Posted by -ADDED TO THE GAME-Suggestion: Extensive Blocking
Densai (#22807)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-01-17 06:29:59
In some sites I've seen, the have the best rule I've ever seen in a TOS.

Honor a player's request to stop communicating with you.

Meaning, I'm suggesting something like:
-Blocking people stops them from posting on your threads and offering on your trades

In past experience, I've had a lot of trouble with the block feature not reaching out to these sorts of things. I believe that this, ceasing communications with anyone you've blocked, will cause a lot more peace with the community. Suggestions, thoughts, ideas?

I'm quite exhausted at the moment, so I won't be debating things with other players right now, only watching. :3

This suggestion has 297 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/04/15 by Apollatlas (#22807)

Amethyst (#8572)

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Posted on
2015-02-24 04:07:28
Edited: Partial support. I've only had to block two players for sells reason and harassment. I whole heartedly agree on them not being able to buy anything I sell, which does happen sadly. I don't believe a player should be banned from forum content though, especially due to disagreeing viewpoints. It could leave that player open to bullying if they are unable to view the forum.

I don't think a a player should be banned though because of a disagreement or whatnot.. Only if they break the TOS after being given a warning.

Also, Aeradalia: "I wouldn't pay that much for the lion. Such-and-such markings are not worth that much. Just offering my opinion."
I've had that happen on one of my sales thread, which annoyed me because I had said in the top "No opinions on pricing, they aren't budging".. Eventually they did sell though for the price asked but I checked their thread and their lions of the same quality were the same as mine, if not more e.o" I really think it was a way to drive away buyers or try to make them cheaper for themselves.

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Edited on 13/04/15 by CookieMonster (#8572)

Whargoul (#45520)

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Posted on
2015-02-24 04:21:08
Support.. we have each other blocked cookie yet I can still post on your thread and vice versa..blocking should mean all communication not just messages.

Oh this post was not meant in any way other than to make your point stronger. I do agree 100% that blocking needs to include everything.

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Edited on 24/02/15 by SquiggleBoof (#45520)

Amethyst (#8572)

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Posted on
2015-02-24 04:28:38
Exactly my point. ^

Edit: sorry, I was meaning the point about posting on blocked users thread, etc. :3

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Edited on 24/02/15 by CookieMonster *Triple Rosette* (#8572)

Sootsprite (#28010)

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Posted on
2015-02-24 05:35:38
Support ! If I block someone I dont want to see them on anything I personally post .. However with support threads maybe they can support still and read it but simply be unable to comment ?

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Clay πŸ“ (#20064)

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Posted on
2015-02-24 05:49:03
I strongly support an increase in the reaches of the block system. My beliefs are that a good block system should:
- Keep someone from messaging you, and keep you from messaging them.
- Block that user's posts in the chatroom
- Block that user from offering on your trades
- Block that user from autobuying from you or purchasing from your branch

As for the issue regarding forum threads, perhaps it could work by blocking a user from posting on your threads except for suggestion threads. Users should be able to give their input on a site suggestion because it affects everybody, but that's about as far as it should go.
On suggestion threads, their post should show up as blocked, something similar to a "spoiler" tag. Anybody who exploits or goes around a block by harassing/antagonizing on a user's suggestion thread should be reported and handled by a mod for block-evading.
I do kind of like Dominic's suggestion for requesting a full-block from another user, similar to our embargo tool that we have right now. This would definitely come in handy in cases where people are following one another around, trash-talking behind a block.

The reasons for blocking someone is irrelevant in my opinion. Users should have the freedom to choose not to hear or see from someone, regardless of the reason. What User A might consider to be a petty reason might not be something User B considers petty, and User B shouldn't have to see User A's posts. All users are expected to act maturely, responsibly, and kindly towards all other users. If someone decides they want to act in a disrespectful manner, they get punished for violating the TOS.

I don't support blocking den-viewing for the reason Axel stated; it comes with the territory of someone targeting another person and that person having no way of knowing or reporting it. Targeting will always be taken seriously and those who target will be punished accordingly, but many times such things go completely unreported and thus fly under our radar. I can look at something on someone's den and view it as a casual comment, but the context would be lost on me because it may be sly targeting of another user, and only that user would recognize this.

