Posted by Uses for Males
Werebereus (#14650)

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Posted on
2013-07-24 05:57:00
Since they are basically useless in the game, as mostly everyone on Lioden can attest to. I know there are steps being taken to make them more prominent, but those steps are -- I feel -- wrong and not enough. So...I've come up with some ideas to get males more in the game instead of just having them sit there and look pretty.

1. Studding
This has been suggest before -- many times before. Also, there is no such thing as a "sub male" in a Lion Pride. All the males are EQUAL. This isn't a wolf pack, which is what people often incorrectly equate lions to *rolls eyes*. Males should be able to breed pride females. There's no reason for them not to.

2. Protecting the Pride
It is my understanding that Cub Mortality will be a new feature in the game and some genius came up with the idea of assign each male to cub to guarantee their survival to adulthood. Just...what? Why one cub? Males should be responsible for protecting the pride while the main male is away. The ENTIRE pride. The more males you have should benefit ALL cubs, not just certain ones.

I think it would be nice to have one of your sons/males tag along with you and help you fight battles and stuff. You run into and NPC and BOTH of you take them out together. Some of the NPC fights now are just unrealistic (theres no way 1 lion can take down a hippo, or a buffalo, or a crocodile. Similarly, no cheetah, lone hyena, or wild dog is walking up to a lion, picking a fight with it).

4. Defense against Territory Attacks from Other Players nd NPCs
A Male has two purposes in the pride: to breed the females and protect their territory from other lions. Having sub-males should make it difficult for other players to attack for territory. Also, NPC lions should be attacking players in hopes to GAIN something, not just for the hell of it. They could steal females (if their mood was low), territory, food, kills cubs, perhaps even the lead male(which would be like early free retirement i suppose) and sub-males could help prevent this and level up as they do.

This suggestion has 83 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Edited on 25/07/13 by Werebereus (#14650)

Molitzvec (#14395)

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Posted on
2013-07-24 06:22:38
I'm all for suggestions 2 and 3, however..

1. Studding
While there is not technically a 'submissive male' in a real lion pride, I don't really see how changing this format will make the game better? It's not like you would be able to get more cubs out of the lionesses and sub males can be bred once they take over from the 'leading lion'. Also, we can't customise sub males :/

4. Defence
I'm all for using the sub males as a form of backup/force, but there is absolutely NO WAY anyone is stealing my custom lionesses that I paid for and any resulting cubs (on either of my accounts)! Gaining stats or food I'd be happy with, however.

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Werebereus (#14650)

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Posted on
2013-07-24 08:46:50
1. It makes the game more realistic. THATS how its better, if Lioden is the Lion Sim is claims to be. And the point isn't getting more cubs.

4. Then keep her mood up. People are so tightly attached to their "Speshul costumized lionesses" for any realism. The game will never progress like this. When you make a costum, you make her knowledgable of the fact you may LOSE her. Perhaps she gets too hungry or to bored? Then theres nothing you can do but cry.

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Molitzvec (#14395)

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Posted on
2013-07-24 09:41:38
If you're going to change one thing to simply make the game more realistic, then why not everything else? Get rid of the snake quests, severely limit hunting as in reality lions don't often hunt everyday, let alone 10+ times a day, inability to keep your own birthed males, etc.

I accept the fact that neglecting my lionesses can result in them leaving, I'm not arguing with that. What I will argue about is losing my lionesses and/or cubs in a fight, regardless of health or mood status, which is as per your suggestion.

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Renarai II (#14910)

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Posted on
2013-07-24 18:00:20
Support but NO WAY for number 4. Will be pledging support once NPC's aren't gonna steal lionesses I paid a lot of SB for!

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Werebereus (#14650)

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Posted on
2013-07-25 00:45:32
^ Reason why this game will never progress

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Vertroue 🪶 [G5
Het Smilus] (#6879)

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Posted on
2013-07-25 00:51:35
Sounds good, but four... I do not agree with that as much. Some people worked hard to receive/get those lionesses/lions/whatever. Support on everything else, though.

