Posted by Premium Accounts

Luxor Nautalis [KYO] (#17084)

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Posted on
2013-08-01 14:17:18
So, there are many Sim games out there that offer premium and basic accounts and I think adding premium upgrades would be an awesome addition to lioden.

Typically, premium accounts (at least on the sim games I've played) run from $15 for a six-month to $25-30 for a year.

Listed below are some things privileges that could be added to premium accounts that basic accounts wouldn't have.

Suggestons for privilages

1. A weekly allowance of a couple GB
2. A feed-all, interact-all, for as long as your premium runs.
3. Allowing more than 5 lioness to hunt
4. Earning a couple extra stats for a successful hunt.
5. Earning a little more impression/EXP for each battle win.
6. Finding special items while exploring, items specific to only premium users.
7. More/special items in the Oasis

I don't know, it was just an idea. I know I'd most likely upgrade if they added premium accounts. Anyway, I'd be happy to take suggestions and critique.

Players pay for GB already and 50 GB is $25 which would equate to (IF this got approved, depending on how much a six-month premium would be) a little more than 2 GB weekly allowance.

I've worked out the math. There are 24 weeks in a six-month period, give or take a week. If you got two GB each week, you would have 48 GB at the end of that six months. If they charge $25 for a six-month premium, you'd be getting 2 GB less than if you bought the 50 GB outright.

It would prompt players to upgrade because, for a little bit more money, they'll be getting the GB they were originally going to purchase anyway, IN ADDITION TO the perks of being a premium user. The only downside would be having to wait a week to get your next GB allowance.

This suggestion has 30 supports and 32 NO supports.

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Edited on 01/08/13 by Luxor Nautalis (#17084)

Muffinrowlet 🌸 (#37042)

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Posted on
2015-09-21 12:24:43
No support, for the reasons Wake and Erein have stated.

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-A (#67780)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-09-21 12:34:30
No support!

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Usa-san (#2703)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-21 12:42:32
I do support, although the earning GB should be changed to SB.

Maybe 1000 sb allowance a week instead of 2 gb?

That way LioDen wouldn't lose money C:

Also, maybe there should be no sign of a "Premium Account." Only the mods, and that person would know if they had a premium, just to keep LioDen from clashing? (No sign meaning, no star, no paw, no anything.)

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Edited on 21/09/15 @ 20:05:00 by Usa-chan (#2703)

They/Them} (#21160)

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Posted on
2015-09-21 12:46:37
Support the concept except for the allowance. :3

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The Cheshire Cat (#39139)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-09-21 12:46:40
Sorry, but no support. I think it would dvide people and I think the main idea of lioden is to be one big family or community, and if we added memberships it would ruin that.

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Edited on 21/09/15 @ 19:47:45 by Berryshade (#39139)

Mei (#53317)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-09-21 12:48:26
No support, for reasons stated.

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Midnighteh {Tree
Guardian} (#31869)

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Posted on
2015-09-21 12:52:13

No support, for many reasons stated beforehand.

One thing that I absolutely love about Lioden is that it's probably the best community you could ever come across. You rarely have anyone thinking less of everyone else or thinking of themselves as an 'alpha' or someone who deserves the most respect, and adding in premium would utterly shatter the player-to-player relationship. There'd be way more conflict, or at least that's what I reckon would happen, and I don't know about all of you but I would hate for this game to turn into just another fight-filled SIM.

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Edited on 21/09/15 @ 19:53:03 by Midnighteh {Tree Guardian} (#31869)

Clementine (Reduced
Activity) (#34465)

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Posted on
2015-09-21 13:30:02
No support. On many sim sites, having premium accounts creates a wedge in the community. Non premium member get jealous, and not everyone can afford to spend money on sites like these.

