Posted by Steady the Market -- SB

GamingGal (#18503)

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Posted on
2013-09-27 05:22:22
Again, please hear me out. I doubt this one will be as controversial as the other one, but still.

Back when the game first started (I'm drawing from what I figure considering I wasn't here) things were cheaper GB wise. From what I hear people say, you could buy one for 400-500SB. Now, though, that's next to impossible to get that price. Prices are steadily climbing upwards. Why?

This is my theory. This is happening because of all the SB floating around out there. Back when the game started, not a lot of people had thousands and thousands of SB just laying around. There was less of it, so prices were lower to accommodate this. Now, though, there is a LOT more SB in the system. There are more players, which means more people with a couple thousand here or there. That SB might get traded from person to person, but rarely does it get taken out of the system (such as buying from the Monkey Business), which means more people are able to afford those really high prices. If this continues, prices will never stop rising, so here is my solution.

SB Sinks
We need more in-game SB sinks (aka ways to get it out of player's hands) like the Monkey's Business. The thread here has a lot of good ides. Some of them have already been implemented. If we provided more ways for people to spend their SB in the game then we would get more of it out of the system, which would effectively help prices drop. This might not happen right away, but we would see it over time. The less people with the SB to spend on the high prices, the less high the prices will go. If we don't do this eventually there will be so much SB in the system that it will be worthless.

Suggested Sinks

Signature adder -- On many sites I go on you are able to have a signature where you can post links or pictures or whatever you would like. We don't have that here, so perhaps you could purchase this from the Monkey's Business for an SB price per month, kind of like the Feed/Play All button from the Oasis. At the end of the month you have to renew it for it to continue. This idea came from Axel's thread listed above.

Rename Male -- This is already listed as a GB item in the Oasis, but I feel it would be of much more use as an SB item. This originated in Axel's thread listed above.

Wishing Place -- This could be another place added to our Explore map where you can go once a day. You have an option of different SB amounts to pay (ranging from 5SB, 50SB, 100SB, 500SB perhaps) for a chance at something good happening to you. This good thing could be extra carcasses added to your hoard, or a rare decor item, or something along those lines. Of course, you don't always win something. It's up to chance, sort of like cups. This idea originated from Axel's thread listed above, with some tweaks added.

1-Use Cheap Decor -- Would be an item in the Monkey Shop, perhaps around 100sb or so, that would be a decor item with one use or so.

These are just a few ideas, but more are welcome! Please, toss out ideas!

There is too much SB in the system, and with so few ways to get it out and more players joining every day, there just keeps being more and more. If we don't slow it down somehow it will eventually be worthless and prices will continue to rise to reflect this.

This suggestion has 59 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 03/10/13 by GamingGal [Nyota] (#18503)

Swift (Hiatus
maybe?) (#19212)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-09-27 05:41:44
I absolutely agree, the game is going to need more SB sinks as more and more SB go into the system. Even small ones like the ones in Explore are helpful. I'm new to the site but, other than those small (10SB) sinks, I have only spent SB one time on something that didn't go to another player.

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2013-09-27 12:35:45
So much support.

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Kamau (#16726)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2013-09-28 07:41:48
Support. At this point, the only thing I do with SB is hoard it and then trade it for GB simply because there's very little to buy with pure SB.

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2013-10-02 15:05:56
Some like 100sb, 1 use decor items would be nice. It would mean that only one lion/ess could use it so I'd be popping back several times to buy another :3

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Blackthorn (#5838)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2013-10-02 15:27:43
Support, I also support Kraft's idea. It would be nice to have slightly cheaper decor, but obviously with less uses. In theory, it would be cheaper to buy the normal decor, but then there are times when you just can't afford the 350SB.

Also, it wouldn't be 5 uses for one item that can only be on one lion/ess at a time, but if you bought 5 you could use them on 5 different ones :)

I'll try to help add ideas as/if I come up with any, but right now, I don't.

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Edited on 02/10/13 by Blackthorn ~{Darkness}~ LAWS (#5838)

~ Mahogi ~ (#10400)

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Posted on
2013-10-06 04:44:21
Strong support. People nowadays manage to hoard 50,000 sb!! And actually even more. Value drop, inflation and prices raise.

It's really annoying when people say that all good things should be GB only. Market is very unbalanced, there should be more items for SB available in monkey shop, like opacity changer or random eye roll. To help drain out the SB from the system!
And I really doubt this would stop people from buying GB (:

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Valiance (#8980)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2013-10-14 10:38:25

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Laszlo (#10825)

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Posted on
2013-10-14 21:31:19
I wonder why you made a separate thread for something that is already suggested and didnt just support or bump the thread already made... All the 48 supports could have gone to the original one, making it more noticable.

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Admara [Fight Me!] (#18745)

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Posted on
2014-01-11 03:46:31
I agree wholeheartedly. I hoard SB, because there's not much I spend it on, except for the occasional cub purchase or decor. Usually it goes towards buying GB.

Full support!

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2014-01-11 03:51:31
Agree. I'm with Admara. I always have more SB than GB because it's what people choose to pay me with for cubs or art.

And it's harder for me to buy GB because of the 1000 SB price jump. I've seen it go for 1k to 1500 SB alone. It was better when it was 500 per gold beetle.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-01-11 05:32:36
This all....... is already suggested in my thread.... Why make a separate one if this all support could have gone to my thread instead, making it more in number? o.O

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