Posted by Events affecting ALL playstyles

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-08-05 06:41:40

First off, I would like to thank the developers for listening to our complaints, that you are willing to modify the current events according to what is best for the majority.

This idea came to me when I found it hard to maintain my Thirst Bar in this month's event and made a thread asking for some small adjustments to make it slightly easier. I have looked around and noticed many comments that told us -who complained- that we should accept the event as it is, that the game needs the challenge and it isnt even so bad as we make it to be.

And I have noticed that many times those people say this whose main playstyle is far from those who complain about events being difficult sometimes. Breeders who have no use for NPC fights dont have a use for the Thirst Bar either, plus with the overflow of food within explore they are absolutely not affected by this month's event.

However, breeding is positively affected by some. For example the February event had a lot of breeding boosting items, and some events have new markings and bases. But when it comes to limits.... They are suddenly not affected. Flood event? Drought event? No.

The events so far only seemed to affect two major playstyles: Explorers/PVE and Hunters, those whose main income is exploring itself and hunting. Whereas people whose main concern is breeding do not see any of the difficulties. This way, PVE/Hunters are the ones who see the challenge and the difficulties, while the rest only sees the challenge and the fun in it, causing them to be left out.

I think events should affect all playstyles. Events should pose a difficulty/boost in explore, hunt, and breeding.


Event should not affect any of the playstyles in any negative ways. So limiting (no matter how limiting) events should not be implemented.

Main complaints and questions:

1. How would this even work? Breeding usually has nothing to do with explore/hunting/events.
I am sure that the developers could think of a way how it should affect breeding in general.

Some examples would be -if something negative happens to explore/hunting, like in this event:
- All lionesses are counted as 1% fertile, making attempts harder
- Lionesses dont come into heat that month, only with the help of a combination of items and higher care
- Cubs with lethal mutations would be born way more frequently

Please note, that the limits or negative effects would be able to be helped and lifted with uses of items and features. The same way how we can modify our thirst bars with items, Breeding would also be able to be boosted and enabled. With active participation in the event -just like with exploring in our case- one can completely remove all negative effects.

If explore/hunting is affected positively, then breeding also should get some kind of boost and help.
- More chance for multiple cubs
- Fertility booster items
- Less energy spent on breeding attempts

2. I am paying GB for breeding/studding! It should not be affected by the events negatively!
People pay GB for high statted lions, to skip waiting time, to buy energy boosts, to get quick SB so they can extend the hunts of their lionesses, training their lions. GB is paid everywhere. Not just breeding, yet they are affected by the events. Besides, in this case breeding would be affected positively if explore/hunting also receive good additions.

3. Why do we even need this? We dont need a change.
We do. It isnt exactly fair to have only one part of Lioden affected negatively/positively by the events, leaving the rest left out/their progress crippled. Plus, it will finally involve all those players who dont have a idea just how annoying a 'fair' event can be by being in the middle of it. Dont misunderstand me, events are supposed to be challenging, but one playstyle cannot be left out of the events if the rest is affected.

Thank you for reading.

This suggestion has 87 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 07/08/14 by Axel (#6627)

𝒾𝑒 (#16496)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-23 23:36:05
Yeah, I noticed. Sorry. x3

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Kay (#9493)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-23 23:40:58
No support.
Mutations are meant to be rare and this would make them common. I don't want to play a game where my lionesses will lose fertility and their cycle because of an event.

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brairleo (#5248)

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Posted on
2014-08-25 00:47:55
Mutations wouldn't become common >.< they are still rare even with VLF lionesses.

Honestly I feel people are focusing too much on this idea with this event which is why there aren't more supports.

Last months event would be an example of an event that worked for both sets of players (introduction of celestial lionesses and meteroites allowed players to explore to get more stats/items) like this suggestion is wanting.

To help Axel I'll make up an example event seperate from this months event.

Lets say following this event we get one with herd overpopulation, its easy to get food, our lions are finding over abundence in explore. Easy peasey event with shops open depending on how many carcasses you trade in.

But! there is another benefit to this over abundence of food, lionesses get another heat added! CD's are cut in half (or reduced by 75%) or something like that.

This is an example of an event being helpful to both sides.

An example of being harmful for both sides would be all the things tossed around in this thread about thirst being required for breedings. That is all Axel was asking for.

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Littlespoon (#30223)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-31 17:57:58
I strongly felt that this month's event was 'harder' (and more FUN) than other month's events, UNTIL players started complaining about how 'hard' it was... and suddenly everything became easier... food and thirst items were everywhere, and the 'drought' and
'fires' meant nothing in terms of game playing in ANY style.

Axel stated that it was hard to get food and to raise the thirst bar, but it was EASY. For every failed hunt, I brought back three or four zebras, giraffes, wildebeest... and I maintained more than half the thirst bar in spite of selling the water items- even the 'full thirst refill' Water Root only sold for 10 SB at one point, it was so plentiful.

It was, IMHO, the worst example of whining winning over a staff that I have ever seen here. :( (not meaning the game bugs, that was different and no one's fault- it was not done purposefully)

I would love to see, next year, for food to become harder to get, and thirst items less available as well. The idea of Lion fertility plummeting is also a GREAT one- again, it's a hurdle, not a punishment.

