Posted by Male Lions

happeljacks (#31514)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2014-05-15 01:22:20
I had this idea for the lions policy and aging them. Due to the fact that many of us cannot afford to buy gold beetles and earning them are so difficult, I thought that this might be a good idea all around. I have this sub male that i want to use as my main lion due to better stats, but I cannot switch til the current one dies or retires via gold beetles. What if everyone was allowed to switch to their sub male once, for free or a silver beetle fee, to the sub male of their choosing only after their current lion has aged to 5 years old. That way, everyone has the opportunity to better their lions and gene pool without having to go too overboard or anything. Any time after that though, it would be the 10 gbs to change to a different sub male and you would have to wait for retirement. thoughts?

This suggestion has 39 supports and 0 NO supports.

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-05-15 01:31:35
I'm unsure about this one.. but for now..

No support, only because your current male will have the option to retire when he reaches 15 years of age.

You don't always have to use 10 GB to retire your current male~

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happeljacks (#31514)

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Posted on
2014-05-15 05:29:02
i realize that much but i guess it is just a way to clear the path for those who want to switch sooner than to wait til fifteen years old. It was offering an alternative for those who don't want to wait to switch but cannot afford the 10 gold beetles to do so. It seemed fair is all. But it is understood that fifteen is the point of retirement

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happeljacks (#31514)

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Posted on
2014-05-15 05:35:37
to clarify further: it is allowing all players the even and equal opportunity to replace their lion at the age of 5 once for free with their sub male of choice. they can only do it free once. after that, it would be either wait til retirement or pay the gold beetle amount. it is leveling the playing field for those who want to improve their stats and find the lion they want better. not everyone can afford a custom lion, and have found a sub male heir they want to use.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-05-15 07:00:23
I am afraid I cannot support this.

It is perfectly fair and balanced as it currently is. I know not everyone can pay 10GB, those people will have to instead wait until their male is 15 years of age.

Pay money or wait. The perfect balance. At 15 years it becomes free of charge anyway.

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Kalypso (#31501)

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Posted on
2014-05-15 07:26:21
I don't see how that is "balanced" and I presume you are one of those people who have the GB and spend it to do such things. Not everyone is going to spend their cash on it or can. Personally it is a leveling field sort of deal. Especially considering the gist of the people on this game are nutjobs spending fortunes on things to screw the lesser abled at a chance to have nice things. I'd rather see people who are making it without the need to incorporate their cash to buy GB to heighten their status or lions. I support this.

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Under Duress (#26168)

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Posted on
2014-05-15 08:37:29
I think this should be considered as an option in the future, when stats are actually worth something in the game itself outside of the trade center. People who have been playing for awhile and had time to take advantage of the higher stat turnover in breeding would have a significant leg up over new players. But right now stats are entirely cosmetic, so I wouldn't be too fussed about it.

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-05-15 09:10:20
Kalypso: Not everyone is going to spend their cash on it or can. Personally it is a leveling field sort of deal. Especially considering the gist of the people on this game are nutjobs spending fortunes on things to screw the lesser abled at a chance to have nice things.

While I understand your point of view.. those "nutjobs" actually help to support and run this game.. without them paying for GB lioden would not run as it does now.

Also, it is not the "nutjobs'" fault that they pay GB or pay for GB. GBs are an item that was offered to players by the game itself, so please try not to say that they are "screwing the lesser abled" because that is not true.


In regards to the thread topic... I do agree sometimes there is a need to switch over to a sub male quickly.. especially if your male is old, but not old enough to retire and he is a roll lion, and your sub male is better but will die before your current male.

If there is a method to safely incorporate a way to retire lions in those types of dire situations in the future I will support.

But because of Lioden still being in Beta and it's still working on getting things running more smoothly I won't support this ideal just yet.

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Edited on 15/05/14 by .::VulpesFelis:BBro:OC::.. (#17507)

Kalypso (#31501)

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Posted on
2014-05-15 12:09:25
You have your view I have mine. While I agree it does support the game and help develop it further there is a point where pay to play games begin to have inflation issues and it becomes near impossible for newer players or others in the I can't buy GB boat to get a leg up anywhere. Then it just kills a game and personally I view this as one of the better sims I've ever played or seen and I would like to see it evolve past the issues of one that haven't done as well when on that track.

