Posted by Lioden Families

reg (#22694)

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Posted on
2014-01-18 09:28:47
Sure, I guess its already been "added" In a way, since like you post a thread and stuff. Know how there are groups in deviant-art? We should like, make the families more.. like.. I'm in a loss of adjectives.. xD Official? What i'm trying to say here is: Instead of having to type in your name that your a member of a family and instead of having to create a thread or something to create a family. We should have this like ugh. "Official" thing. Where you still have to create a thread.. but this times there's a "Join" button and you'll have to fill out a request form. and there'll be some kinda logo next to your name that symbolizes that your in the specific group? And the logo can be drawn or something.
And make the Lioden families a thing. Well it is a 'thing' but like a THING THING x'D ALRIGHT SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS BETTER FOR ME XD.

This suggestion has 34 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Snark (#10774)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-18 11:03:21
Admin edit - due to content not allowed on Lioden: please don't discuss other web-browsing sim games!

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Edited on 18/01/14 by Snark (#10774)

Blackthorn (#5838)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2014-01-18 11:18:16
Nice idea :)

There's a suggestion for making official groups here. The groups would be like den pages from what I read, and the groups would have a mini board of sorts(I think. It's been awhile since I read that XD).

I think Decor's idea combined with the Family logo in username thing would be great ^^

(By the way Snark, thanks for mentioning LAWS c:) As the owner of L.A.W.S., I could definitely see that being the case. With the group on it's way to 100 members (reach over 70 recently), I'm all for supporting ideas that will improve groups and families and make them official.

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Edited on 18/01/14 by Blackthorn ~{D}~{LAWS.PALS, K} (#5838)

Decors (#17721)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2014-01-18 19:38:22
Thanks Blackthorn for mentioning my thread :) Together with The 200-Reds (who have 90+ members last I checked) LAWS seem to be among the bigger groups (of course I havent really checked the others ;))

I think having a groupfeature would make it easier even if I think there should be some sort of limit or restriction on how many you can create and be "admin" for.

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reg (#22694)

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Posted on
2014-01-19 01:20:41
Keep posting, and I supported your thread, decor. ;)

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