"Again, case to case basis would be too much work. Do you know how many people would request such a block?"
Our most recent embargo tool is very easy to implement and we've not rejected an embargo request since it's been added to the game.

(Keep in mind that this is my opinion purely as a player of the site and not from a staff point of view)

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Francxs -muts- (#35539)

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Posted on
2015-02-24 05:53:03
Clay if all you did was put spoilers on blocked people's posts on anything I'd be extremely happy even with that. Just my opinion :3
Spoilers in general would be nice tbh... Especially for photos that get put into threads. Much like the skull heart forums.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-02-24 05:56:47
But why make people suffer and be affected by the problems of other people? Why not let them see someone's reply in a thread just because they were blocked for whatever reason? Trolls can mass-block people and make threads, some people do not deserve to be blocked yet they are limited on the forum for some reason.

One can simply just make it the 'spoiler' kind of thing at every thread, not just Suggestions. Person A who blocked Person B does not need to see Person B's replies to their threads but this shouldnt in any way affect person C who had nothing to do with their problem and yet cannot see the input of Person B.

My problem with blocking people to respond to threads is because everyone has their own block list which should apply to them solely. They are private and our own matter. I dont want to be affected by the block list of someone else, especially when I dont have a problem with the people that were blocked by the OP. It can be abused severely.

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Edited on 24/02/15 by Axel (#6627)

Amethyst (#8572)

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Posted on
2015-02-24 05:57:34
Clay- There's an embargo tool? I was unaware of this. o3o

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Clay πŸ“ (#20064)

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Posted on
2015-02-24 10:11:26
"But why make people suffer and be affected by the problems of other people?
You can see that person's posts. As stated, I believe a block system should only affect the posts between two users and nobody else. So if User A blocks User B, user B can't post on User A's threads. If User A creates a suggestion thread, User B can post on it freely and User C can see User B's posts.
If someone is blocked by someone else, that won't affect how you see their comments. To put it simply, you will have no idea that User B has been blocked by User A.

"Clay- There's an embargo tool? I was unaware of this. o3o"
It's down right now, but we'll have it back up soon. You can read more about it in this news post:

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Edited on 24/02/15 by Clay (#383)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-02-24 21:29:07
It does affect me because I cannot see Peron B's input on a thread -not meaning suggestions but any other thread. Why should I not see Person B's opinion on something -who even might be my friend- just because Person A decided to block them for a reason that doesnt affect me at all. Maybe even because Person A is just a troll and randomly blocked Person B... One needs to see every aspect. Innocent people can be blocked by trolls and bullies or spoiled brats.

Blocking is an everyday tool and such an 'embargo tool' should not be given into the hands of all Lioden members for everyday use. Imo if someone is really harassing you like that, then for the love of the god report them for harassment and you get that embargo stuff. But where potential trolls and bullies are playing you should not give such a heavily limiting tool to the playerbase for the means of simple block.

Imo just because... I dont know... someone gave a critique on your artwork you did not like they should not be severely limited on the forum. They should be blocked from PMing you and maybe hide their replies just for your eyes n your threads. But let others see their replies as it is and let them freely post wherever they wish to post. Block lists are private.

If they are harassing you severely, then get that advanced tool from the admins. But everyday limiting blocking can and WILL go wrong. After all the mods apparently need proof and explanation why they want severe blocking. I am sure they refuse to give an embargo to people who have only petty reasons. However, if you give this to every user... people will limit others for the fun of it.

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Clay πŸ“ (#20064)

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Posted on
2015-02-25 08:20:33
Axel, you wouldn't be able to tell if they were blocked at all. It would be as if they never saw the topic.

"Blocking is an everyday tool and such an 'embargo tool' should not be given into the hands of all Lioden members for everyday use."
This was brought up as a suggestion as a mod tool and only in cases where users are feeling threatened by other users.

