Posted by -ADDED TO THE GAME-Suggestion: Extensive Blocking
Densai (#22807)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-01-17 06:29:59
In some sites I've seen, the have the best rule I've ever seen in a TOS.

Honor a player's request to stop communicating with you.

Meaning, I'm suggesting something like:
-Blocking people stops them from posting on your threads and offering on your trades

In past experience, I've had a lot of trouble with the block feature not reaching out to these sorts of things. I believe that this, ceasing communications with anyone you've blocked, will cause a lot more peace with the community. Suggestions, thoughts, ideas?

I'm quite exhausted at the moment, so I won't be debating things with other players right now, only watching. :3

This suggestion has 297 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/04/15 by Apollatlas (#22807)

Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2015-01-18 18:18:19
Blocked people can still offer on our trades? Well. I blocked someone because they were purposely spamming my inbox by offering and removing offers dozens of times in a few minutes. So, even if I block them, they can still do it? That's boring.

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Shenanigans (#52550)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-18 18:23:13
I support this whole-heartedly. If I block you, there's a damn good reason why I've blocked you (which is entirely your own fault) and I don't want to put up with your immaturity any more, so any improvement to the blocking system would be amazing in my book. I have better things to do than have to deal with harassers trying to ruin things for no reason but their own petulance.

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Aeradalia {Yokai} (#37494)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-01-18 19:42:40
I haven't had a reason to block anyone, yet, but I can understand how annoying other people can be.

There have been a few times where I was offering lions for trade or had been participating in other people's auctions and you have that random person who will post something along the lines of:

"I wouldn't pay that much for the lion. Such-and-such markings are not worth that much. Just offering my opinion."


"This auction isn't showing much activity, so I really doubt the lion(s) will sale."

This can really interfere with the auctions and drive potential customers away. There have been one or two times that I searched the threads of these naysayers, only to find they have similar auctions for the same or less prices. This is a very dishonest technique which can hurt a person's attempt to earn some SB/GB.

I've also had to deal with people who like to bid on an open trade, remove the offer, bid, remove the offer... etc. Usually these offers are 1 or 2 SB on a trade with a GB buyout. It's a gimmick to make the person eager to hit approve without paying attention to the fact that only SB, not GB, is being offered. Once again, a dishonest technique.

Having a unilateral blocking mechanism would be helpful to completely remove an individual's attempt to interfere with your trades/auctions and stalk/harass you in other areas of the Lioden game experience.

It's understandable to not want to deny an individual a chance to participate in a given discussion, but the person who started the discussion should have the right to choose who can participate in their discussions. When the person who wishes to block another person sees no trace of that person, they are able to enjoy the game again. While the person who is being blocked isn't even aware of which threads they are blocked from, then they are less likely to complain and have less opportunity to harass. It works out best for both parties who cannot get along for whatever reason. In real life, yes, you are expected to deal with other people, but Lioden is a game meant for personal enjoyment. There are no pressures here to have to deal with certain individuals if you do not want to.

I fully support.

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Slade (#36600)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-01-18 20:00:24
Aeradalia: "I wouldn't pay that much for the lion. Such-and-such markings are not worth that much. Just offering my opinion."


"This auction isn't showing much activity, so I really doubt the lion(s) will sale."

^^^^^ This, so this. Ive had a few people ruin a sale with negative posts. However, when it comes to these kinds of posts, these types of responses on sales should be considered against the rules anyway. Its mean and disrespectful, especially when they advertise their own sales in your sales thread as well.

I have to support the OPs suggestion though.

Ive gotten a couple of sour grapes like Queen Halloween.

I think a block should work for the creator of the thread.

If Bob creates a thread, his blocked list should work on people he's blocked. But if Bob posts on Mary's thread, then any Tom Dick and Harry should be able to post on it, despite Bob's block list. It would be Mary's block lit that would bar posts from her own unwanted people.

It works on many sites as well as games. Perhaps it would be a good thing here. If id does not happen, the bigger the site gets the harder it will be fore the Mods and Admins to manage it the issues.

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Edited on 19/01/15 by Taergal (#36600)

ChaosAzeroth🐱 (#2690)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-19 12:23:31
I think a block should work for the creator of the thread.

If Bob creates a thread, his blocked list should work on people he's blocked. But if Bob posts on Mary's thread, then any Tom Dick and Harry should be able to post on it, despite Bob's block list. It would be Mary's block lit that would bar posts from her own unwanted people.

It works on many sites as well as games. Perhaps it would be a good thing here. If id does not happen, the bigger the site gets the harder it will be fore the Mods and Admins to manage it the issues.

