Posted by Offical Lioden Cub Price Evaluator?

Noxen (#4967)

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Posted on
2014-05-30 18:38:33
So me and a new friend were talking about the economy here on Lioden and how so many new people, as well as old people alike, really don't price lions at their real value. I feel everybody has their own standard, but what if there was a way to get a good price estimate so that new players know if they're getting cheated, or how much is a fair offer (instead of just trying to give away all their feathers for a 500 Stat, Prune, lion...) or to help others just find a good value for their cubs based off of stats, base color, eyes, and of course which and how many markings a lion has. I know that indecision has always been a problem with many players. :P

I feel if there was a guide system here on Lioden where you could get an estimate to follow could really help some players out immensely.

Important Note: I do NOT think this should be a mandatory thing. The price evaluator would not force a player to price a lion at that set price, only offer guidance. A player still has the free will to price a lion at whatever value they wish.

You might even have to pay a little bit of SB to get the estimate.
Personally, I feel like this should be either a free system or like the scrying stone, only around 5 SB.
Players should not have to feel penalized for using something that is suppose to help them.

Now, here are some thoughts as to what the price evaluator could judge based on:

1 Stat = 1 SB
NCL Base Coat(Goldens, Fawns, Creams etc) = 10 SBs
Custom Base Coat(Mahogany, Onyx, Maltese etc) = 25 SBs
Event/Raffle Base Coat(Prune, Slate, Fiery etc) = 50 SBs
NCL Color Eyes(Yellow, White, Black etc) = 1 SB
Custom Color Eyes(Blue, Green, Pink etc) = 5 SBs
GB Color Eyes(Hetero, Red) = 10 SBs
1 NCL Marking (Golden, Cream etc) = 10 SBs
1 Custom Marking (Onyx, Mahogany etc) = 25 SBs
1 Special Marking(Vitiligo, Panther etc) = 50 SBs

I also feel that this system could give back NCL colors their worth. I've always hated that I can have a seriously gorgeous Golden Lioness w/ 10 special Markings and I still can't get a single person to make an offer on them. Giving them a price worth based on stats, coat and markings could possibly show players that they should still be viable options in sales.

And of course if you have your own system that you feel is better, do post it in the comments! :D Also any other revisions or reasons for support are things I'd love to hear. ^^

Secondary Thoughts:

-- Maybe you could decide if you want it to judge based on SB or GB? If a lion is not worth GB in anyway then it would say so.

-- My first thought was this tool could go is in the Snake family, as they seem to already have existing features along the same lines. It also could fit well in the Monkey Shop near the previewer, or the Sales Tree.

-- Maybe it would not give an exact estimate to make room for profit gain. So if your cub is valued at about 350, It would give the estimate of 300-400 SB?

Thanks for reading!

This suggestion has 212 supports and 27 NO supports.

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Edited on 31/05/14 by Noxen [OC] (#4967)

Suka (#4616)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-05-30 20:09:57
The first thing I thought of with this suggestion was the "mascot" giving you the prices being an old man snake with a santa beard, pfffft! xD I think this is a great idea :> Definitely supported!

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Edited on 31/05/14 by Suka (#4616)

Jacks (#34391)

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Posted on
2014-05-30 22:05:05
No support from me sorry!

I disagree with this feature because I think the market & people's tastes will always change as new markings, colours and types come out it may downgrade the desire for some older ones.

It's like anything in the real world - if you really want it you buy it whether the price is reasonable or not. I might think it's worth buying a lioness with hetero eyes for 1GB even though she has no stats and no markings. You might not be interested! You may want to completely replace your onyx pride of 50 for maroon bases instead, suddenly increasing supply of onyx and demand for maroon.
If everybody all of a sudden wanted stats no matter the colours, the demand would go up and you could charge more than 1SB per stat if you could get it. Same for if everybody was dying to get their hands on the new lilac base. You could sell one for way more than 50SB! The only way to price fairly at the moment is to research the market.

