Posted by Events affecting ALL playstyles

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-08-05 06:41:40

First off, I would like to thank the developers for listening to our complaints, that you are willing to modify the current events according to what is best for the majority.

This idea came to me when I found it hard to maintain my Thirst Bar in this month's event and made a thread asking for some small adjustments to make it slightly easier. I have looked around and noticed many comments that told us -who complained- that we should accept the event as it is, that the game needs the challenge and it isnt even so bad as we make it to be.

And I have noticed that many times those people say this whose main playstyle is far from those who complain about events being difficult sometimes. Breeders who have no use for NPC fights dont have a use for the Thirst Bar either, plus with the overflow of food within explore they are absolutely not affected by this month's event.

However, breeding is positively affected by some. For example the February event had a lot of breeding boosting items, and some events have new markings and bases. But when it comes to limits.... They are suddenly not affected. Flood event? Drought event? No.

The events so far only seemed to affect two major playstyles: Explorers/PVE and Hunters, those whose main income is exploring itself and hunting. Whereas people whose main concern is breeding do not see any of the difficulties. This way, PVE/Hunters are the ones who see the challenge and the difficulties, while the rest only sees the challenge and the fun in it, causing them to be left out.

I think events should affect all playstyles. Events should pose a difficulty/boost in explore, hunt, and breeding.


Event should not affect any of the playstyles in any negative ways. So limiting (no matter how limiting) events should not be implemented.

Main complaints and questions:

1. How would this even work? Breeding usually has nothing to do with explore/hunting/events.
I am sure that the developers could think of a way how it should affect breeding in general.

Some examples would be -if something negative happens to explore/hunting, like in this event:
- All lionesses are counted as 1% fertile, making attempts harder
- Lionesses dont come into heat that month, only with the help of a combination of items and higher care
- Cubs with lethal mutations would be born way more frequently

Please note, that the limits or negative effects would be able to be helped and lifted with uses of items and features. The same way how we can modify our thirst bars with items, Breeding would also be able to be boosted and enabled. With active participation in the event -just like with exploring in our case- one can completely remove all negative effects.

If explore/hunting is affected positively, then breeding also should get some kind of boost and help.
- More chance for multiple cubs
- Fertility booster items
- Less energy spent on breeding attempts

2. I am paying GB for breeding/studding! It should not be affected by the events negatively!
People pay GB for high statted lions, to skip waiting time, to buy energy boosts, to get quick SB so they can extend the hunts of their lionesses, training their lions. GB is paid everywhere. Not just breeding, yet they are affected by the events. Besides, in this case breeding would be affected positively if explore/hunting also receive good additions.

3. Why do we even need this? We dont need a change.
We do. It isnt exactly fair to have only one part of Lioden affected negatively/positively by the events, leaving the rest left out/their progress crippled. Plus, it will finally involve all those players who dont have a idea just how annoying a 'fair' event can be by being in the middle of it. Dont misunderstand me, events are supposed to be challenging, but one playstyle cannot be left out of the events if the rest is affected.

Thank you for reading.

This suggestion has 87 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 07/08/14 by Axel (#6627)

Brut (#38826)

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Posted on
2014-08-06 06:54:53
i think it would make more sense to make the male unable to breed at 100% thirst? x

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-08-06 07:00:20
That is a good idea, Brut. It is in the end up to the developers how they want breeding to be affected by the events. After all, it isnt just negatives one has to think about. Since some events have good things happening in explore, so good things should happen at Breeding too.

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Shirnai the Tigress
🐯 (#30153)

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Posted on
2014-08-06 07:03:09
Yes but you still have the option while we don't yet you want to limit us even more than we already are. I don't see that as fair at all. The restrictions on breeders are permanent and can not be bypassed and we have a hard enough time as it is trying to make currency off of breeding. Hunters and Fighters can just refill energy/buy more hunts and continue on. Breeders can't just wait for energy to re-breed if a breeding goes wrong/fails or buy more breedings if we run out due to being hindered.

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StarrieSkye ~DDA~ (#18496)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2014-08-06 07:03:41
Thank you, Shirnai XD

yes, that's exactly what I was getting at

and actually, hunting is more important to me too. I don't usually breed at every heat cycle, and the only reason I'm responding about it is because I don't see the logic in comparing the two.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-08-06 07:08:26
You forget that these limits would be tied to events. Just like all limits at hunting and explore that we are showered with.

Currently for example lionesses have more chance to fail -half my hunts are fails- and bring back less valuable food. If your thirst bar is more than 50% then you cannot fight NPCs.

Limits and boosts I am asking for are not constant. One event has negative impacts, the other has positive. Plus the same way as we are able to negate limits of events by using items/doing activities, so can the breeding limits be lifted by actions/items you gain through the event.

Hunting and explore is already limited the same way as Breeding in general on their own way without events. Some events add plus limits to both explore and hunting. So why shouldnt breeding be affected?

Again it isnt constant. All gamestyles have their own limits. Two of them are affected. Why not the third?

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Shirnai the Tigress
🐯 (#30153)

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Posted on
2014-08-06 07:18:06
But you forget we ARE already affected by this. We can't breed if our lionesses are too hungry. This event makes it harder to get food so harder to breed. We need food/hunting just as much as you but for different reasons.

