Posted by Lioden's Trans+Nonbinary Family

taikunfoo (#23472)

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Posted on
2015-01-19 04:27:39
Welcome to Lioden's Transgender and Nonbinary family!

Feel free to look around, but if you would like to join we request that you are a transgender, nonbinary, or questioning individual.

Please be courteous and respectful on this thread and in the chatroom.

Need advice/have questions? Send a pm to one of the mentors below, or check out the Chatroom!

taikunfoo (#23472)-ftm (he/him/his) can help with coming out, therapy, hormones, legal name changes (USA), ect...
Aleksei(#20985)-ftm (he/him/his) can help with coming out to parents, good listener
RottAndArtist (#28971)-ftm (He/him/his) can help with support, passing, long term relationships, intersex, preferbally transgender (not non binary)
shyre (#35539)-Nonbinary (they/them) can help with lioden related questions
mellybean (#50274)-Nonbinary (they/them) can help with lioden and general outside world questions
Couch Hyena (#49747)-ftm (He/him/his) can help with mental illness/self esteem
Maayan Biran (#49378)-questioning (she/them) can listen and help with coming out, self-injury, and support
Richard (#53361)-Nonbinary (he/him/his) can help with nonbinary genders/pronouns, mental health
Rafflesia (#45069)-Gender fluid (they/them) can help with passing (masculine), nonbinary genders, family trouble
Zuka (#54754)-ftm (he/him/his) can help with family issues, understanding yourself, nongenderconforming activities
sirius (#32287)-ftm (he/him/his) can help with coming out, gender identity, mental health/support
Sylver (#40584)-ftm (he/him/his) can help with art and anxiety
BipolarBunnyBear (#36115)-ftm (he/they) can help with Animal Therapy, Social Anxiety, Worry, Motivation, Bipolar/Depression, Coming Out To Family/Friends, Pre-Counseling/Therapy Fears, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Listening (for problems, ranting, or general conversation)
Mutt Fluff (#56327)-questioning (they/them), can help with bipolar, depression, venting/ranting, anxiety
Shina-k (#10880)-nonbinary (they/them), can help with art and computers
Rusted Poetry (#57190)-genderfluid, can help with passing as masculine, makeup, mental illness, coming out, suicide, bipolar
deerfarts (#39303)-nonbinary (they/them), can help support those who are having emotional problems
Hyena Prince (#45039)(He/him), can help with self harm, binding, hormones, insurance (for hormones), coming out, housing

taikunfoo (#23472) (He/him)
Aleksei(#20985) (He/him)
RottAndArtist #28971 (Side: RottAndArtistII #30223) (He/him)
shyre (#35539) (They/Them)
mellybean (#50274) (They/Them)
ThatWhovian102 (#37755) (He/him)
Statickit (#53571) (He/him)
Ethan (#52386) (He/him)
Couch Hyena (#49747) (He/him)
Maayan Biran (#49378) (She/they)
Animaniacs (#20833) (He/him)
Richard (#53361) (He/him)
Arkkael Youngblood -Phoenix- (#28129) (They/them)
Rafflesia (#45069) (They/them)
Nyoka (#48468) (They/them)
princegbert (#23669) (He/him)
Toli (#25210) (They/them)
Zuka (#54754) (He/him)
Dave Strider (#32213) (They/them)
sirius (#32287) (He/him)
Dawn_Iris (#40323) (He/him)
arsenicCatnip (#29620) (They/Them)
Silver/Rin (#2458) (They/them)
Sylver (#40584) (He/him)
Kat1331 (#21160) (They/them)
BipolarBunnyBear (#36115) (He/they)
Mutt Fluff (#56327) (They/them)
Shina-k (#10880) (They/them)
deerfarts (#39303) (They/them)
Hyena Prince #45039 (He/they)
Aim Ren (#36952) (They/them)
Mythos {Cat King} (#53839) (She/they)

