more eager for food and to make there lioness and cubs happy sorry but I don't support this

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Indii (#9504)

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Posted on
2013-05-10 19:58:28
I agree with muttduck on taking away the stats from a lion and shortening the life span as it's already quite hard to get stats so if the stats you have worked for are taken away that would be quite frustrating. I also agree on the point muttduck stated on shortening the life span.

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Monavie Voight (#5565)

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Posted on
2013-05-12 03:18:22
amusements, power, energy are ok

I don't like the idea of health/aging - making lions older/younger as that doesn't make much sense as way to play

sometimes you have to think of the worst case scenario when considering ideas such as that as to what kind of complaints can come from such a feature.

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Eidolon (#3405)

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Posted on
2013-05-24 07:04:04

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Equine (#12244)

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Posted on
2013-05-24 07:51:45

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Celebi (#13049)

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Posted on
2013-05-24 09:12:40
I really like this idea. It should totally be added.

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PurpleDragon (#9347)

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Posted on
2013-05-25 10:38:04

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Federal {CBC} (#834)

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Posted on
2013-05-27 16:41:18
Support the wishing rock! But idk about taking things away. If my lions starving and I run to the wishing rock, I don't want him starving more..xD But I really like this idea!

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Libby Eve (#8345)

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Posted on
2013-05-27 18:40:16
Support :) I have an addition to your idea though that I created a new thread about:

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