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🌙 Zee | AJ (#11813)

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Posted on
2013-07-25 00:52:44
Werebereus, I'm curious - why won't the game progress? I'm not really seeing any logical reason in your argument for this.

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e-Fae (#8489)

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Posted on
2013-07-25 00:57:44
*sits quietly and observes argument*

Werebereus, if you had a custom lioness, you'd agree with how ridiculous number 4 is.

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Werebereus (#14650)

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Posted on
2013-07-25 12:36:08
@Levvrus -- I mean progress in the way of realism. Right now, there are barely any streds of realism in this game. The only thing realistic so far in this lion sim, is that you're playing a lion >_>

@Vertroue/Ajabu: And you lose them just as easily. A Random Rogue would only be able to steal a female if her mood was low (in which case she would leave anyway). This applies to ALL lionesses, regaurdless of how you got them. And I DO have a custom lioness. 4 isn't ridiculous. You all are just too attached to your pretty pixel kitties to give realism a chance in the game.

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Ahadi | EPIC (#10342)

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Posted on
2013-07-25 12:48:32

I agree with you on some points Werebereus, but there are others I vary from your views on.

1.] No SIM game is going to be completely 100% realistic as those get boring far too swiftly. However, I do feel that Lioden is a lot better than most and that nature was actually consulted when designing the various elements of the game. They also introduce new features that have a grain of realism to them.

2.] True, this is not a wolf pack but there have been documented cases of brothers ruling a pride. Subordinate males are the best the Admins can get to replicating this without having to entirely redesign the game.

3.] The "Stealing Lionesses" feature you're suggesting was actually available for a short time in Alpha before it was met with such negativity for it to be removed. A lot of people have placed much time, effort, and often IRL money into their customs. I think that if they're going to spend IRL money for a feature in the game that they're entitled to be able to keep it.

So please, I ask you to take a step back and consider things as a whole for a moment. When you do I believe you'll find there's a certain logic for the way things are set up now, and that while improvement can be made there's a reason for the current gameplay.

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Edited on 25/07/13 by Ahadi [Asmita] (#10342)

Zombeh || Clean King (#13715)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-07-25 12:56:48
YOu share.. very similar ideas to my own suggest ion about sub males. o^o

For those saying breeding sub males doesn't add anything to the game let me quote myself from my own thread. c:

"Lets say you have a pretty lioness that doesn't mix well with your main lion, but looks nice with your sub male. However there is no option currently to breed the two. YOu could go through the hassle of creating a side account and sending your sub male there, but what if you already have a side account with a custom male lion? And creating more accounts is against the rules, so you're stuck.

Now back to my point, whats the purpose of a sub male lion currently? You spend time training up their stats and going on patrols, but what about when they age? Sure you can replace your main male lion when he retired, but wait.. hold up. When your lion dies you have the option to (retire them beforehand), reroll a new male lion, replace them with a heir or keep their appearance on the heir.

So lets say your male lion that just died is a custom. You don't want to waste that money and/or time you spent creating him. You like the way he looks and you don't want to loose him. But.... you also like the way your sub male looks. Now you're stuck. Or you know what; what if you do replace him with a heir, but your sub male by now may be aged and close to a retiring age himself. Now what do you do?

What if your sub male is just as handsome has your main male or hey maybe he's a custom lion too! Before he dies you have no way at all to continue on his legacy and not only that but, wasted your hard earned time, SB or even GB when he dies."

I agree with 1, 2 and 3. Not so much 4 though.

