Posted by Donate a Lion, Help a Player 100+ supports

imayooshi (#30137)

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Posted on
2014-09-15 14:08:56
Note: This topic was developed BEFORE the update on claiming chased lionesses. The naive side of yoshi strikes again *hides in corner*

I kind of just had this casual idea of having a sort of pound for unwanted lions, lionesses, adols and cubs. (Ok, some of you guys don't have to continue reading, you'll probably disagree)

Since the site is flooding (well, maybe not really flooding) with unwanted lions, cubs etc, I think we should set up a sort of pound thing that we can donate our lions to.

The idea is that for every lion donated to the pound, we'll get (or pay for a dump fee?) a small amount of SB (5 SB?) for helping other players :)

I think it's a great way to help other players get their dream lions without actually having to search in the Trading Center for a long period of time.

(Note: Maybe a searching system may be added in the pound? Like searching for a specific base coat, markings etc. Some people might disagree with this)

(EXTRA NOTE: maybe the donation system should be specific about which lions they take for the specific donation week, like only the ones with vitilgo markings etc? Also, there should be a limit on how many lions we're allowed to donate in a month?)

I'm not entirely sure what others will think about this idea, but I'd just thought it might be a nice addition to the game.

Please feel free to leave any feedback, but no hate please.

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This suggestion has 170 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 10/07/15 by Imayoshi Shouichi (#30137)

Rogue (#39571)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-15 14:18:35
I'd support it except for the search system. If a pound were to be put it place, I believe it should be totally random. Not so much a 'dream lion' achiever as a luck of the draw, see what ya get thing.

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Aliya (Golden Pride) (#12734)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-15 14:24:46
I agree with Rogue.
I think the over all idea is good in that it will help persuade many users to give up their unsellable lions, helping to reduce the amount already in the TC, it would be considered 'nicer' then actually chasing lions, so it might help.

Additionally it might be a good sb sink as well.

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Grelle | Side
Account (#36763)

Wonder On Four Paws
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Posted on
2014-09-15 14:24:46
I like this idea, but not the searching part or really the 'getting SB' part. I mean I'd love to get SB, but I think that getting SB for donating a lion isn't the best idea. Idk that's just me though.

And maybe have like the pound only open sometimes at random and not be open all the time or you only be able to adopt one lion a week or something.

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Suik * They/Them * (#37128)

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Posted on
2014-09-15 14:40:03
I think that 1. The pound should be open at all times. 2. The search system should be off,/but/ it will randomly show about 12 of the lionesses in the pound to you. They will change every half hour ( or you could have a chance to change them every half hour) for each specific person. 3. I think getting the small amount of 5 sb is quite fair.

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Kinteroo (#43825)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-15 15:05:00
Good idea, but I agree with others- slightly, anyways. A search option sounds great, but only give it two settings- gender & age.
But I disagree with the giving of sb thing. On a lot of other VPS's I've been on, the user is required to pay a small fee to dump the pet or no fee (this "you owe us" or "oh, here ya go" stuff) at all. Perhaps only well-conditioned/played & fed lions could be dropped?

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Fush (F6 Gold
Rosette Primal) (#29304)

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Posted on
2014-09-15 16:36:17
There really should be a fee when you drop off a lioness to the pound as it should teach that abandoning a lioness isn't the best idea as chasing too. for the most part they will sit in there for ages.

What about aging them too when they are in the pound.

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Drakel [Ebony Boyo] (#12615)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2014-09-16 00:33:32
I think that you should not get any SB when you leave a lioness as the pound- as then, no one would ever chase lionesses. Aside, if you get SB for donating, what's to stop people from claiming NCLs and then dumping them for the SB?

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Toot The Lop Eared
Elephant (#25210)

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Posted on
2014-09-16 00:34:04
Dislike. There is no pound in the wilds of Africa. Lions are there, or not. There is no in between.

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Whispermouse (#42554)

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Posted on
2014-09-16 00:34:40
I don't think you should be able to drop off NCLs, its only going to encourage people to not chase them off, and we already have so much inflation in the economy.

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Programmatic (#23007)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-16 00:37:42
No support. I'm afraid that implementing this would motivate people to just donate to the pound for little bits of SB rather than give NCLs and other lionesses to new players. I feel like that's a really great part of LioDen right now, and I'd hate to see that go away. When I was new, it made me feel very welcome, and I enjoy seeing this interaction with new players.

(Plus, I feel like we get enough spare SB from hunting and we don't need a new resource for easy SB.)

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Misha's Golden Side (#28626)

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Posted on
2014-09-16 02:34:56
I think it all awesome idea and I have supported BUT due to the amount of lions being dumped in here i think they should age twice as fast as normal lions and you should be allowed to adopt once a day

I also think that male lions should not be allowed and that NCL lionesses should not be allowed to stop the Amount of unwanted also i do not think pound is a good name for it in the wild with lions there are no Pounds i think at the top of the "pound it should say something like this " Oh look at the lionesses that have just been chased from there pride would you like to try for one?"

Because in the wild lionesses that roam do get picked up by other males

also i think that thre should be a chance you don't get the female you clicked on like " The lioness wondered of annoyed at your attempt" and it should get easier the more people try to claim her

Maybe even a strike system like if the lioness is seen say 10 or 20 times she is considered unwanted and deleted by the system

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[Headbangin' Hippie] (#18629)

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Posted on
2014-09-16 03:07:54
No support. It would take away what little bit of a SIM aspect we have and just make this another Chickensmoothie, an adoptables game.

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Misha's Golden Side (#28626)

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Posted on
2014-09-16 07:10:41
@Oren Then what is claiming a NCL?
That in its self is like adopting as in cs there's a chance you wont get it

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2014-09-16 09:23:59
No support.

There are no pounds or nurseries in Africa. Nor do subordinate males breed, ect.
It takes away a little more of the realistic SIM I came here to enjoy.

And no, claiming NCL's is not adopting them. You work to impress them to join your pride. You 'earn' females. Not go out and pick from a wide variety of options at once, pay for them and get the specific one you may want.

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Misha's Golden Side (#28626)

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Posted on
2014-09-16 18:52:02
@Cat He never said that you needed to pay for them?
also we could make this "pound" like claiming a NCL so you can earn them and the options can be limited whether its one a day or a week or only for newbies Maybe it could even Replace going out and finding a NCL the staff use the NCL to release new markings and help newbies I don't see why they cant just add markings to the ones in the pound and scrap the ncl finding all together.

They would have a stronger hold and a lot more control over a pound you can open it certain days or only this or that there's a lot you could do to Improve the lion selling market that way.

Lets face it at some point the catching of wild NCL lionesses HAS to change you can get up too 20 with 100% energy that's a hell of a lot of lions flooding the market!

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