Posted by Premium Accounts

Luxor Nautalis [KYO] (#17084)

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Posted on
2013-08-01 14:17:18
So, there are many Sim games out there that offer premium and basic accounts and I think adding premium upgrades would be an awesome addition to lioden.

Typically, premium accounts (at least on the sim games I've played) run from $15 for a six-month to $25-30 for a year.

Listed below are some things privileges that could be added to premium accounts that basic accounts wouldn't have.

Suggestons for privilages

1. A weekly allowance of a couple GB
2. A feed-all, interact-all, for as long as your premium runs.
3. Allowing more than 5 lioness to hunt
4. Earning a couple extra stats for a successful hunt.
5. Earning a little more impression/EXP for each battle win.
6. Finding special items while exploring, items specific to only premium users.
7. More/special items in the Oasis

I don't know, it was just an idea. I know I'd most likely upgrade if they added premium accounts. Anyway, I'd be happy to take suggestions and critique.

Players pay for GB already and 50 GB is $25 which would equate to (IF this got approved, depending on how much a six-month premium would be) a little more than 2 GB weekly allowance.

I've worked out the math. There are 24 weeks in a six-month period, give or take a week. If you got two GB each week, you would have 48 GB at the end of that six months. If they charge $25 for a six-month premium, you'd be getting 2 GB less than if you bought the 50 GB outright.

It would prompt players to upgrade because, for a little bit more money, they'll be getting the GB they were originally going to purchase anyway, IN ADDITION TO the perks of being a premium user. The only downside would be having to wait a week to get your next GB allowance.

This suggestion has 30 supports and 32 NO supports.

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Edited on 01/08/13 by Luxor Nautalis (#17084)

HinderAid (#73274)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-10-18 10:58:43
I don't like games that do that. Its like saying,
"Hey, you used to have SOO much fun on this game and now, because you can't pay for it, you can't have as much fun as everyone else. But please, keep playing the game that has become a disappointment."

Id rather stick to just paying for GB every now and then.

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Cotton Candy Cranium (#40016)

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Posted on
2015-10-18 11:06:40
Yeah, on the other sites I've seen this on there tends to be a distinct rift between premium members and non-premium members. It would probably just cause Lioden to become a hostile environment.

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Pigeon (#39043)

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Posted on
2015-10-18 11:09:52
Sorry, but I do not support for all of the stated reasons above.

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Thalath {Side} (#43831)

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Posted on
2015-10-18 11:16:22
Hmmm, I'm pretty on the fence about this as well.

First and foremost, I agree with everyone else that there shouldn't be a "GB allowance".

I think these...

"2. A feed-all, interact-all, for as long as your premium runs.
3. Allowing more than 5 lioness to hunt
6. Finding special items while exploring, items specific to only premium users.
7. More/special items in the Oasis"

... are fine. Maybe not 6 as much, though.

These, however...

"4. Earning a couple extra stats for a successful hunt.
5. Earning a little more impression/EXP for each battle win."

... Are not. I don't think paying money should give you any stat advantages whatsoever. The hunting one I'm alright with, as all that does is simply let you hunt what is likely only one or two more lionesses, but they aren't gaining any more stats than they would normally.

I feel like the potential bonus Oasis items should be decor only though, and maybe also in the Monkey shop instead, for the same price as the other decors? You'd already be paying money for Premium, so I think it'd be a little unnecessary to charge more GB for them.

EDIT: I was going to propose +5 hunts to all lionesses daily as an alternative instead of hunting more than 5 lionesses at once since we have to pay for extra hunts anyway, but honestly, adding +5 hunts sounds even more gamebreaking than being able to hunt more than 5 lionesses.

EDIT #2: Perhaps purchasing a subscription could also unlock the extra cub stages, provided you haven't already bought them?

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Edited on 18/10/15 @ 18:43:36 by Thalath {Side} (#43831)

Possum | G3 Broken
Cimm (#46455)

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Posted on
2015-10-18 11:36:53
I was all for it until 5-7
I realize the point of making it better for people who pay to play the game but that makes it unfair.

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