One thing I LOVE about LioDen, is any 'hardship' can be reversed by items you buy with SB (or by modest amounts of GB which can be bought at the TC from other players with SB) They don't take AWAY from players- if you have a cub, it won't just die randomly. Maybe get sick, and need bolstering, be born with an issue that needs addressing... but it doesn't just dissapear on the whim of someone else.

In that spirit, I think having events be 'hard' is the BEST thing for a game! It was fun, briefly, while I was actually worried about feeding the 80 or so lions I had in hand at the time... I like a challenge. Then it became the usual, with only minor trip ups.

I think knee-jerk reactions of players saying "wait wait, this is too hard, it's not fair" is having SO much impact, it's hurting everyone instead of benefiting them.

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Edited on 01/09/14 by RottAndArtistII (#30223)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-09-05 02:15:48
Please note that at the beginning of the event it was extra hard indeed. I for one did not complain about the food because it was plenty. managing the thirst bar on the other hand frustrated me so much that I was about to leave for that month and come back for the next event instead. As someone who sometimes left out an hour of explore or two, it was hard to explore for NPC fights, instead I spent my time filling up my thirst bar, unsuccessfully might I add. I also had trouble finding thirst items. NPC fights are my everything on this game. This is how I progress and I wasnt able to do anything at all...

Later on indeed it became easier because the staff changed some things, like the thirst bar only dropping 5 per 30 mins instead of 10%. That helped me and I could enjoy the game again.

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kimmys (#12434)

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Posted on
2014-09-05 04:59:46
I think your ideas for how breeding should be affected are a little severe. 1% fertility for a month? You know how few cubs would be born?

I think the problem you're running into is that EVEN IF your only income is exploring, there are still ways to help yourself out without having to spend tons of SB/GB. Last month I could maintain my thirst bar without batting an eye. If you cut back on breeding, what the hell else are the breeders going to do? If they aren't interested in exploring constantly, how the heck are they going to enjoy the month? What your proposing is that to continue to enjoy a month where it is hard, they'll have to buy a ton of items, etc. Poopy.

Bottom line is I'm still at the point where if you want to play your game where your main focus is on exploring, good to you. However, this comes with explore getting the VAST MAJORITY of the changes that come with events. Like it or lump it. I would not enjoy a game that screws with my ability to play the game.

If I don't like an event, I LOVE having the ability to enjoy other aspects of the game that are NOT affected by the event so that I don't get bored with the site and leave. -shrugs-

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-09-05 05:08:02
If they aren't interested in exploring constantly, how the heck are they going to enjoy the month?
If I cant even explore properly, then what am I going to enjoy for the month?
If I cannot hunt properly, then what am I going to enjoy for the month?
If my lions arent progressing, then what am I going to enjoy for the month?

Everyone has their own playstyles and so far only breeders are not affected by the events. Well, they are, but only in a positive way, each time there is some kind of reward. But if something negative is happening everywhere else, then suddenly breeding is no more affected.

The 'punishments' would not be severe at all. It only takes like... a few additional clicks to get a low fertility girl pregnant. But then again, those ideas are not part of the suggestion, so please ignore them. Those were just examples.

I am more thinking about this for example:
Lat month, if exploring was dependent on the thirst bar being 50% full, so should have been breeding depended on it. Nothing harsh or severe. It would have been equally 'challenging' for all styles.

Like it or lump it. I would not enjoy a game that screws with my ability to play the game.
I apologize for the comment but: Hypocrisy?

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Pardalis (#18493)

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Posted on
2014-09-05 10:14:53
No support. It was almost absurdly easy to refill your thirst bar. In no way did it affect my exploring, and I never leave energy in my bar. Sorry, but I just don't think the event was that difficult, even at the beginning of the month. I see no reason to make them easier.

However, it would make sense for it to affect breeding. For example, during the drought event, if a stud's thirst level was beyond the point that prevented battling than they shouldn't be able to breed. By adding in a small features like this, it would make events more 'fair' I guess.

Like I said though, I don't stud my male and all I do is explore and hunt. I had maybe a few failed hunts a day, but my lionesses were still bringing back plenty of food and there was even more food in explore. Heck, if you couldn't find thirst items there were even explore events that would give you water. Sure, maybe in some cases it was at the expense of event currency, but if you're just playing to explore or hunt than that shouldn't really matter.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-09-05 17:26:44
Then why are you not supporting.... yet supporting at the same time? The idea is to make breeding be affected by the events. It has basically nothing to do with the difficulty of events just that all of them shall be affected the same way (positive AND negative).

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Edited on 06/09/14 by Axel (#6627)

Lukio (#7391)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-12 04:14:18
This sounds like an excellent idea! You have my full support.

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Misha(Darki's) (#29548)

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Posted on
2014-10-25 23:35:17
I understand that your trying to make it affect different styles of playing but breeding and making money is usually a goal there are a lot of players with 10 or less lions that just play for the fun of the game making it harder for them and the new players will just make them loose interest and ultimately quit the game and lioden will loose money

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-10-26 01:14:36
So is exploring and hunting (raising stats and exp) the income and goal of many players, yet they are still affected by the events. So why is breeding different? There are different playstyles here but so far the events affect only two. The breeders are left out.

And again, this wouldnt be anything gamebreaking or major.

The drought event. We could not attack NPCs if our thirst wasnt lower than 50 or so. So why wasnt breeding included? You could not breed if your thirst bar wasnt 50 or lower.

Would that had been such an addition that would have made people quit? o.O

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