((And wow my cat is on here? Sorry I see Bob and it's been a long day so...x3))

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Tox (#53023)

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Posted on
2015-01-19 17:53:49
I support, though I agree with the others saying the blocked person shouldn't be unable to post in your threads or view your den because these can be innocent activities. However, I understand the reasoning behind not wanting them in a thread because of potential harassment. Solution? Report them. Immediately.

Of course, there are issues with that, as reports don't go through immediately. I'd suggest asking for some revision to the reporting system as well.

That way, the ones who are willing to play nice can be in threads you're also in/you created and cause no fuss, but if one starts harassing you, a report can be filed and - if the report system is modified - an admin can show up in the chat before they have a chance to change anything they said or immediately check out the issue and warn/silence/ban/freeze the offending party as necessary.

I know having people who make you uncomfortable in your presence can be really stressful, but as people can use the block feature at will, banning blocked users from specific threads would also ban them from parts of the site's content, and any number of those people could be perfectly innocent. That's why I suggest compromise, to keep everyone comfortable.

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Ciril {Int|3x
Ros|Dusk} (#38439)

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Posted on
2015-01-20 05:49:34
I do not normally block anyone on any game, this one included generally because I haven't run into any problems with people.... yet o.o

BUT I do support this after reading some of the comments about stuff people have had to deal with because of some immature people on this game.

My Idea is this:
When you block someone on this game, you should have the choice to block them entirely. (They cannot see you, your threads, or your trades) and the same for yourself, you cannot see what they do as well. This would eliminate the problem Of people being spammed or even people harassing them on their own threads.

Generally, I'm very surprised that this site hasn't done something like this yet. It's kind of how blocking works in every game mmo or site. If you're blocking someone, you should have them COMPLETELY blocked. No partial stuff.

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Alabai (#28971)

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Posted on
2015-01-20 07:50:28

I have never had to use Block on LioDen... but on other games, when I block a player, it isn't an act of 'i don't like you', it's an act of me wanting to NOT PLAY WITH THAT PLAYER EVER AGAIN... perhaps there was a clash, but more often there was a problem and I don't WANT there to be a clash- so I block them.

Yay that I haven't had to do that on LioDen, but YAY for sites who allow you to essentially click on a button, and make yourself 'invisible' to a problem player.

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Densai (#22807)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-01-20 08:01:14
Yes, thank you to all who replied!

I will say that most problems I've had with players have not been properly taken care of by staff - and there are good mods here, but I know of a few times I feel my situation was not correctly addressed.

If I block someone, I want to never interact with them again, never give them the chance to troll or purposely offend me. No partial-block crap.

And for all that say 'if there's a problem, report to mods': well, take a look at Aeradalia's examples.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-01-20 08:07:58
I support for them unable to buy or sell anything from you. But I dont support blocking them from your den or threads.

Not only does it block people to respond to potential hidden targeting and unable to vice their opinion in different topics you might have started, but this could be abused.

For example.... I know someone doesnt like my ideas, so I go ahead and block these people so they cannot say anything on the matter. Or I know they would point out something about my lions, so I block them from my advertisement threads. Or I go ahead and do some hidden targeting in my den description and block the targeted person from seeing it and so reporting it.

People should be able to reply to any threads and see any den. That would be too much limit which could destroy their overall experience of the site.

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Shenanigans (#52550)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-20 08:15:20
Except for the fact that other people could easily spot any of that kind of abuse and report it. I for one certainly would if I saw that kind of abuse directed at anyone at all.

I'd however rather have a small chance of abusing the block feature (although people have stated that suggestion threads shouldn't be included in the ban, although people posting rude things on your sales and stud threads is hardly comparable and totally justified in being blocked) than have harassment and smear campaigns. Additionally if blocked players cannot see your more personal posts or even your den they won't be able to take screenshots/"receipts" and use it to fuel harassment off-site, which should matter a lot as there is a problem with that lately.

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Edited on 20/01/15 by Infamous!Dominic (#52550)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-01-20 08:42:45
How do you know if you werent involved with the more deep problem? You as an outsider cannot see hidden targeting because you dont know what it is about. What to you might seem as a harmless joke on someone's den, it could be a targeted mocking to another. Only the person can tell who was blocked. But they cannot see it because the den is invisible.

As someone already said, people here are sometimes immature and would block you for the smallest things you do, including those who purposely block you to not post in their threads for specific petty reasons.

For example, I have the right on Lioden to reply and say my opinion on every thread there is on the forum. This would block my freedom if I cannot see or cannot reply to a lot of threads because people blocked me for whatever reason I dont even know about. The forum is public. If you dont want people to post in your topic then either ask them kindly to not do so, or dont post the topic, or report any harassment to the admins.

