Posted by No Over Attacking
FreddieCougar (#17519)

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Posted on
2013-08-28 06:40:38
So...i find it real frustrating that im getting over attacked by 1 i get over 5 attacks in a row...maybe you could limit the amount of times you attack a person a day
its real unfair that my laddie is getting attacked CONSTANTLY by just 1 like maybe limit to attacking one person once a day then you'd have to attack another,so this will prevent frustration and over-attacking

Any Support?

This suggestion has 14 supports and 94 NO supports.

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🏳️‍🌈 (#4834)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-08-28 06:57:41
Im Just backing up my cousin!
I KNOW how this game works,ive been playing it LONG enough to know! you dont need to explain things to me.

Im Just saying over-attacking is just plain fucking annoying and i also think it should be stopped so it gives other players a chance too

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Blackthorn (#5838)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2013-08-28 06:59:47
I honestly don't see any problem with over attacking. The person being attacked looses absolutely nothing.

I don't know about anyone else, but when you get to a higher level like 20 and up, it's extremely hard to find someone who you can attack and win, thus you tend to over attack one person a lot.

No support.

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Edited on 28/08/13 by Blackthorn ~{Darkness}~ {OLC} (#5838)

Renarai II (#14910)

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Posted on
2013-08-28 07:00:08
I used to keep getting attacked by this player, and our lions were pretty even, so we both won and lost.

I kept attacking this lion I knew mine could beat, but I don't have to anymore because my lion is always at max skill for his level, so I don't bother looking for the weaker ones anymore.

Also, sometimes I could attack the same player 4 or 5 times and never know it, dumb territory map, until I do a bit of snooping in their attack history.

No support, this is the way people gain skill, exp and territory. When they know they can beat you, why bother stopping them?

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Ventriloquist (#234)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-08-28 07:01:02
Absolutely no support.

Ylanna, you'll make yourself less of a target if you try and build up your skill by fighting other players. Even so, NOTHING happens when you are attacked. AT ALL.

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Kayino (#6931)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-08-28 07:01:44
If you know how the game works then why even complain?
And get a chance to what? To lick their own wounds and say to them self how sorry it is for them?
You don't loose anything so why do you bother? I get attacked a lot and I attack back. It's fun that way. I also have a fighting buddies, people I attack which attacks me back.
It's a pain enough on here to find somebody you can attack who Isn't on a cool down.

- tiny rant

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FreddieCougar (#17519)

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Posted on
2013-08-28 07:01:47
why stop them?
because its unfair!
Atleast LIMIT their attacking!
its annoying! especially to those who dont have very strong lions and those who cant fight back

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Tau'ri [Kyo ] (#18449)

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Posted on
2013-08-28 07:04:04
When I first joined, I was annoyed at being attacked...but then I realized it did absolutely nothing to me.

I don't lose territory, skill, energy, nothing. I don't consider it as 'canon' to my lion's little story. It's a completely random thing that happens and I just happened to be in someone's skill set.

I deliberately look for those with lower stats and still so I'm sure I 'pick' on a few people, but it's not on purpose and it's not because I don't like them or anything. I just want to make sure my 20 energy is used for a fight I'm fairly certain to win. Otherwise, it's a waste.

I've been attacked by people with TONS of higher skill and stats, but so what? They're doing the same thing I did. It's not affecting me at all and causes me no real harm or problem.

Really, just let it go. It means nothing at all and there's no need for a limit. They aren't attacking YOU personally. They're attacking a set of numbers for a calculated bid to get more skill/stats/exp. That's all. Don't let it bother you! It's no big deal. Cross my heart.

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🏳️‍🌈 (#4834)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-08-28 07:04:19
IM complaining because im helping my cousin in his rights to think of an idea without everyone else shitting on his opinions!
Hes a kinda new player so be more nice for gods sake!

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Kayino (#6931)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-08-28 07:04:42
Dude why is it unfair? Tell me? What makes it unfair? You don't loose anything all there happens is there come up a little text saying "Kayino attacked you and you lost!"
What's so horrible and unfair about that?

-flys out into the sunset-
I've said what I needed

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Edited on 28/08/13 by Kayino (#6931)

Tau'ri [Kyo ] (#18449)

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Posted on
2013-08-28 07:07:59
There's no need to curse, Yllanna. People are just trying to explain why things happen and why there's no need to get upset. No one is 'pooing' on his idea, just saying it's unfounded.

How is it unfair? How is it a problem? I really don't understand. He suffers absolutely nothing from it happening. He isn't losing a thing so who cares if someone uses you as a skill/experience boost for your level? They'll get out of the level soon enough and won't bother you anymore.

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🏳️‍🌈 (#4834)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-08-28 07:10:15
I Can say what I want,Its a human right! I can defend my own family if i wish so thank you very much

I Dont need to be explained to,ive been playing this game long enough to know

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Visigoth (#18170)

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Posted on
2013-08-28 07:12:54
Oh come on! Who the fuck cares? It has not effect on you.

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2013-08-28 07:16:58
Yes you can say what you like Yllanna and that's your opinion on the matter. All we are trying to do is explain our viewpoint on this particular idea, because we are also allowed to say what we want. The majority os us are being completely civil about it, we aren't yelling or abusing your cousin personally at all - we are simply expressing our opinions on the idea just as you have the right to express yours as well.

Most of what we are trying to ask, and get across is; are you able to explain exactly how it is unfair to be attacked when nothing bad happens? There is no doubt you already know no bad affects happen because you've been here so long, but we fail to see how being attacked is unfair?

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Edited on 28/08/13 by Kraft {Kyo} (#738)

MusewithMe (#13826)

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Posted on
2013-08-28 07:17:47
Wow, super defensive, I see.

There's absolutely nothing unfair about the attack system. Sorry. There's just not. Crying and going "waahh wahh unfaiiirr" without any explanation as to *why* it's unfair is well....crying and whining. That's all.

No one has been being rude at all...except yourself, Yllanna. All I've seen are questions asking to explain....why it's unfair...

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Kayino (#6931)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-08-28 07:19:34
Yllanna by defending your cousin you should also be ready to get some shit back at you. At least if you share the same view on things as the person we were "arguing" with.

And if you know what happens why are you still complaining?
This game is for 16 years+ and maybe if you aren't 16 then you can at least act like it

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