"I dont know... someone gave a critique on your artwork you did not like they should not be severely limited on the forum."
This isn't something I'd consider granting a block embargo for.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-02-25 20:25:10
Clay.... This suggestion wants you to give the embargo tool to every member, embedded into the block we use every day. Meaning that everyday players will be able to use their everyday block to remove access to parts of the forum from others. Give this tool to trolls, spoiled brats and bullies and you will get a serious problem.

I see you dont understand my reasoning here. I dont care that I might not know if someone was blocked or not. I dont want to be affected by others' block list is all. I want to everyone's opinion on the threads. Even those who were blocked by the OP. Just hide it from them as 'spoiler' and they dont need to see it but we have every right to see the opinion of everyone.

Block list is private for a reason. With this mentality why dont we make block lists public and let everyone equally be affected by them. Like my block list. Dont let anyone trade with them and see their posts anywhere. It sound horrible, does it? Well, the forum blocking would work like this.

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Francxs -muts- (#35539)

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Posted on
2015-02-25 21:47:35
I personally don't think it sounds horrible... In fact it sounds fairly nice.
Being able to have a block list that would block certain people that you know will cause trouble,or stress for yourself if you create the thread and see them on it (probably saying something against the positivity that was in your thread) would be great. Because I've noticed here that people like to gang up on people.
And it's rather annoying. If I could remove one person from my threads then I have less chances of getting ganged up on and feeling more stressed than I am because simply seeing one negative comment is a lot nicer than two negative people going back and forth on your thread debating about why they disagree with your positivity.
Besides, I believe if you have good reason to block someone and do, then that person you blocked probably has good,reason to block yourself and will. I don't want to see posts from people I've blocked, and they probably don't want,to see,mine anyways considering that our opinions have differentiated enough for our arguments to want me to block tthem. And if they do want to see,my posts then they're going to be called out as a bully because that is consciously looking for an argument and trouble.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-02-25 22:05:27
If you notice such things, then why dont you report them and request the embargo? People can block anyone. Hell, I can block you now and post threads where you cannot say your opinion. Like something maybe where you could have a good advice or really want your opinion heard.

Dont just think about how good it would be to completely sever contact with those who harassed you. But also think about people misusing the feature, blocking people who would not deserve it from content on the forum. Look at the other side too, please.

I for one would be mega angry if I was blocked randomly and couldnt post in some threads because someone decided to limit my access to it for any random reason. Maybe we didnt even talk yet, they just disliked an idea I had or an opinion I posted somewhere that wasnt even directed towards them.

People not always have a good reason to block people. Sometimes it is the bully, the spoiled brat who doesnt like people with different opinions and the trolls. Hence why the admins are deciding case by case if they give the embargo tool or not. The blocking of people from threads is a too limiting and powerful tool to give it to normal players.

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Francxs -muts- (#35539)

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Posted on
2015-02-26 00:38:39
Because I don't care who I trade with, and Tbh the chance of me trading with someone I've blocked is very low because that would mean I would be using something of theirs, which I don't want to do. And them getting something of mine, which I don't want them to have.
Also how would I know if my opinion was needed on a,thread if I couldn't see it? It'd be like it never happened to me and I honestly wouldn't care.
I am looking at the other side. The other side would,be blind to threads tthey're blocked,from. They wouldn't see it in the recent section, they wouldn't see it in any subforum section, they wouldn't know anything was there. And honestly ignorance is bliss and I don't understand why you'd be angry. is your understanding that you'll be able to see the threads, but to you it'll looked locked? Because that's not how it would be...
I agree that it is a powerful tool but bullying,doesn't always look like bullying. Having someone coming on each of your threads and bashing whatever opinion you have on each of them, even on threads that would contradict their previous bashing opinions is bullying In my opinion. I'm not one to want to bring my problems to other people, especially not mods who have better things to do, nor am I a person so petty I want to stop my bullies existence all together. That'd be dumb, you can't just end someone in real life. But you can seperate yourself from them. And that's what the forum blocking would be. They wouldn't see,you, you wouldn't see them, peaceful coexistence, everyone still gets the chance to play with their pixel lions and enjoy the experience, with a lot less stress.

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