Posted by [++] PM Suggestion

IshWolfy (#7140)

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Posted on
2014-05-27 02:10:02
Just a small suggestion I had concerning the PMing system. I've been on sites before where you're able to disable your PMing system if you don't want to receive any PM's. I for one am not a fan of receiving PM's on my side when I don't even open them. I view the ones on my main. With the PM's disable we'd still receive in-game messages such as "Lions Leaving", "Cubs Born" or "New Trade Offers" etc. but we won't be able to receive messages from other users with the pming disabled. I think this feature will also greatly reduce lag for the servers since if you don't receive pm's they don't fill up your inbox and make the server work more. Users will also be able to turn the feature on and off so if you want to start receiving pm's again its just a short click away. I think it should be located in the same area on your den where you can disable decors on lions and disable friend requests.

Just a small suggestion. If you have any comments feel free to speak up ^^

Added Suggestions
- Maybe it could be where a person is only able to disable Pming on one account. So lets say you can't reach them on their main so their sides pm's would be open, or vice versa.

- Or another feature could be implemented where if you mention a person's ID number on a forum post it would alert them "hey, this person mentioned you on this post" and you'd be able to communicate with them?

-Suggestion by shenanigans: I agree! However, I think that mod, admin, and helper messages should always be allowed.
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This suggestion has 41 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/11/15 @ 23:08:30 by Xylax (#4)

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2014-05-27 02:41:50
Would be a good idea actually. I get a gajillion PMs wondering why I rejected stud requests (if your lioness is pregnant by another male, she can't get pregnant by your male correct?) or other stuff...

Half are with not so happy people about my services and it would be nice to disable them at times.

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VeeVee (#390)

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Posted on
2014-05-27 02:45:46
I think this is a very good idea. While I wouldn't use the feature myself, it would be good for people who don't like PMs very much.

I support.

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Poopy (Main)
{Poo-Poo} (#12075)

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Posted on
2014-05-27 14:01:59
This couldn't hurt, but I wouldn't use it. But still, support!

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Fakelamb {Side} (#12714)

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Posted on
2014-05-28 00:11:58
Well I mean I wouldn't use it,

But there is a reason I haven't supported this yet.,

Because what if somebody needed to contact another for a GOOD reason. For example...

Your selling cub 'A'

I am interested in cub 'A'

So I PM you about buying it.

(If you DONT sell cubs here's a more valid reason)

A mishap, perhaps I am in a 'fight' with you (which I'm not because you are just plain amazing, and one of the people I look up to on lioden). But how would I contact you to 'work out our problem'

Or maybe I'm interested in doing studding and your male is out of slots and I'd like to ask for 'old fashioned studding'

If you could let me know how those ^^ would work. I'd happily support

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IshWolfy (#7140)

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Posted on
2014-05-28 04:02:54
@Wolfie: You bring up a good point. Maybe it could be where a person is only able to disable Pming on one account. So lets say you can't reach them on their main so their sides pm's would be open, or vice versa.

Or another feature could be implemented where if you mention a person's ID number on a forum post it would alert them "hey, this person mentioned you on this post" and you'd be able to communicate with them?

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Fakelamb {Side} (#12714)

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Posted on
2014-05-28 04:16:55
yus, I like that much better, sorta like on facebook where if you tag somebody in a post ^-^ now i'll support it <3

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Norse (#16626)

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Posted on
2014-05-28 08:48:44
I don't think you would need a turn off user communications thing. If you don't want it, put it on a profile page. But what if the game sent you notifications like they do with new message? New offer --> trade

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Edited on 28/05/14 by Norse{All challenges accepted} (#16626)

shenanigans -
[semi-hiatus] (#23653)

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Posted on
2014-05-28 10:36:12
I agree! However, I think that mod, admin, and helper messages should always be allowed.

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🐺 inky (#32221)

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Posted on
2014-06-02 06:11:32
:P while I can see this being useful, I can also see quite a few problems -- like it's been mentioned, sometimes communications is essential to breeding, cub deals, etc. If the person can't get in touch with you, it can be... well, troublesome.

Also a new player might accidentally disable it, become confused, etc. I think it has more potential problems than benefits -- if you really hate getting PM's from people, you can put something like "NO random PMs' on your den page, and block users who ignore your rules.

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