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StarrieSkye *DDA* (#18637)

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Posted on
2014-08-06 07:19:02
I did not forget anything. Like I said, I just don't see the logic in comparing the two

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PeachMilk πŸ‘ lil
Low Rider (#8330)

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Posted on
2014-08-06 11:18:54
actually my girls dont seem to be failing to bad... maybe like 3-4x a day... they have a decent lvl so maybe lvl plays a part in hunting?

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Hiatus (#16079)

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Posted on
2014-08-06 15:04:17
After reading on it some more I totally see a problem here : Since you don't breed as much as other people, you're also falling victim to exactly what you were complaining about...

Not understanding how it effects others. If we can't feed our pride, we can't breed our lionesses. If we can't breed our lionesses, we are automatically down to 7 or LESS chances to breed in the entire future of our lioness, not just the duration of the month.

After re-reading this, it kind of seems like instead of asking for fairness for all to enjoy the game, this might be closer to a "misery loves company" situation.

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Pringle (#3051)

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Posted on
2014-08-06 15:36:44
No support.

You claim on page two to have a neutral opinion, but you seem quite biased.

This event doesn't really affect any play styles to badly. Water root has been selling for only 5SB per last few times I've checked and gives you 100% thirst. Sure you get less meat from hunting, but event is dishing out tons of meat right now to compensate for that.

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Edited on 06/08/14 by Pringle (#3051)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-08-06 17:34:34
Food is not the problem here. You get tons of it in explore. So those who only breed and dont play any other aspect of the game, simply have no use for the Thirst bar. They are left out. They re not affected. Whereas those who do like to fight NPCs are severely limited.

Again, just because breeding would be affected negatively by negative-limiting events, doesnt mean you CANNOT breed at all, or none of your cubs will survive. You just need to participate in the event to make sure that you lift the limits. That is all. If it is easy to fill the thirst bar and easy to buy items, I am sure that breeding limit lifting items would be just as cheap and easy to get.

I dont say to make it extra hard. Just as hard as it is for the rest. Not more, not less. If explorers/hunters get something boosting from the event, so will breeders. It is not just about limits but about boosts too.

Otherwise, if truly not all Lioden is taking part in the events, I dont see why explorers/hunters should be limited -even if just slightly. In that case, events should have ni negative impact upon gameplay for all styles.

That is what I am trying to say.

But as I see, you guys are trying to shift what I want towards an utter complete limit, a bock to breed, a block to progress in your gamestyle, as if an event is going to kill off your cubs and lionesses. If exploring and hunting isnt 'killed off' by the events, so will breeding not be destroyed for you within an event.

How would it look like for this event for example?
- Cannot breed with male at all if thirst is 50% or more.
- Females have a harder time getting pregnant (taking care of them every day, giving them food, 100% mood and 0% hunger will help)

Would this be devastating towards breeders? Would this block you from progress? Would this really be severely limiting? Water root -as people already said- is cheap. Taking care of your lions is already part of the game.

I ask everyone: are those two limits really so extremely bothersome that you would quit the game because they dared making breeding a slightly bit dependent on the event?

Taking part in the negative side of events is also counted towards neutral fairness. So if explorers/hunters are affected negatively, so should be breeders. Because breeders so far only got positive boosts from events, whereas they are ignored when the event suddenly turns negative. And even though explore and hunting is limited, none of these styles get boosts from events as a reward. What we get are decors and markings/bases.

So either all get affected by all events, or none should be.

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Edited on 07/08/14 by Axel (#6627)

Indigo *DDA* PM
19641 (#15126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-07 04:42:55
I'm sorry but I do not think I can support this idea and actually I find it kinda sad that every time people will find something to nag about with the events.

As a rather well rounded and very active player (meaning I hunt, explore and breed in equal proportions) I do not really see the necessity nor do I feel the need to see breeding be negatively affected for the people focused soley or at least heavily on breeding just because there might be the random negative effect on hunting/eploring in this or that event.

I mean, Is the thirst bar annoying when you wanna fight an NPC, sure! Does it kinda suck the ladies don't earn as much experience, yes it does! BUT, I'm far from having to throw a fit about it (I'm sorry, I feel like that is what this thread is) >_< I mean, it's supposed to be a drought and I have like 3 times more food than ever + a ton of water items to help with the thirst bar so I do not really see the problem here.

As for the "fairness" part, I absolutely agree with VonSturm here. Cause if you look at the event from a breeders perspective, they actually ARE impacted as well since they need to earn food for their prides in order to be able to feed those hungry mouths that need the appropriate food level to be able to breed. So no matter what, they are "forced" to participate in the event in order to gain the ressources necessary to continue breeding as the high fail rate of hunts not only affects the HUNTER but the BREEDER as well.

And who knows what the admins have in mind, maybe next event WILL have an impact on breeding? We are not in their heads but even if there isn't as I said, I'm perfectly fine with the way it is :)

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Shirnai the Tigress
🐯 (#30153)

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Posted on
2014-08-07 05:08:44
Thank you Indigo! My thoughts exactly.

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𝒾𝑒 (#16496)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-23 21:22:45
Indigo, they had to change this event a lot. This thread was made before that change. Thirst items were very rare, so was finding any water. It's now become extremely easy. Hunting changed also it seems.

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Indigo *DDA* PM
19641 (#15126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-23 21:27:47
My reply was posted on the 7th of August, of course things have changed since then ;)

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