Otherwise you are ruining someone's freedom of access to a public site's content.

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Shenanigans (#52550)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-20 08:58:16
The problem with that mindset is that just because you ask people to not post in your threads or even just to be respectful, they don't have to listen to your request. And I'm sorry, but someone's personal safety and well-being is a lot more important than a bully's right to access every single thread and thus the victim's right to a safe environment should be prioritized, especially since people choose to be bullies - it's their own fault if/when they get punished for it, not anybody else's.

I do however see your point about some people abusing the system and using it immaturely, so how about a proposal that kind of goes half and yet still both ways?

Instead of an automatic full block being the default one when you do block someone, it could be like what we have now or a slightly modified version however if you feel this isn't enough to stop the problem or it proves not to be enough, you could then submit a ticket to the modbox with screencaps/receipts/any other evidence and the staff can decide on a case by case basis if the situation requires/has a justifiable reason for a full block. (If of course the staff would be willing to do this). That way, it couldn't be abused by immature members just because they don't like someone or they disagreed with their opinion or some other non-justifiable cause, but in serious cases where someone actually needs protection from a bully they can get it.

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Edited on 20/01/15 by Infamous!Dominic (#52550)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-01-20 17:59:35
Who said it would be a bully?
I am more than certain that half if not more people who were blocked by people were innocent. Most times it is the bully who blocks the people from being able to fight back and send them PMs after they sent their own.

I see this feature abused. That is all. Who says people wont mass-block people just to limit their access to content. This would not only give some kind of weapon against bullying but also would give more opportunities for bullies and spoiled people who block others just because they said the truth about something they did or sold. Or simply because they didnt like the person because he made a suggestion that they didnt like.

It is too much limit. And the case by case stuff would be just too much work for the admins on top of what they have already.

I am mostly against this because in this case your block list wouldnt just affect you but everyone on this game. Meaning that someone cannot post in a thread it means that others cannot see their opinion either while they didnt block them. Your block list is YOUR block list and not everyone else's. It is your business who you block and should not affect what others see and experience on the forum.


I propose something else, taken from another game.
There, the person who is blocked can see your threads, and can post into them as well without limiting them but they cannot PM you or trade with you.
However, the person who blocked the other is not forced to see the posts and threads of the one blocked. Instead of completely blocking both, the site simply makes it hidden. If they post a thread, then they will appear but with this text only:

"This thread was posted by someone on your block list - Show Thread"
This gives you the option to see it but you dont need to.

If they post into your thread, it will be hidden and will say:
"This post was submitted by someone on your block list - Show Post"
You dont need to see their post but you can.

The blocked person however will not be affected on the forums.

Or perhaps they would also see your stuff hidden but also have the choice to see your posts and threads.
"This post was made by someone who blocked you - Show Post"
"This thread was posted by someone who blocked you - Show thread"

This however would not affect anyone else visually. They can see both of your posts and threads.

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Edited on 21/01/15 by Axel (#6627)

Slade (#36600)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-01-20 22:03:12
Actually Axel, withholding the ability to block, whether it gets abused or not, is detrimental to the site as a whole. It tells the legitimate friendly players that they are not important and that rude disrespectful behavior is acceptable enough not to be policed.

There are some really mean people out there. So a hard line block is often necessary to protect people from bullies and when someone realizes no one wants to talk to them, it can either send them packing or compel them to change their behavior.

Your block notice idea is interesting and could work. However, another problem exists of multiple accounts. There is still the work around of the second account. Or through friends. So you see, no matter what idea there is on a block, there will always be someone sneaking around the edges. is it against the rules, sure! But people will still try to bend the rules or blatantly break them.

The message to the truly kind friendly players should not be "Well, bullies exist, get over it." There should be some way to protect them from people who harmful to the Lioden playing experience.

A hardline block can also send a very hard message to someone about their behavior.

I will say this as a side note and a follow up thought.

I play an MMO that started out with a great community. As it grew bigger it got harder for Mods to monitor bad behavior. It grew so large they had to pretty much abandon policing the populace. As a result, the community became toxic and the game suffered. A hard block was implemented and it has helped a lot. However, the damage was done. the result was a bad taste in the mouth of decent folks and many have not returned to the game because of one or two negative experiences.

Lioden is a great game with a great community. However as it grows, something will need to be implemented to police the populace and protect against people who drive away good, paying customers. If new players experience negative interactions here, they may never come back and they will not refer a friend here either. It would not be fair to expect Mods and Admins to do all the policing, so a community that polices its self would be a good system. Deciding on how that system works is the key.

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