Posted by Male Lions

happeljacks (#31514)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2014-05-15 01:22:20
I had this idea for the lions policy and aging them. Due to the fact that many of us cannot afford to buy gold beetles and earning them are so difficult, I thought that this might be a good idea all around. I have this sub male that i want to use as my main lion due to better stats, but I cannot switch til the current one dies or retires via gold beetles. What if everyone was allowed to switch to their sub male once, for free or a silver beetle fee, to the sub male of their choosing only after their current lion has aged to 5 years old. That way, everyone has the opportunity to better their lions and gene pool without having to go too overboard or anything. Any time after that though, it would be the 10 gbs to change to a different sub male and you would have to wait for retirement. thoughts?

This suggestion has 39 supports and 0 NO supports.

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2nd🌺*Frozen* (#10309)

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Posted on
2014-05-16 10:22:07
There are ways to earn GB other than buying it with real cash.

No support from me.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-05-16 18:40:29
But that is just it. If you pay real money, it means you supported the site, you donated to keep the game running. As a payment to this you get to progress. The effort simply is expressed a different way. You pay the effort you put into gaining the real money, which then you decided to pay for the site.
So yes, even those who pay real money put effort into the game. Well, into their money.

Thing is, that in order to progress, you dont just need to put effort into your king, but also into the lionesses. With each generation their inborn stats will be better and in the end you will catch up to the average. This is what we did back then. It will not come in the second generation. It took me a whole year to be considered finally 'average'.

Have patience, put work into your game, or pay real money, or SB to buy GB. If you cannot do any of this, then perhaps Lioden is not the game you are looking for. I will consider it unfair towards all of us older players if this was implemented.

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DatCrazyLola (#22294)

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Posted on
2014-05-16 18:51:35
No support. Axel is right; it's balanced right now. If I retired my rolled male when he was 5 years, as a newbie I would've picked the worst male lion that I thought was amazing at the time. 2 months later of hard work, I am breeding maroons and lions with 600+ stats and have even earned 10 GB. Earned, not bought.

It would be REALLY unfair if people could retire their rolled males for free all of a sudden. There's all these existing members who never had that... And besides, it would likely take away money from the site. If people could retire their males earlier than usual, then why get 10GB?

Then, of course, there's those newer players who don't know anything. They could be like me, thinking a 100 stat albino male is the most amazing lion out there, and retire to it. Then they complain when they realize it is... Not so good, after a little. And for this one, they have to wait through the whole thing. Maybe some people will buy GB to retire then, so what's the point?

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Katze (#3)

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Posted on
2014-05-16 18:53:40
No support for the same reasons Axel and Lola stated.

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Bilby [G1 penta nun
14bo] (#22185)

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Posted on
2014-05-16 19:04:06
Firstly, 5 years isn't that old.

It's about 3 weeks from rolling, yes? And young heirs age up to 3 years when you retire to them. So you'd be able to shorten the generation length to under a month, for an SB price x.x Sounds pretty game-breaking to me.

I'm only onto my first heir, still have my rolled lion on my other account. Planning on replacing him soon, as he's 13.10 (whoo)

You spend the lifetime of your first rolled lion building up your pride, gathering lionesses that appeal to you and training them up, find a few outside studs, earn beetles, expand your territory. Buy or breed a heir and train him. Or, side-step that by either customising a new lion, or paying 10GB to retire early. But the GB to customise or retire early goes towards keeping the site afloat.

That, and it's not hard to find trades for GB in the TC. Or gather the SB and advertise for it.

Sure, I buy GB. Shoot me //shot

I've only retired one rolled lion though, because I was finally happy with the heir, and because I was happy with his stats-for-age. I'm letting the other one age out naturally.

And yeah. I'm sure we all kept an early male cub when we first started, planning to make it a king, only to realise that it just didn't stack up at all compared to the market? I still have that poor boy on my account as a subbie Dx you'd be kicking yourself to retire to that.

The rolled lion is the time to figure out how the game works and build the genetics up for your pride. It took me three generations to breed the perfect heir for my first rolled lion, and I don't regret him at all o3o

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LastGuardian (#32978)

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Posted on
2014-05-16 19:25:36
Forgive me, but I'm one of those nasty, horrible nut-jobs that buy GB with the money I make at work. In all honesty there is no way I can offer support to a system that will essentially render GB useless to an extent and goes a long way toward de-funding the game and its programmers. I have a rolled lion that I customized so he wouldn't be so terribly horrible looking, and I purchased a number of lionesses and a sub male to train up nice and strong. There is nothing wrong with getting ahead by giving the game makers a pay check. You will find this method in literally any free-to-play game in existence, and some with subscriptions. I agree that being unable to afford a decent sub-male and then waiting many long months for your rolled lion to die is tedious and less than enjoyable, but thats the price you pay for playing free. Just the way it is.

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happeljacks (#31514)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 02:10:39
I am not saying eliminate working hard, because I know I put a lot of effort into gaining the lions and lionesses that I have. However, I am saying it is just a thought. I understand we all start as newbies, but this game, especially when it comes to gold beetles, provides little to no grounds for earning gold beetles. Only decent way is to purchase them. Unless there are other methods, but I know that I have a decent submale that is better than my current one and I cant use him because my other one is too young to age up. I dont have the means to retire early, and my alternative is older so i may not even get to use him. That is not fair. There is no silver beetle alternative, this idea is not getting rid of hard work, nor is it saying that you have to use the option. It is there for those who want to use it. waiting til 15 years old on rolled lions who arent very special is still an option for those who dont want to skip or retire early. It still means you have to work hard to get them to 5+ and requires just as much play and everything but allows for a reward for getting there, to that age point. That is all this is. Those who are getting irritated or saying it shouldn't happen, well your opinion is valid, but aside from you not wanting to use it for your reasons, I ask you..If it goes through..does it really effect how you play? Cause i dont see how it would. In no way is it forcing your hand. To those who support this idea, I thank you, and even to those who didn't. As it was only my first idea, I appreciate the recognition and time its taking to respond.