Discount studding from taikunfoo's stud (#23472)
First choice for free cubs from taikunfoo's (#23472) den
Discount recolors/artwork from taikunfoo (#23472)
Discount studding from Aleksei (#20985) and side (#22911)
Discount studding/cubs from RottAndArtist's stud (#28971)
Free cubs from RottAndArtist (#28971)
Free studding from shyre (#35539)
Free cubs from shyre (#35539)
Discount art from shyre (#35539)
Free cubs from mellybean (#50274)
Discount studding from mellybean (#50274)
Discount lion sales from mellybean (#50274)
100SB of studding from ThatWhovian102 (#37755)
Discount studding from Ethan (#52386)
Half price cubs from Ethan (#52386)
Free studding from Couch Hyena (#49747)
Lions from Couch Hyena (#49747)
PM Maayan Biran (#49378) If you'd like anything from their den
Discount studding to Animaniacs (#20833) cream rosette king!
Discounted studding to Richard (#53361)
Free/discounted lionesses to Richard (#53361)
Free studding to Arkkael Youngblood -Phoenix- (#28129)
Possible discounted artwork from Arkkael Youngblood -Phoenix- (#28129)
Free studding to Rafflesia (#45069)
Discounted reverse studding to Rafflesia (#45069)
Free/discount cubs from Nyoka (#48468)
Free/discount studding to Nyoka (#48468)
Discounted/free cubs marked with $ from princegbert (#23669)
Discounted art from princegbert (#23669)
Discounted studding from Toli (#25210)
Discounted artwork from Toli (#25210)
Discounted studding/cubs from Zuka (#54754)
Discounted studding from Dave Strider (#32213)
Free cubs from sirius (#32287)
Free cubs from Dawn_Iris (#40323)
Free studding from Dawn_Iris's side (#40995)
Discounted cubs from arsenicCatnip (#29620)
Discounted studding from Silver/Rin (#2458)
Free/discounted cubs from Silver/Rin (#2458)
Free art from Silver/Rin (#2458)
Discount studding from Kat1331 (#21160)
Free studding, cubs, and food from Sylver (#40584)
Discounted art from (Sylver #40584)
Free studding from BipolarBunnyBear (#36115)
Free studding/cubs from Mutt Fluff (#56327)
Discounted art from Shina-k (#10880)
Free cubs and writing from Rusted Poetry (#57190)
Free cubs and discounted art from deerfarts (#39303)
Free lions, discounted studding/art, discounted decor from Hyena Prince (#45039)
25% discount on art from Aim Ren (#36952)
Free cubs/studdings from Mythos {Cat King} (#53839)

Free lions/lionesses (Pm user to request/hold lion)
Cubs in RotAndArtist's den (#28971) marked with a $ will be free/discounted for family members
Lions marked /Free in mellybean's den (#50274)

Resources for transgender members:

General Transgender/Nonbinary Resource

Hudson's FTM Guide
Guide for FtMs on a budget(Use the code UNDER10 for a 10% discount off of underworks binders)

Trans Road Map

Relaxing Noises

List of hotlines
Reading material if you're thinking about suicide
Hotline for transgender people staffed by transgender people (They are all volunteers, so they may not be always able to answer your call, so try another hotline)

Scholarships for LGBTQ students

Would you like to join? Please fill out this form below!

Username and ID#:
Gender Identity (MtF, FtM, Nonbinary):
Pronouns (She/her, they/them, he/him):
Would you like to be a mentor? (Y/N):
If you would like to be a mentor, what topics can you help with?:
Is there any benefits you would like to offer to family members? (Free studding, free cubs, discounted art, ect):

Even if you would not like to join, we do accept donations in any way, shape, or form! If you have discount/free studding to offer, free lionesses/subs, please post below so we can give them out to members!

Copy and paste this code below- be sure to remove the *! Made by the lovely Aleksei(#20985)
Transgender Flag
<*a href=""*><*img src="" height="400" width="540" alt="50ca3748_fc27_4576_bd21_19c1c47ea93f_by_" */*><*/*a>
Nonbinary Flag
<*a href=""*><*img src="" height="400" width="540" alt="50ca3748_fc27_4576_bd21_19c1c47ea93f_by_" /*><*/*a>
Genderqueer banner (made by Toli (#25210))
<*a href=""*><*img src="" alt="12_by_lenkagime-d8k1bs6.png"*/><*/a*>
Transgender and nonbinary banner (made by BipolarBunnyBear (#36115)
<*a href=""*><*img src="" height="400" width="540" alt="50ca3748_fc27_4576_bd21_19c1c47ea93f_by_" */*><*/*a>
Button by >>-Aim High-> (#36952)
<*a href="" target="_blank"*><*img src="" border="0" alt=" photo nbutton.png"*/*><*/*a>