Either way some form of this adjustment seems fair.

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🌳 Dad 🌳 (#22988)

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Posted on
2014-05-15 12:11:22
I cannot support this. They way we have it now is perfectly fine and completely fair.

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Edited on 15/05/14 by Sasha The She-Wolf (#22988)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-05-15 16:35:22
I presume you are one of those people who have the GB and spend it to do such things.
Actually, no. I am a simple player who cannot buy GB for money but I work my butt off in order to be able to buy GB for SB instead with very active and hard gameplay. Do not judge, please.

I understand that you cannot pay GB, and without a higher statted submale there isnt much you can do, but we were reassured by the developers that there will be a different system for PVE gameplay, and let us hope that at least part of my PVP suggestion will be implemented, where the PVP range you can attack will not depend on level -so you will need to go against high stats as a newbie- but on stats range.

Many of the gameplay's features work this way just like the retiring.
Retiring itself is a feature. You either pay GB to retire early or wait the 15 years.
Birthing cubs is also a feature. You either pay GB to have your lioness give birth instantly, or wait the 3 days until she gives birth.
Heat cooldown is also a feature. You either pay GB to have the lioness come into heat instantly, or you wait 9 days for her to come into heat.
Markings are also features. You either pay GB to customize them, or patiently breed them into your lion's lineage.

See? many features work the same way and they are balanced. You can do all those above as a free and as a paying member. Only that with money -rightfully- you will get them done sooner and faster.
Thus, yes, it is balanced and fair.

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Kalypso (#31501)

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Posted on
2014-05-16 00:27:34
Your sense of fair and balanced is still weirdly off but again you have your views others have theirs.

As for waiting on cubs to be born or females to go into heat. That's less of an issue and more about patience. 3 days and 9 days is one thing 180 is a completely different bracket. As far as males being able to switch at a younger age it would help especially if someone procured a good male but they are older and will die before the current ruler. As being a player with lower things you usually have to outsource good lions and blood into your den. Which I do by saving a shit ton of sb and working like hell to do what I can without the need of GB. It's still not a "balanced" system it is a system of entitlement.

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Edited on 16/05/14 by Kalypso[Challenge ME!] (#31501)

Seiden (#31503)

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Posted on
2014-05-16 00:37:45
Rolled lions are quite useless for breeding as they just have a few common markins and really bad stats, then their cubs are quite useless too....
So, yeah, an option to retire our rolled lion would be nice....

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-05-16 02:13:04
All I am saying is that we all started out the same way as every newbie. We had a starter lion which we kept for months while we bred and trained our new submale.

It takes generations to get your lions to the same degree as those that are called average on Lioden. This means work. Things should not be handed to you just because you dont have the patience to wait and put effort into progress if you cannot pay real money or buy GB with SB.

It is not entitlement. It is the question of what effort you are willing and can put into your gameplay. Play smart and be determined. Set your goal and you shall progress.

No game will start easy, no matter where you look Newbies have to learn the ups and downs, have to work their way up to the 'big guys' with the same work as those who are already up there. There is no unbalance. There is nothing unfair in this. Work hard, have patience, or pay money. These two exist even in real life.

This was the balance I was talking about when giving the examples. Work or pay. If you dont want to work, then pay. If you cannot pay, then work. There is no in between.

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-05-16 03:23:19
Well said.

From a player who too had to work hard to where I am now.

And I'm still not in the big leagues really, but working hard made getting where I am all the more worth it.

Not saying anyone else does not work hard or as hard or less hard.

Just saying I enjoy the balance.

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Kalypso (#31501)

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Posted on
2014-05-16 10:18:28
5 years or even 7-9 wouldn't be some quick thing either. It's not a matter of patience. I put effort into my lions however the rolled ones you get are as Seiden put it useless. Which really they are. To be able to switch even at the cost of SB or at an age less than 15 but more than 5 would be just as fair.

If you pay money at that rate you aren't working're paying the money to bypass working hard. which is something you keep negating to realize.

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