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Edited on 21/09/15 @ 20:30:12 by ~Cyll~ (#34465)

KingCaleb (#37899)

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Posted on
2015-09-21 13:32:20
No support
This is close to pay to win games... So yeah

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Nny (#257)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-09-21 13:46:42
I'm on the fence about this one~ :/

On one paw, I think it would be a nice little bonus for people who want to support Lioden and would encourage more money. The perks that included I all support EXCEPT for getting free GB. No free GB or SB at all should be given. The other, with fair and reasonable limits, I would be okay with though. Just no 'allowance' of any kind as it is EXTREMELY easy to earn GB/SB as it is~

On the other, I know things like this are rather easily able to drive a wedge between the community. :/

HOWEVER, Lioden is different than other sites I've played since it is a 16+ website. Therefore, at least most members are rather mature individuals who shouldn't have an issue with someone donating their own money to help support a site and getting some 'bonus' perks out of it. And all of the staff seem wonderfully able to not be bias about 'donators' vs 'non-donators' and such like that.

And if people think it's 'unfair' [didn't read comments xD just a thought as I'm typing this cuz I've seen this argument on another site i use to play]. Lemme say that people would be donating their real-life money to get these perks. Seems fair to me o3o' why should they not get some perks, so long as they aren't like pay-to-win perks because Lioden isn't pay-to-win and it'd be good to keep it that way, for helping keep the site going? o3o;;;

So uhm, KINDA support I guess~? Like, I'm all for if the peeps in charge wanna add it [[JUST NO ALLOWANCE OF ANY KIND PLZ Q-Q]] but wouldn't mind if they didn't either~ o3o

If that makes sense~? lol

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Rai (#51019)

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Posted on
2015-09-21 13:48:37
I really like this idea

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-09-22 13:00:28
I have mixed feelings on this.
On the issue of a GB allowance that, I say a big fat NO. If you get your GB back of the money you paid then Lioden is really earning nothing on this type of deal. I would suggest a 500SB a week pocket money feature perhaps, or no currency gain at all.
Feed all/play all seems nice but it costs 5GB already so if that is to be included then the price would need to be upped a bit. More than 5 hunting lioness = yes please, good idea. Perhaps even an option to patrol another sub male each hour too. Extra stats - I'd prefer the chance of this and not a guarantee.
I'd rather not have extra items in the oasis, I feel this would create a huge rift between markets, and that these items would sell for a butt ton.
It might be nice to have a reduced cooldown on retiring, access to a second quest, reduced cost to scying stone, maybe some more little things instead of lots of big advantages.

One thing I feel would be nice is if the upgrade is purchasable with GB, instead of straight cash. This way you can earn enough GB through trading, studding, buying with SB etc to pay for an upgrade without paying any IRL cash.
Another way of doing it for people who don't buy GB or who struggle to get a lot of GB quickly is to break premium times into different purchase prices. Working with the $15(30GB) for 6-mo and $30(60GB) for 12-mo, it could work a little like this: 1-mo - 6GB, 3-mo - 18GB, 6-mo - 30GB, 12-mo - 60GB. Buying fewer months at a time will cost you more in the long run as Lioden will get staggered payment, but buying in bulk for more will give you a better deal. Sites often do this to promote larger purchases at a time.

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Isabella Lena (#49545)

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Posted on
2015-09-22 21:16:36
no suppor. At least nof for the points:

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LEAVING (#66178)

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Posted on
2015-09-22 21:21:45
No support.

And I agree with Midnighteh.

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-09-22 21:25:23
No support. This would give WAY too much advantage to players that can afford to spend real life money, compared to those that cannot. The good thing about LD is that most Oasis items don't give any immense advantage to players that can buy them- they're mostly cosmetic. Additionally, you can earn GB in game. With the system you're proposing, only people with RL money would be able to get these fairly large advantages :/

It's one thing if you can earn this in-game, and buy it, even if it's with GB. Even then, it's too massive an advantage - I'd not be likely to support. Stats are meant to be something you can get with effort. With this system introduced, it'd be so much more pay to win to be on leaderboards. Remove any stat(hunt)/exp/imp/item advantage, it'd be more balanced and fair on the average user, but then there'd be no point in buying for most users. If this is introduced, it'd induce a massive rift between players, and cause a large chunk to leave. With LD making a lot of their income from ads, that's a disadvantage, even if they lose players that don't buy GB.

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Edited on 23/09/15 @ 04:41:59 by Maulise | Floof King (#32469)

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