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Edited on 08/04/15 by taikunfoo (#23472)

Lunaris [Skyward
Primal] (#19116)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-09-11 14:04:01
Username and ID#: Lunaris (#19116)
Gender Identity (MtF, FtM, Nonbinary): Transmale (DFAB)
Pronouns (She/her, they/them, he/him): He/Him
Would you like to be a mentor? (Y/N): Sure!
If you would like to be a mentor, what topics can you help with?: crisis, just about anything FtM related and most things MtF and NB related
Is there any benefits you would like to offer to family members? (Free studding, free cubs, discounted art, ect): I'd love to offer 50% studding and 1GB off any art purchases (I'm opening a sculpture studio, link to come)

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👁️Deus👁️ (#69584)

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Posted on
2015-09-17 09:35:40
Username and ID#: Lost (#69584)
Gender Identity (MtF, FtM, Nonbinary): Nonbinary
Pronouns (She/her, they/them, he/him): Deciding. Usually it's he/them
Would you like to be a mentor? (Y/N): Not really, dear. vwv'' I saw the mentor list, but I'm confused as to what I could help with.
If you would like to be a mentor, what topics can you help with?: Questioning. ;w;
Is there any benefits you would like to offer to family members? (Free studding, free cubs, discounted art, ect
Free cubs, free studding(if I can), discounted art(My lion art isn't that good ;w;''), and discounted lionesses.

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Tastingcolors (#41472)

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Posted on
2015-10-29 12:17:23
Username and ID#: Tastingcolors #41472
Gender Identity (MtF, FtM, Nonbinary): FtM
Pronouns (She/her, they/them, he/him): He/him/his
Would you like to be a mentor? (Y/N): Yes
If you would like to be a mentor, what topics can you help with?: Well I'm not terribly great but I'm a fantastic listener and I can help you when your lost or sad about who you are or how others are reacting to who you are. I can try and help you discover whats happening from a different perspective
Is there any benefits you would like to offer to family members? (Free studding, free cubs, discounted art, ect): Free breedings :3

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DaxMonsterWolf (#36115)

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Posted on
2015-11-04 07:41:02
I apologize for the wait for the new thread, I have been busy and dealing with a lot of stuff and have not had access to a computer!

I will try to work on getting it finished this week, and will keep everyone updated!

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Alabai (#28971)

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Posted on
2015-11-05 08:45:21

Do we have a chat thread too? I see the chatzy link, but... a thread here?

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DaxMonsterWolf (#36115)

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Posted on
2015-11-06 01:14:24
No, but I will make one. This weekend I will be free to work on our stuff and I will have access to a laptop.

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Constantine (#22706)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2015-11-07 12:55:17
Username and ID#: Constantine
Gender Identity (MtF, FtM, Nonbinary): Genderfluid
Pronouns (She/her, they/them, he/him): He/him/his
Would you like to be a mentor? (Y/N): No thanks.
If you would like to be a mentor, what topics can you help with?: XXX
Is there any benefits you would like to offer to family members? (Free studding, free cubs, discounted art, ect): Discounted studding

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DaxMonsterWolf (#36115)

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Posted on
2015-11-10 13:34:59

Our New Thread!

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Posted on
2018-08-02 16:44:05

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Edited on 02/08/18 @ 16:47:50 by Port (#153002)

Sickn3ssX [Clean
Aufeis Felis] (#101327)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-09-15 15:19:16
Is this still up??

Username and ID#: Sickn3s$.X and #101327

Gender Identity (MtF, FtM, Nonbinary): Ftm I think ?? I was neutrois but now I'm not sure...

Pronouns (She/her, they/them, he/him): He/they

Would you like to be a mentor? (Y/N): No ahhh

Is there any benefits you would like to offer to family members? (Free studding, free cubs, discounted art, ect): Literally all of the things you named (: my lions aren't the best but if any one would want em sure lmao

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☆Mishka☆ (#146318)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 21:13:25
@Sickn3s$ and anyone else who happens upon this forum,

Hey, this clan shut down, but Ive created a new clan for trans/nonbinary folks (its separate from this, I wasnt around when this clan was up). Feel free to join it!

Clan Page:
Clan Forum:
Clan Discord:

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