This feature would make pricing a lot easier but I'm thinking it would be easier and better off as a helpful guide on a forum post which everyone can contribute to, that way you can change & update it as the market changes and new things are added to the game. You can see what most people charge for their lions and what most people would pay for each trait and base it off of that.

BTW I am very pleased that you want to try and increase the viability for NCL characteristics. I think that's the way to go - they are beautiful natural! :3

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Noxen (#4967)

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Posted on
2014-05-31 12:33:10
This is true but I don't see why it couldn't change over time. :P There's nothing that says that colors can't increase in price or want. Like I said -- it wouldn't be necessarily for everybody and it's not mandatory. It's just a helpful guide for people to get an idea of the worth of an item on its own. Of course your desire for it could change and it wouldn't matter what this evaluator said -- you would pay whatever it took! xD

But thank you for your input on it! :D I have seen the forum posts but none were really as concrete and usually just list colors in general.

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Fakelamb {Side} (#12714)

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Posted on
2014-05-31 12:38:02
hhm, no support. then people who do go by this would say those who don't are "over pricing" their lions, some of us like to get back the stud fee, AND make a little profit; just a thought.

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Noxen (#4967)

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Posted on
2014-05-31 13:41:57
@ Wolfie -- maybe it would give more of a broad estimate instead of an exact number? Like between 350-400 SB as an example? Thanks for your input!

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Fakelamb {Side} (#12714)

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Posted on
2014-05-31 13:43:19
ohkay. i actually like that better, now i'll support it, i just may not use it since im in my own little lala land cx

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Noxen (#4967)

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Posted on
2014-05-31 13:46:57
Ahahaha! No no I value your lala land outlook! xD I'll add your thoughts to the main topic. I thought it was a good suggestion. :33

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Renate (#34516)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 07:42:52
I think this would be a great idea, especially for new users like me who look at our cubs/lions, and the broad price ranges for them in the trading post, and can't figure out what to make of it. I like that it wouldn't necessarily be a "this is exactly what your lion is worth" but more of a "this is what your lion is estimated at being worth", then leaving it up to the individual players to decide how much they want to sell/trade their lions for based on that number.

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Perkon (#9703)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 08:31:59
Disapprove for your idea of prices for those lions but the other stuff I sorta agree with

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Simba88 (#31702)

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Posted on
2014-06-04 12:21:45
Not to be rude I just don't think It'd work well for one Everyone values things differently for 2 You'd need to Edit in other values... ?.?

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Noxen (#4967)

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Posted on
2014-06-04 13:06:17
I only thought that was one of the problems, Simba. That new players had no idea what to price lions, so they see one persons skewed example of having a new lioness with one new marking and they want to sell them for 500 SB and no less. Giving a relative price range (Not exact price) could show people an actual value.

Of course if you want a certain lion you'll pay whatever you can to get it so this just wouldn't be for you. This would just be something for especially new players, but also indecisive players, to have a system.

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GotToCatchThemAll (#35908)

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Posted on
2014-06-16 11:07:00
I think this would be really cool

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) (#14648)

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Posted on
2014-06-16 13:16:13
Nope. Don't like it. It'll cause fights with my family on pricing because we're intent on fixing the market by removing excess. We'll get more fights than did before autobuy on trying to get the excess removed.

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Wolvesofthenight (#101070)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-10-22 00:25:50
This still hasn't happened! Come on.lioden! Bumping thread and hoping someone sees this!

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Fading Angel (G2 2k)
[Frozen] (#81854)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 00:39:27
No support. Everyone values everything differently.
This system would have set values, and though others CAN price differently, it'll just be a headache.
As a CLEAN stat breeder, my project with getting high stat cubs would be tossed out as it wouldnt be worth it, by this system my potato cubs would be worth a lot less than the current market values.
.also someone mentioned new markings and bases get added, and those go into depend, and would also be worth more. .and older bases that no one care for will now have users claiming "oh but the calculation said this!"
Sorry.. Nope

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