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Edited on 25/07/13 by Zombeh (#13715)

Cora-roar (#880)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2013-07-25 13:23:48
It's a sim game, not a real lion's life. If you really want it to be like EXTREMELY then we shouldn't have silver beetles, pretty much none of the lion colors/markings, not to mention that lion/ess don't wear flowers in there head xD also, im preeetty sure lions dont have red irises, i've never seen a lion get a hair cut neither =P lioness are pregnant for waaay longer than 3 days, finally lion's don't sell their lioness

Imagine if if this was implemented i think you'd be too happy about that (not assuming that i know you)

But there's other ways to get an ultra realistic sim, make one yourself! =D it'll be kinda hard to find something that real (just saying, hope i didn't sound mean)

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Ahadi | EPIC (#10342)

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Posted on
2013-07-25 13:31:38

Zombeh, breeding sub-males I believe is a possible feature being planned later on. And when you retire your main guy to your sub male, no matter his age it is reset to 3yrs upon retirement.

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Werebereus (#14650)

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Posted on
2013-07-25 23:51:20
@Ahadi -- I understand that, but there is just so FEW realism in the game that it should just stop calling itself a simulation. No lion -- and I mean NO lion -- lives the way ours are. I understand it's a game, but percentage wise, i'd say this game is 20-30% realistic, 30% just me being generous.

What does brothers ruling a pride have to do with male submissiveness? Brothers rule a pride EQUALLY. I'll say it again: there is no dominant male. All the Admins have to do is say "Cooperative Males" instead of "Submissive Males", because sub males DONT EXIST WITH LIONS.

Well crap, then lets just take the mood and hunger bar off of the custom lionesses so they won't run away then. I've said it about a thousand times not but you guys don't seem to be hearing me: A FEMALE WITH LOW MOOD WILL LEAVE ANYWAY. If they get stolen because you allowed their mood to drop to 20%, that's nobodies fault but your own. A FEMALE WITHOUT LOW MOOD WILL NOT DERP OFF.
And just what is wrong with point 4?

Unless you're going to say something about "I dun wanna lose my super special lionesses" or "super speshul cubs". Then save it -- i've heard it before and i've already explained WHY those are not valid reasons.

A Bored lioness will leave anyway -- so what if she leaves with someone else? The end result is still the same -- she's gone.

Lioden is planning to introduce cub mortality anyway, but what they've suggest has hardly changed the game. What others are suggesting is often too harsh and unreasonable. This is a lion sim, and in real life cubs die. Get over it.
@Cora-roar stating how the game is already unrealistic is not a reason to stop trying to add more realism too it and nobody said i was trying to be extreme.

I'm aware it's a game, but the game as it is now is decidedly NOT a lion sim. More like a lion version of HOWRSE.

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Edited on 26/07/13 by Werebereus (#14650)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-07-26 00:24:17
Let's see....
1. Studding will not be implemented for sub males, since the price of the male cubs say that for just a few SBs you can have a full custom lion ingame without purchasing GB. While you can have your custom male for that much SB, in return you have to wait for your current male to die. This is to protect their GB sale and still bring people to purchase GB and customize their lions instead of buying a custom male for 100SB or lower then breed it or offer 'traditional' studding with them.

2. I was already against the idea of using sub-males to protect cubs, since not everyone wants submales to their pride, at least not so soon in their game. I dont think the protection of the cubs should be sub-male work but the work of females who stay back from hunting. 3 cubs per female that didnt go hunting can be protected. Well, they did hint to us that the sub-males might not be the ones to protect but females will be. I would be happy with that. Not with this.

3. I am okay with exploring, though they already have the patrol feature. So I think it is unnecessary to take the submale with you on explores for this reason. Yes, some fights are ridiculous but... it is the way it is. It will be revamped soon.

4. NO! I dont want submales to become essential defenders in player vs player fights. No no no no. This again points back to the fact that not everyone can afford or wants a submale so soon in their game. Submale should still stay a choice, not something that is essential. They bring you items, they patrol, they raise stats to become the successor of your lion. This is their sole purpose. And should be in my opinion.

Oh yes, and I say no to lioness stealing as well. No matter how the mood is. Many people have countless lionesses which they train regularly and cant always watch the mood. I know I would be raging if I found out my 1000+ statted lioness was stolen. Just no.

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Edited on 26/07/13 by Axel (#6627)

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