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happeljacks (#31514)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 02:51:53
And just an additional note: it is NOT negating the value of the goldbeetle. it is still in play the use of the gold beetles for other great things and advantages..hell it could be even rendered that gold beetles can get you an extra roll if that isnt a thing already. I really do not appreciate the closed mindedness approach to this subject by many. It is being interpreted as a not supportive idea towards this game and that is simply not true. In fact, I was aiming to add a new idea into the repertoire of this game. Gold beetles will still be necessary, it is not eliminating them entirely. Merely providing a new alternative and may be incentive for new members to join in the future. and the thing i can not seem to get across is that i am merely fighting for the OPTION to do so. While it is great that many of you have fondness for your first lion, and I enjoy mine as well as he will always be my first. However, I am just trying to get to a point where i can use my sub male, as many others may want to, instead to breed. That is all. THE OPTION!. this is not an end all to the site, nor will it impact the gold beetle value as they are still used for the custom markings, custom lions..etc. I am not suggesting end that. so to those who believe that this is going to hurt the game more than help it for changing ONE aspect of it, you clearly have no mind for innovation. And, i know it is irritating to read responses to yours saying you have the funds to purchase, well if your argument didn't wrap around the gold beetle argument maybe it wouldnt happen. I apologize if it sounds blunt. I dont mean to offend, I am merely showing my opinion.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 02:55:29
There are a few problems actually.
One is the income loss.
If everyone can swap their male for free or for SB, then think about it:
10GB lost each time from the developers. How many active players are there? 10.000? 10.000x10GB? 100.000/2 = 50.000$ lost. And counting with each person who registers.

It does actually affect us actually. Knowing that we worked hard, suffered along the way, had our starter lion, had him all those months.... only to have now new players easily swap their lions for SB or for free, something we should have been able to do as well. All that work would be to nothing. I would feel cheated for sure. Those would be cheated as well who already paid the 10GB to retire early.

There IS an SB alternative however. Simply collect SB to buy GB from other players. You can easily collect through active gameplay. Send the girls to hunt, sell the food, have a small pride for now -easier and cheaper to feed-, do quests, fight all NPC you can find, only choose Karma interactions that give you something in return. You can get the SB for the early retiring in.... a few weeks. But of course it needs work. Without it you cannot progress if you dont have the real money for it.

And trust me, getting SB is one of the easiest things on this game. I get just 10kSB every 10 days by purely playing casually. You simply need to know what you are doing.

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Edited on 18/05/14 by Axel - Challenges welcome (#6627)

happeljacks (#31514)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2014-05-18 04:40:48
no axel you simply don't understand but that is fine. you are entitled to your opinions. i know people here who work hard, myself included, and are still having problems with getting gold beetles so stop generalizing. sending the girls out, and all that works so much. however, you making that much sbs good for you. must have either been here for forever and a day or just simply bought it. either is fine. and the impact is not that drastic. but you are entitled to your opinion but dont you assume that i am not working hard cause i am. i am not eliminating gold beetles. there are still an abundance of opportunities for gold beetle to use. it would be a one time thing. would be only trade male once for the sbs at the age the rest afterwards would cost gbs. you are being narrow minded but hey to each their own. but one thin i emphasize is that just because something works well for you doesnt mean it works for everyone else. i am working hard. dont assume im not and dont deny that you imply that i wasnt and anyone who supports this doesnt. small dens and everything like that help yes but what happens when no matter what you do, sbs dont earn as quickly? big part of success in this game is being able to sell cubs an studding fees. stop being a jerk and assuming i havent already tried that.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 04:53:17
When they age to 10+ years is when most people retire them.

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 05:21:44
@ Kalypso:

There is no need to continue using language as you have been. You are not cursing but your language is still harsh.

Axel, and not just axel but everyone else has been, or has tried to explain their view points with calm and collective language.

When people post a suggestion it will be viewed from all sides and will be criticized.

This is how players can see what works and what does not work and why for each view points.

No one here is being narrow minded.

Everyone, as you've said plenty of times, is entitled to their own opinions. Everyone has a right to express their own opinions.

What is narrow minded is telling people they are being narrow minded and using such harsh language to tell people just that.

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IllusionLion (#28866)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 05:37:28
This idea in itself I support, happeljacks. But the way you handled some people's responses was a bit harsh and unnecessary.

You DID ask for thoughts, and you were given them. Although I like this idea, you could have handled feedback a bit more maturely.

I'm going to be Switzerland here. I'm not taking sides.

Bye :P

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Kalahari (#679)

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Posted on
2014-05-18 06:42:32
Please remember to respect one another's suggestions and opinions; everyone here has a right for their opinion, and should not be bashed for it. I have removed all comments regarding this, so please stay on topic. If this continues the thread will be locked. Thanks!

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happeljacks (#31514)

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Posted on
2014-05-21 12:52:19
i would like to formally apologize for my reactions to some opinions. I realize i sounded a bit cross and that was unintentional. Especially to Axel. I did not mean to. I was just trying to explain how the idea was not, in my opinion going to impact gold beetles as much and was a little offended at the implications that newbies, such as myself were not working hard to earn gold beetles. I apologize and appreciate all opinions.

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