Kion is one of the cubs from the first litter born to the pride. Sired by King Tarkus and bore by Queen Aurelia, he is littermates with two sisters, Cardinal and Wren. Much like his father, Kion is very kind and confident, despite his young age. Her regularly looks our for his sisters and takes charge when they need something, constantly trying to please them. When his younger half sisters were born he took them under his wing as well, making sure they were taken care of and teaching them all the hunting skills he began to learn.
As the only other male lion in the pride other then his father, Kion works hard to patrol their lands and make sure their territory is safe for entire pride. He really enjoys this responsibility, and loves doing whatever he can to help his father, he has begun to see how much work being the king of a pride truly is, and has started disliking the idea of ruling the pride himself one day, but he is unsure how to tell his father.
After the birth of Saphyr, Kion was thrilled, not only to have a younger brother, but to also have the possibility to have Saphyr take over as king instead of Kion. As the cub grew, it became more and more evident that Saphyr would make a good leader, and one day Kion broached the subject with his father. While at first Tarkus was concerned, not wanting his eldest to feel pushed aside or lesser then, after much talk, King Tarkus eventually saw that this would make both of his sons happiest, along with providing his pride a great future, although Tarkus still holds firm that Kion would have been a great King if he wanted that life. Since the decision was made, Kion has been much more energetic and happy, a massive weight having been lifted from his shoulders, and is thrilled to spend extra time patrolling to help his little brother learn and grow.